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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
calcāria adhibeōmotivate, animate, inspire, encourage, incite, stimulate, inspire, urge to

calcāria admoveōmotivate, animate, inspire, encourage, incite, stimulate, inspire, urge to

calcāribus ūtormotivate, animate, inspire, encourage, incite, stimulate, inspire, urge to

ciēre, cieō, cīvī, citum (cīre, ciō)put in motion, move, stir, shake, rouse up, disturb, excite, call to, call upon for help, invoke, call upon any one by name, mention by name, stimulate, rouse, produce, effect, cause, occasion, begin,

cīre, ciōput in motion, move, stir, shake, rouse up, disturb, excite, call to, call upon for help, invoke, call upon any one by name, mention by name, stimulate, rouse, produce, effect, cause, occasion, begin

citāre, citō, citāvī, citātumput into quick motion, move violently, drive rapidly, hurl, shake, rouse, excite, provoke, incite, stimulate, promote, shoot forth, call the parties, call for votes in the senate, mention by name, name, mention, call out, proclaim, announce

dēstimulāre, dēstimulō, dēstimulāvī, dēstimulātumgoad on, stimulate

sollicitāre, sollicitō, sollicitāvī, sollicitātumcause anxiety, cause uneasiness, distress, fill with apprehension, cause fear, cause suspense of the mind, cause anxiety for the future, grieve, afflict, make wretched, arouse, excite, incite, urge to wrong-doing, inveigle, seduce, incite, stimulate, provoke, tempt, abet,

stimulāre, stimulō, stimulāvi, stimulātumprick with a goad, prick on, goad on, urge on, goad, torment, vex, trouble, disquiet, disturb, rouse up, set in motion, spur on, incite, stimulate

urgēre, urgeō, ursīpress, push, force, drive, impel, urge, press upon, bear hard upon, bear close upon, press hard, beset, bear down, burden, oppress, stimulate, drive, solicit, strain

urguēre, urgueō, ursīpress, push, force, drive, impel, urge, press upon, bear hard upon, bear close upon, press hard, beset, bear down, burden, oppress, stimulate, drive, solicit, strain , exert in excess, press upon, crowd, hem in, confine, ply, urge with argument, follow up, keep to, stick to

vocāre, vocō, vocāvī, vocātumcall, call upon, call down, summon, invoke, call together, convoke, announce, cite, bid, invite, exhort, urge, stimulate, arouse, challenge, name

query 1/E (max. 1000): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short


Wortform von: stimulate
[21] Imp. 2.Pl. Prs. Akt. von stimulāre, stimulō, stimulāvi, stimulātum
stachele; beunruhige; sporne an; stachele an; reize an; rege an; steche; martere; quäle; setze zu; treibe an; reize; errege; setze einen Stachel;
[63] Vok. Sgl. m. PPP von stimulāre, stimulō, stimulāvi, stimulātum
stachele; beunruhige; sporne an; stachele an; reize an; rege an; steche; martere; quäle; setze zu; treibe an; reize; errege; setze einen Stachel;
[80] Adv. des PPP von stimulāre, stimulō, stimulāvi, stimulātum
stachele; beunruhige; sporne an; stachele an; reize an; rege an; steche; martere; quäle; setze zu; treibe an; reize; errege; setze einen Stachel;

3. Belegstellen für "stimulate"

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