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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 22 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adminicula, adminiculae fprop, stay, support

adminiculum, adminiculī nthat on which the hand may rest, prop, stay, support, stake by which vine is supported, assistance, aid, assistant

baculum, baculī n (cf. βάκτρον)stick, staff (as a support in walking), augural staff, lituus, sceptre, support, stay, rod

baculus, baculī mstick, staff (as a support in walking), augural staff, lituus, sceptre, support, stay, rod

cohibēre, cohibeō, cohibuī, cohibitumhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

coibēre, coibeōhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

columen, columinis nwhat rises in height, what is prominent, what projects, point, top, summit, ridge, elevated object, pillar, colum, crown, first, chief, the height, top of a gable-end, gable pilla, support, prop, stay

commorārī, commoror, commorātus sumstop somewhere, tarry, linger, abide, sojourn, remain, stay, dwell upon

continēre, contineō, continuī, contentumhold together, keep together, bound, limit, enclose, keep, hold fast, preserve, retain, keep still, detain, restrain, repress, hold back, hold in check, curb, check, stay, stop, tame, subdue, comprise, contain, involve, comprehend something in itself

sēdāre, sēdō, sēdāvī, sēdātumcause to sit, allay, settle, still, calm, assuage, appease, quiet, check, end, stop, stay

stabilīmen, stabilīminis nstay, support, stabiliment, fixation, stabilization, underpinning, strengthening, securing

stabilīre, stabiliō stabilīvī, stabilītummake firm, make steadfast, make stable, fix, stay, establish

stabilitāre, stabilitōmake firm, make steadfast, make stable, fix, stay, establish

statūmen, statūminis nthat upon which any thing rests, support, stay, prop

subsīdere, subsīdō, subsēdī (subsīdī), subsessumsit down, crouch down, squat, set one’s self down, settle down, sink down, sink, settle, subside, establish one’s self in a place, to remain sitting, remain, abide, stay, ran aground

subsistere, subsistō, substitīstop, halt, pause, stay, continue, remain, subsist, come to a stop, cease, sustain, support, stand by, make resistance, make a stand against, withstand, encounter any one

subsistere, subsistō, substitītake a stand, take a position, stand still, remain standing, stop, halt, stay, tarry, abide, remain in a place, remain alive, make a stand, stand firm, hold out, withstand, oppose, resist

sufflāmināre, sufflāminōhold back by a clog, clog, check, stay, check, repress in speaking

suspendere, suspendō, suspendī, suspēnsumcause to be suspended, make uncertain, make doubtful, keep in suspense, stay, stop, check, interrupt, suspend, hang upon, fix upon

sustentāculum, sustentāculī nprop, stay, support, sustenance, nourishment

sustinēre, sustineō, sustinuī, sustentumhold up, hold upright, uphold, bear up, keep up, support, sustain, maintain, preserve, hold in, stop, stay, check, restrain, keep back, put off, defer, delay

versārī, versor, versātus sumdwell, live, remain, stay, abide, be in a place, be, be circumstanced or situated, busy one’s self with any action, be engaged

query 1/E (max. 1000): 42 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā conventū mē remōtum teneōstay away from the festive assembly

abnoctāre, abnoctōspend the night out, stay overnight out, pass the night abroad

aliquem in armīs habeōcoercing someone to stay under arms

āmanēre, āmaneo, āmānsīsleep out, stay overnight out, wait and see

amat iānua līmenthe door likes to stay closed

assentātiō procul amoveāturflattery stay out of the game altogether

avēs trimēstrēsbirds that only stay for three months

chelōnium, chelōniī na tortoise-shell, the similarly formed shield, cramp, or stay in which the axis of the crane or windlass moved, a plant, also called cyclaminos

colere, colō, coluī, cultumcultivate, till, tend, take care of a field, work in a garden, abide, dwell, stay in a place, inhabit, bestow upon a thing, care upon a thing, care for, frequent, cherish, protect, be the guardian of

cōnstantiae causāto remain consistent, in order to stay consistent

cōnsubsīdere, cōnsubsīdōstay behind, remain behind

cursum teneōnot to deviate from one's course, follow one's course, keep one's direction, stay on course

in tabernāculō vīvōlive in the tent, stay in a tent

sē abiungere, mē abiungō, mē abiūnxīkeep away, stay away, abstain from

superāri, superor, superātus sumstand back, stay behind

tenōrem servōkeep the course, stay the course

ut in eōdem similī verserto remain in the same parable, to stay in the same parable

utrīsque armīs vacōremain neutral, stay neutral

vestīgiō mē nōn moveōstay put, remain stationary

viam offīrmōstay on the chosen path


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