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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
dēcolōrāre, dēcolōrō, dēcolōrāvi, dēcolōrātumdeprive of its natural color, discolor, stain, deface, soil, tarnish, corrupt, disgrace

seges, segetis fcornfield, standing corn, growing corn, crop in a field, field, ground, soil

solum, solī nlowest part of a thing,bottom, ground, base, foundation, floor of a room, pavement of a room, bottom of a ditch, bottom of a trench, ground, earth, land, soil, sole of the footsole of a shoe, land, country, region, place, base, basis

terra, terrae fland, ground, soil, country, region, territory, earth, world

turpāre, turpō, turpāvī, turpātumdishonor, disgrace, make ugly, make unsightly, soil, defile, pollute, disfigure, deform

query 1/E (max. 1000): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ablaqueātiō, ablaqueātiōnis fdigging or loosening of the soil round the roots of a tree, trench itself made by digging

ager crassusfertile soil, rich soil

ager, agrī m (ἀγρός)territory, district, domain, the whole of the soil belonging to a community, productive land, field, the fields, the open country, country, plain, valley, champaign, measure of length

agrum mītigōloosen the arable soil

auctōritātem levōlower the prestige, soil the reputation

bidentātiō, bidentātiōnis fworking the soil with the hoe, , soil hoeing

collutitāre, collutitōto soil, defile much

collutulentāre, collutulentōto soil, defile much

collutulāre, collutulōto soil, defile much

colōnus, colōnī mhusbandman, tiller of the soil, farmer, one who cultivates another’s land, colonist, inhabitant of a colonial town, inhabitant

crēta figlīnapotter's earth, pottery soil

trīste solumunproductive soil, unproductive ground, unyielding soil

trīstitia solīsad nature of the soil, sad state of the ground

tumida terraboggy earth, muddy earth, swampy soil


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