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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 17 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
āles, ālitis cfowl, bird, augury, omen, sign

augurium, auguriī nobservation and interpretation of omens, augury, any kind of divination, prophecy, soothsaying, interpretation, presentiment, foreboding of future occurrences, sign, omen, token, prognostic, art of the augur

auspicium, auspiciī ndivination by observing the flight of birds, augury from birds, auspices, right, power, inclination, will, sign, omen, divine premonition, divine token, beginning

cōnsīgnāre, cōnsīgnō, cōnsīgnāvī, cōnsīgnātumfurnish with a seal, affix, put one’s seal to, seal, sign, subscribe, attest, certify, establish, vouch for, note, write down, to register, record

sīgnāculum, sīgnāculī nmark, sign, circumcision, sign of the cross, seal, signet

sīgnificātus, sīgnificātūs msign, token, prognostic, eaning, import, signification, name, appellation

sīgnum, sīgnī nmark, token, sign, indication, military standard, ensign, banner, image, figure, statue, picture, device on a seal ring, seal, signet, sign in the heavens, a constellation, miraculous work

simulācrum, simulācrī nlikeness, image, form, representation, semblance, image, form, shade, phantom, sign, type, emblem, description, similitude, appearance

spectāmen, spectāminis nmark, sign, proof, sight, scene, spectacle

strēna, strēnae fsign, prognostic, omen, new-year’s present

strēnua, strēnuae fsign, prognostic, omen, new-year’s present

subscrībere, subscrībō, subscrīpsī, subscrīptumwrite underneath, write below, write down, sign, subscribe one’s name, set down, note down, assent to, agree to, approve of any thing, grant, allow, accord

titulus, titulī msuperscription, inscription, label, litle, ticket, bill, placard, notice, honorable appellation, title of honor, glory, repute, renown, fame, sign, token, reason alleged, pretence, pretext, title of a book

tropaeum, tropaeī n sign and memorial of victory, trophy, mark, token, sign, memorial, monument

trophaeum, trophaeī n sign and memorial of victory, trophy, mark, token, sign, memorial, monument

trophēum, trophēi n sign and memorial of victory, trophy, mark, token, sign, memorial, monument

vestīgium, vestīgiī nfootstep, step, footprint, foot-track, track, sole of the foot, trace, mark, sign, token, vestige, point, moment, instant

query 1/E (max. 1000): 39 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
antigraphus, antigraphī ma critical sign

argūmentum, argūmentī nthe means by which an assertion or assumption may be made clear, proved, argument, evidence, proof, the sign by which any thing is known, mark

ariēs, arietis m (ἄρην, ἄρρην)male sheep, ram, a sign of the zodiac, engine for battering down walls, battering-ram, beam for support, prop, buttress, unknown sea-monster, very dangerous to ships

augurēs obnūntiantthe augurs report an unfavourable sign

augurium accipiōaccept the sign as favourable, understand as an omen, receive as an omen

avis, avis f (οἰωνός < * ὀϝιωνός)bird, fowl, divination bird, bird sign, omen, portent

capricornus, capricornī m (αἰγόκερως)capricorn (having a goat’s horns), sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the winter solstice

caractēr, caractēris m (Akk. Sgl. caractēra)instrument for branding, instrument for marking, the mark burned, the sign imprinted, characteristic, mark, character, style

charactēr, charactēris m (Akk. Sgl. charactēra)an instrument for branding or marking, the mark or sign burned or imprinted, a characteristic, mark, character, style

charactērium, charactēriī nan instrument for branding or marking, the mark or sign burned or imprinted, a characteristic, mark, character, style

decānus, decānī ma chief of ten, one set over ten persons, a kind of officer at the imperial court, the chief of ten parts of a zodiacal sign, chief of the corpse-bearers

notam alicuī reī appōnōset a sign to something

scaeva, scaevae fa sign in the sky, a token in the sky, an omen

sīgnifer, sīgnifera, sīgniferumsign bearing, imagebearing, bearing signs, bearing figures, bearing, adorned with images, painted with images

sīgnum viāleroad sign

symbolum, symbolī n (σύμβολον)sign or mark by which one gives another to understand any thing, token, symbol

umbra, umbrae fshade, shadow, uninvited guest, attendant, shady place, that which gives a shadow, trace, obscure sign, obscure image, faint appearance, imperfect copy, imperfect representation, semblance, pretence, cover, protection, rest, leisure

veru, verūs nspit, broach, dart, javelin, critical sign on the margin of a book

verum, verī nspit, broach, dart, javelin, critical sign on the margin of a book

vēxillō sīgnum dō, ut ...with the flag give the sign that

vēxillō sublātō sīgnificō, ut ...with the raising of the flag give the sign that

virtūtis estit is a sign of courage


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