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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
Bestimmung lateinischer Wortformen
(2) Drei Arbeitsbereiche: 1. Wortausgabe, 2. Formenbestimmung, 3. Textbelege

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adstrictus, adstricta, adstrictumdrawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short

astrictus, astricta, astrictum (adstrictus)drawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short

claudere, claudō, clausī, clausumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

clōdere, clōdō, clōsī, clōsumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

clūdere, clūdō, clūsī, clūsumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

condere, condō, condidī, conditumpass, spend, live through, bring to a close, conceal, hide, secrete, suppress, close, shut, place in ambush, thrust in deep, strike in deep, to plunge, lose sight of

cōnīvēre, cōnīveō (connīveō), cōnīvī (cōnīxī)close, shut, close the eyes, shut the eyes, blink, half close the eyes, when heavy with sleep, be darkened, be obscured, be eclipsed, be dull, be drowsy, be languid, leave an error unnoticed, leave a crime uncensured, overlook, connive at, wink at

cōnnīvēre, cōnnīveō, cōnnīvī (cōnnīxī)close, shut, close the eyes, shut the eyes, blink, half close the eyes, when heavy with sleep, be darkened, be obscured, be eclipsed, be dull, be drowsy, be languid, leave an error unnoticed, leave a crime uncensured, overlook, connive at, wink at

query 1/E (max. 1000): 32 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā cēterīs mē sēgregōshut oneself off from the rest of the people

ā cēterīs mē sēgregōshut oneself off, isolate oneself, close oneself off, close oneself in, retreat

alicuius linguam retundōsilence someone, shut someone up

aliquem conticēscere iubeōforbid someone to speak, forbid someone to shut up

aliquem tacēre iubeōforbid someone to speak, forbid someone to shut up

arcānus, arcāna, arcānumshut up, closed, hidden, concealed, secret, private

arcēre, arceō, arcuīshut up, enclose, keep in order, keep off, hold off, prevent from approaching, keep at a distance, hinder, prevent, keep off something from

castīgāre, castīgō, castīgāvī, castīgātumset right by word or deed, correct, chastise, punish, blame, reprove, chide, censure, find fault with, correct some error, set right, mend, hold in check, restrain, enclose, surround, encompass, confine, shut in

circumclaudere, circumclaudō, circumclūsī, circumclūsumshut in, enclose on every side, hemme in

circumclūdere, circumclūdō, circumclūsī, circumclūsumshut in, enclose on every side, hemme in

claudī, claudor, clausus sumfall shut, limp

coercēre, coerceō, coercuī, coercitumenclose, hold together, surround, encompass, restrain, confine, shut in, hold in confinement, repress, trim, clip, keep within limits, control, limit, hold some fault, hold some passion, curb, tame, correct

cohercēre, coherceō, cohercuī, cohercitumenclose, hold together, surround, encompass, restrain, confine, shut in, hold in confinement, repress, trim, clip, keep within limits, control, limit, hold some fault, hold some passion, curb, tame, correct

commerciō aliquem prohibeōdeny someone trade, shut someone off from dealing with others, cut off from intercourse with others, shut off from the outside world

comprehendere, comprehendō, comprehendī, comprehēnsumapprehend someone in any crime, discover, detect, take root, conceive, become pregnant, contain, include, perceive, observe, see, comprehend intellectually, receive into one’s mind, grasp, put under obligation, embrace with kindness, shut in, include

comprēndere, comprēndō, comprēndī, comprēnsumapprehend someone in any crime, discover, detect, take root, conceive, become pregnant, contain, include, perceive, observe, see, comprehend intellectually, receive into one’s mind, grasp, put under obligation, embrace with kindness, shut in, include

conclaudere, conclaudō, conclausī, conclausum shut up closely, close up, enclose, confine

conclūdere, conclūdō, conclūsī, conclūsumshut up closely, close up, enclose, confine, include, compress, restrain, comprise, end, close, conclude, close rhythmically, round off, infer, make an inference, argue, demonstrate

sēclūdere, sēclūdō, sēclūsi, sēclūsumshut off, shut in a separate place, shut up, seclude, sunder, remove, separate

sēmiadopertulus, sēmiadopertula, sēmiadopertulumhalf shut, half closed

sēmiclausus, sēmiclausa, sēmiclausumhalf shut, half close

sēmiclūsus, sēmiclūsa, sēmiclūsumhalf shut, half close

sīgnātus, sīgnāta, sīgnātumshut up, guarded, preserved, unharmed, intact, pure, plain, clear, manifest

vōcem inclūdōkeep your mouth shut, keep quiet


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