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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
dēdecor, dēdecorisunseemly, unbecoming, shameful, vile

dēdecōrus, dēdecōra, dēdecōrumdisgraceful, dishonorable, shameful

dēfāmis, dēfāmeshameful

[mens, homo, facinus]offensive, foul, noisome, shocking, hideous, loathsome, horrid, hideous, repulsive, shameful, disgraceful, abominable

tēter, tētra, tētrum (schlechte Form)offensive, foul, noisome, shocking, hideous, loathsome, horrid, hideous, repulsive, shameful, disgraceful, abominable

turpis, turpeugly, unsightly, unseemly, foul, filthy, deformed, disfigured, befouled, disagreeable, cacophonous, unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, base, infamous, scandalous, dishonorable

query 1/E (max. 1000): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquem ad quodlibet facinus audācem habeōconsider someone capable of any bad deed, trust someone with any shameful deed

compellātiōnēs probrōsaeshameful allegations, nefarious charges

dedecus, dedecoris ndisgrace, dishonor, infamy, shame, blot, blemish, moral dishonor, vice, turpitude, a vicious action, shameful deed

turpe, turpis nbase thing, shameful thing, disgrace, shame, reproach

turpī honestum sēcernōdistinguish the honorable from the shameful

turpissimam servitutem servirelive in most shameful bondage

ūnum illud extimēscēbam, nē quid turpiter facerembut I was afraid that I would do something shameful, only that I was afraid to do something shameful


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