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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
Bestimmung lateinischer Wortformen
(2) Drei Arbeitsbereiche: 1. Wortausgabe, 2. Formenbestimmung, 3. Textbelege

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
sēnsus, sēnsūs msentiment, emotion, affection, understanding, humor, inclination, disposition, frame of mind

sententia, sententiae fway of thinking, opinion, judgment, sentiment, purpose, determination, decision, will

query 1/E (max. 1000): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
astipulātus, astipulātūs m (nur Abl. Sgl. astipulātū)assent to, agreement with, assenting to, affirming the same facts, modulation of the voice according to the sentiment

astipulātus, astipulātūs massent to, agreement with, assenting to, affirming the same facts, modulation of the voice according to the sentiment

ūnitās, ūnitātis fstate of being one, oneness, unity, unity of sentiment, agreement, concord


Wortform von: sentiment

3. Belegstellen für "sentiment"

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