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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
arēna, arēnae f (harēna, harēnae f)sand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

asēna, asēnae f (hasēna, hasēnae f)sand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

harēna, harēnae fsand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

query 1/E (max. 1000): 22 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aestū revolūta saxasand washed up by the tide

aggestiō, aggestiōnis fbearing to a place, heaping up, mass of mud, heap of sand

ammonitron, ammonitrī nnatron mingled with sand,

arēna volāticaflying sand, drift sand,

arēnae mandō sēminadoing something nonsensical, sowing seeds in the sand

arēnae, arēnārum fsand masses, sand heaps, sand dunes

arēnam subiectōthrow sand up in the air

arēnārius, arēnāria, arēnāriumpertaining to sand, pertaining to the amphitheatre, destined for the arena

arēnātiō, arēnātiōnis fsanding, plastering with sand, plastering, cementing

arēnātus, arēnāta, arēnātumsanded, covered with sand, mixed with sand

arēnōsus, arēnōsa, arēnōsumfull of sand, sandy

arēnula, arēnulae ffine sand, grain of sand

bibula harēnapermeable sand

calx harēnātuslime mixed with sand, mortar

cōricēum, cōriceī nthe place in the palæstra where the athletae exercised themselves by striking a suspended sack filled with fig-grains, flour, sand

cōrycēum, cōryceī nthe place in the palæstra where the athletae exercised themselves by striking a suspended sack filled with fig-grains, flour, sand

ex īmō verrō arēnāsdigging up sand from the depths (of the sea)

harēnātiō, harēnātiōnis fsanding, plastering with sand, plastering, cementing

sulcōs in pulvere dūcōcut furrows in the sand


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