Suchergebnis zu "resting on the ground":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Lat. Fund; Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;
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query 1/4E (max. 1000): 96 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shorttribulus, tribulī m (τρίβολος) | instrument resting on three of its iron prongs, while a fourth projected upward, thrown on the ground to impede an enemy’s cavalry, caltrop |
| ā caligā (perductus) | from the ground up |
| accubitōrium, accubitōriī n | graveside, tomb, resting place |
| accumbitōrium, accumbitōriī n | graveside, tomb, resting place |
| aequum, aequī n | level ground, plain |
| āēroplanum ad terram appellit | the aircraft touches down on the ground |
| afflīctor, afflīctōris m (adflīctor) | one who strikes a thing to the ground, one who destroys, one who overthrows, subverter |
| afflīctrīx, afflīctrīcis f | one who strikes a thing to the ground, one who destroys, one who overthrows, subverter |
| agellus, agellī m | small piece of ground, little field |
| aliquem ad terram dō | throwing someone to the ground |
| aliquem in terram praecipitō | hurl someone to the ground, knock someone to the ground |
| aliquem terrae (ad terram) applaudō | smash someone to the ground |
| aliquem vīnō dēpōnō | drink someone under the table, drink someone to the ground |
| aliquid terrā premō | bury something in the ground |
| arapennis, arapennis m | half acre of ground |
| arātiō, arātiōnis f | ploughing, cultivation of the ground, agriculture, ploughed land |
| ārea, āreae f | piece of level ground, vacant place, ground for a house, building-spot, vacant space around or in a house, court, open space for games, open play-ground, raceground |
| arepennis, arepennis m | half acre of ground |
| argipennis, argipennis m | half acre of ground |
| arietō aliquem in terram | hurl someone to the ground with the head |
| assolāre, assolō, assolāvī (adsolō) | level to the ground, throw to the ground, destroy |
| brūta tellūs | rigid ground, immovable earth |
| buccellāris farīna | meal ground from biscuit, breadcrumbs |
| buccellāris, buccellāre | ground from biscuit |
| caede tepēbat humus | the ground was warm with blood, the ground steamed with murder |
| caespes, caespitis m | turf, sod as cut out, cot, hut, hovel, shed, altar, knot, knob, clump, group of plants, grassy field, a green field, earth, ground |
| cama, camae f | small bed near the ground |
| campestria, campestrium n | plain, flat land, level ground, flat, level area, Mars Field |
| campus, campī m (cf. κῆπος) | arable land, level ground, area, free play space, realm, sea area, lowland, square, seed field, battlefield, playing field, playground, romping ground |
| capite dēmissō terram intuērī | look down at the ground with one's head bowed |
| centuria, centuriae f | assemblage or a division consisting of a hundred things of a kind, any division, number of acres of ground, division of troops, century, company |
| chamaesȳcē, chamaesȳcēs f | wolf’s-milk, ground fig |
| chamaestrōtus, chamaestrōta, chamaestrōtum | that creeps on the ground |
| classem dēprimō | bore a fleet into the ground |
| clīvus ad solum exūstus est | the hill burned to the ground |
| collis, collis m | high ground, hill |
| concidere, concidō, concidī (con + cado) | fall together, fall down, tumble to the ground, fall down faint, fall down lifeless, fall in battle, fall in combat, be slaughtered, be slain, fall |
| cōnsistere, cōnsistō, cōnstitī | be firm, remain firm, be unshaken, be immovable, be steadfast, be at rest, stand one’s ground, continue, endure, subsist, be, exist, come to a stand, stand still, take rest, cease |
| cōnsternāre, cōnsternō, cōnsternāvi, cōnsternātum | stretch upon the ground, to overcome, bring into confusion, to perplex, terrify, alarm, affright, dismay, overwhelm with terror, make afraid, frighten, startle, excite to sedition, excite to revolt |
| corruere, corruō, corruī, corruitūrus | fall together, fall down, tumble down, sink to the ground, fall, rush headlong, bring to the ground, heap together, overthrow, ruin, heap up |
| crepīdō, crepīdinis f (κρηπίς) | ground, basis, foundation, socle, pedestal, base, elevated enclosure, high projection, edge, brim, brink, border, dam, dike, pier, shore, bank |
| cubātiō terrēna | a lying down, lying on the ground, lying |
| cunīculum, cunīculī n | passage under ground, hole, pit, cavity, canal, mine |
| cunīculus, cunīculī m | rabbit, cony, passage under ground, hole, pit, cavity, canal, mine |
| cylindrus, cylindrī m | cylinder, a cylindrical stone for levelling the ground, a roller, precious stone ground off in the form of a cylinder |
| dē plānō | on level ground, not on the tribunal |
| dēfluere, dēfluo, dēflūxī, dēflūxum | flow down, move downwards softly or gradually, glide down, flow down, descend, swim down, sail down, flow, come, pass, depart, deviate, spill on the ground, flow away, pass away, cease flowing, cease, vanish, pass away, disappear, get lost |
| dēicere, dēiciō, dēiēcī, dēiectum | throw down, cast down, hurl down, precipitate, drive out, dislodge an enemy from his position, drive out, turn out of possession, eject, dispossess, fell with a mortal wound, bring down dead to the ground, kill, slay, lower, let down, hang down, depress |
| dēmittere, dēmittō, dēmīsī, dēmissum | send down, drop, let, sink down, bring down, cause to hang down, cause to fall down, lower, put down, let fall, put into the ground, plant, lead down, cast down, let sink |
| dēpangere, dēpangō, dēpānctum | drive down into the ground, drive in the ground, fix into the ground |
| deplāntāre, deplāntō, deplāntāvī, deplāntātum | take off a twig, take off a shoot, break off, set in the ground, plant |
| dēpōnere, dēpōnō, dēposuī, dēpositum | put by, deposit anywhere, give in charge to, commit to the care of, intrust to, lay upon the ground, give up, resign, get rid of, intrust, commit |
| dēturbāre, dēturbō, dēturbāvī, dēturbātum | drive down, thrust down, cast down, throw down, beat down, strike to the ground, cut off, deprive of |
| dīlūdium pōscō | ask for a intermission between plays, request a resting time |
| dīlūdium, dīlūdiī n | resting time, intermission between plays |
| ßhumī volvor | roll on the ground |
| hypogaeum, hypogaeī n (ὑπόγαιον) | vault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre |
| hypogēum, hypogeī n (ὑπόγειον) | vault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre |
| pallā humum verrō | brush the ground with the coat, let the coat roll down on the ground |
| seges, segetis f | cornfield, standing corn, growing corn, crop in a field, field, ground, soil |
| sēmen, sēminis n | seed, shoot used for propagating, graft, scion, set, slip, cutting, stock, race, posterity, progeny, offspring, child, origin, occasion, ground, cause |
| sepultōrium, sepultōriī n | burial ground |
| solāerium missile | surface to air missile, ground to air missile |
| solistimum tripudium | the most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground |
| günstiges Vorzeichen (Augurensprache) | the most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground |
| solum, solī n | lowest part of a thing,bottom, ground, base, foundation, floor of a room, pavement of a room, bottom of a ditch, bottom of a trench, ground, earth, land, soil, sole of the footsole of a shoe, land, country, region, place, base, basis |
| statuere, statuō, statuī, statūtum | cause to stand, set up, set, station, fix in an upright position, set in the ground, erect, plant, place, set forth, construct and place, set up after constructing, make, establish, found, build, cause to stand still, cause to stop, cause to stand firm |
| sternāx, sternācis | that throws to the ground, that throws his rider, that fall prostrate |
| sternere, sternō, strāvī, strātum | spread out, spread abroad, stretch out, extend, cover, cover over, spread, stretch out by flinging down, throw down, stretch on the ground, throw to the ground, overthrow, prostrate |
| stāre, stō, stetī, statum (stātūrus) | stand still, remain standing, stand upright, stand firm, stand immovable, last, remain, continue, stuck fast, remaine fixed, tarry, linger, hold out, stand one’s ground, stand firm, stand unshaken, endure, persevere, persist, abide |
| strāgēs, strāgis f | throwing down, throwing to the ground, overthrowing, overthrow, confusion, confused heap, confused mass, mortal overthrow, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage, overthrow, ruin, destruction |
| sublica, sublicae f | stake driven into the ground, pile driven into the ground, palisade, pile for a bridge |
| sublicius, sublicia, sublicium | consisting of piles, resting upon piles |
| supernus, superna, supernum | that is above, on high, upper, celestial, supernal, lofty, standing on high ground, northern |
| supplantāre, supplantō, supplantāvī, supplantātum | trip up one’s heels, throw down,throw to the ground, overthrow, trips up, distorts, minces, overturn |
| Tellūs, Tellūris f | earth, land, ground, country, district, region, territory |
| terra, terrae f | land, ground, soil, country, region, territory, earth, world |
| terrēnum, terrēnī n | land, ground |
| tōnsilla, tōnsillae f | shore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore |
| tōnsilla, tōnsillae f | shore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore |
| tripedāre, tripedō, tripedāvī | beat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance |
| tripodiāre, tripodiō | beat the ground with the feet, leap, jump, dance |
| tripodāre, tripodō, tripodāvī | beat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance |
| tripudiāre, tripudiō | beat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance |
| trīste solum | unproductive soil, unproductive ground, unyielding soil |
| trīstitia solī | sad nature of the soil, sad state of the ground |
| urbs ad solum dīruta est | destroy the city to the ground |
| urbs solō tenus dēiecta est | the city is destroyed to the ground, the city is razed to the ground |
| urbs ūsque ad solum dīruta est | the city is destroyed to the ground, the city is razed to the ground |
| vadō dēstituō | get into deep water, lose the solid ground under their feet |
| vadum aliquem dēstituit | lose the ground under your feet |
| vervāctum, vervāctī n | fallow ground, fallow field |
| veterētum, veterētī n | ground that has long lain fallow, old fallow ground |
| vice meā fungor | fill his place, stand his ground |
| vīnō aliquem dēpōnō | drink someone under the table, drink someone to the ground |
| ypogaeum, ypogaeī n | vault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre |
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