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Suchergebnis zu
"resting on the ground":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Lat. Fund; Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: on - the -

query 1/4E (max. 1000): 96 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
tribulus, tribulī m (τρίβολος)instrument resting on three of its iron prongs, while a fourth projected upward, thrown on the ground to impede an enemy’s cavalry, caltrop

ā caligā (perductus)from the ground up

accubitōrium, accubitōriī ngraveside, tomb, resting place

accumbitōrium, accumbitōriī ngraveside, tomb, resting place

aequum, aequī nlevel ground, plain

āēroplanum ad terram appellitthe aircraft touches down on the ground

afflīctor, afflīctōris m (adflīctor)one who strikes a thing to the ground, one who destroys, one who overthrows, subverter

afflīctrīx, afflīctrīcis fone who strikes a thing to the ground, one who destroys, one who overthrows, subverter

agellus, agellī msmall piece of ground, little field

aliquem ad terram dōthrowing someone to the ground

aliquem in terram praecipitōhurl someone to the ground, knock someone to the ground

aliquem terrae (ad terram) applaudōsmash someone to the ground

aliquem vīnō dēpōnōdrink someone under the table, drink someone to the ground

aliquid terrā premōbury something in the ground

arapennis, arapennis mhalf acre of ground

arātiō, arātiōnis fploughing, cultivation of the ground, agriculture, ploughed land

ārea, āreae fpiece of level ground, vacant place, ground for a house, building-spot, vacant space around or in a house, court, open space for games, open play-ground, raceground

arepennis, arepennis mhalf acre of ground

argipennis, argipennis mhalf acre of ground

arietō aliquem in terramhurl someone to the ground with the head

assolāre, assolō, assolāvī (adsolō)level to the ground, throw to the ground, destroy

brūta tellūsrigid ground, immovable earth

buccellāris farīnameal ground from biscuit, breadcrumbs

buccellāris, buccellāreground from biscuit

caede tepēbat humusthe ground was warm with blood, the ground steamed with murder

caespes, caespitis mturf, sod as cut out, cot, hut, hovel, shed, altar, knot, knob, clump, group of plants, grassy field, a green field, earth, ground

cama, camae fsmall bed near the ground

campestria, campestrium nplain, flat land, level ground, flat, level area, Mars Field

campus, campī m (cf. κῆπος)arable land, level ground, area, free play space, realm, sea area, lowland, square, seed field, battlefield, playing field, playground, romping ground

capite dēmissō terram intuērīlook down at the ground with one's head bowed

centuria, centuriae fassemblage or a division consisting of a hundred things of a kind, any division, number of acres of ground, division of troops, century, company

chamaesȳcē, chamaesȳcēs fwolf’s-milk, ground fig

chamaestrōtus, chamaestrōta, chamaestrōtumthat creeps on the ground

classem dēprimōbore a fleet into the ground

clīvus ad solum exūstus estthe hill burned to the ground

collis, collis mhigh ground, hill

concidere, concidō, concidī (con + cado)fall together, fall down, tumble to the ground, fall down faint, fall down lifeless, fall in battle, fall in combat, be slaughtered, be slain, fall

cōnsistere, cōnsistō, cōnstitībe firm, remain firm, be unshaken, be immovable, be steadfast, be at rest, stand one’s ground, continue, endure, subsist, be, exist, come to a stand, stand still, take rest, cease

cōnsternāre, cōnsternō, cōnsternāvi, cōnsternātumstretch upon the ground, to overcome, bring into confusion, to perplex, terrify, alarm, affright, dismay, overwhelm with terror, make afraid, frighten, startle, excite to sedition, excite to revolt

corruere, corruō, corruī, corruitūrusfall together, fall down, tumble down, sink to the ground, fall, rush headlong, bring to the ground, heap together, overthrow, ruin, heap up

crepīdō, crepīdinis f (κρηπίς)ground, basis, foundation, socle, pedestal, base, elevated enclosure, high projection, edge, brim, brink, border, dam, dike, pier, shore, bank

cubātiō terrēnaa lying down, lying on the ground, lying

cunīculum, cunīculī npassage under ground, hole, pit, cavity, canal, mine

cunīculus, cunīculī mrabbit, cony, passage under ground, hole, pit, cavity, canal, mine

cylindrus, cylindrī mcylinder, a cylindrical stone for levelling the ground, a roller, precious stone ground off in the form of a cylinder

dē plānōon level ground, not on the tribunal

dēfluere, dēfluo, dēflūxī, dēflūxumflow down, move downwards softly or gradually, glide down, flow down, descend, swim down, sail down, flow, come, pass, depart, deviate, spill on the ground, flow away, pass away, cease flowing, cease, vanish, pass away, disappear, get lost

dēicere, dēiciō, dēiēcī, dēiectumthrow down, cast down, hurl down, precipitate, drive out, dislodge an enemy from his position, drive out, turn out of possession, eject, dispossess, fell with a mortal wound, bring down dead to the ground, kill, slay, lower, let down, hang down, depress

dēmittere, dēmittō, dēmīsī, dēmissumsend down, drop, let, sink down, bring down, cause to hang down, cause to fall down, lower, put down, let fall, put into the ground, plant, lead down, cast down, let sink

dēpangere, dēpangō, dēpānctumdrive down into the ground, drive in the ground, fix into the ground

deplāntāre, deplāntō, deplāntāvī, deplāntātumtake off a twig, take off a shoot, break off, set in the ground, plant

dēpōnere, dēpōnō, dēposuī, dēpositumput by, deposit anywhere, give in charge to, commit to the care of, intrust to, lay upon the ground, give up, resign, get rid of, intrust, commit

dēturbāre, dēturbō, dēturbāvī, dēturbātumdrive down, thrust down, cast down, throw down, beat down, strike to the ground, cut off, deprive of

dīlūdium pōscōask for a intermission between plays, request a resting time

dīlūdium, dīlūdiī nresting time, intermission between plays

ßhumī volvorroll on the ground

hypogaeum, hypogaeī n (ὑπόγαιον)vault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre

hypogēum, hypogeī n (ὑπόγειον)vault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre

pallā humum verrōbrush the ground with the coat, let the coat roll down on the ground

seges, segetis fcornfield, standing corn, growing corn, crop in a field, field, ground, soil

sēmen, sēminis nseed, shoot used for propagating, graft, scion, set, slip, cutting, stock, race, posterity, progeny, offspring, child, origin, occasion, ground, cause

sepultōrium, sepultōriī nburial ground

solāerium missilesurface to air missile, ground to air missile

solistimum tripudiumthe most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground

günstiges Vorzeichen (Augurensprache)the most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground

solum, solī nlowest part of a thing,bottom, ground, base, foundation, floor of a room, pavement of a room, bottom of a ditch, bottom of a trench, ground, earth, land, soil, sole of the footsole of a shoe, land, country, region, place, base, basis

statuere, statuō, statuī, statūtumcause to stand, set up, set, station, fix in an upright position, set in the ground, erect, plant, place, set forth, construct and place, set up after constructing, make, establish, found, build, cause to stand still, cause to stop, cause to stand firm

sternāx, sternācisthat throws to the ground, that throws his rider, that fall prostrate

sternere, sternō, strāvī, strātumspread out, spread abroad, stretch out, extend, cover, cover over, spread, stretch out by flinging down, throw down, stretch on the ground, throw to the ground, overthrow, prostrate

stāre, stō, stetī, statum (stātūrus)stand still, remain standing, stand upright, stand firm, stand immovable, last, remain, continue, stuck fast, remaine fixed, tarry, linger, hold out, stand one’s ground, stand firm, stand unshaken, endure, persevere, persist, abide

strāgēs, strāgis fthrowing down, throwing to the ground, overthrowing, overthrow, confusion, confused heap, confused mass, mortal overthrow, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage, overthrow, ruin, destruction

sublica, sublicae fstake driven into the ground, pile driven into the ground, palisade, pile for a bridge

sublicius, sublicia, subliciumconsisting of piles, resting upon piles

supernus, superna, supernumthat is above, on high, upper, celestial, supernal, lofty, standing on high ground, northern

supplantāre, supplantō, supplantāvī, supplantātumtrip up one’s heels, throw down,throw to the ground, overthrow, trips up, distorts, minces, overturn

Tellūs, Tellūris fearth, land, ground, country, district, region, territory

terra, terrae fland, ground, soil, country, region, territory, earth, world

terrēnum, terrēnī nland, ground

tōnsilla, tōnsillae fshore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore

tōnsilla, tōnsillae fshore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore

tripedāre, tripedō, tripedāvībeat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance

tripodiāre, tripodiōbeat the ground with the feet, leap, jump, dance

tripodāre, tripodō, tripodāvībeat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance

tripudiāre, tripudiōbeat the ground with the feet, , leap, jump, dance

trīste solumunproductive soil, unproductive ground, unyielding soil

trīstitia solīsad nature of the soil, sad state of the ground

urbs ad solum dīruta estdestroy the city to the ground

urbs solō tenus dēiecta estthe city is destroyed to the ground, the city is razed to the ground

urbs ūsque ad solum dīruta estthe city is destroyed to the ground, the city is razed to the ground

vadō dēstituōget into deep water, lose the solid ground under their feet

vadum aliquem dēstituitlose the ground under your feet

vervāctum, vervāctī nfallow ground, fallow field

veterētum, veterētī nground that has long lain fallow, old fallow ground

vice meā fungorfill his place, stand his ground

vīnō aliquem dēpōnōdrink someone under the table, drink someone to the ground

ypogaeum, ypogaeī nvault under ground, cellar under ground, burying-vault, sepulchre

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