Suchergebnis zu "render favorable":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Engl. Fund;
query 1/4E (max. 1000): 80 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortabaliēnāre, abaliēnō, abaliēnāvī, abaliēnātum | make alien from one, make alien from one’s self, remove, separate, convey the ownership of a thing to another, make a legal transfer, sell, alienate, abstract, estrange, render disaffected |
| administrāre, administrō, administrāvī, administrātum | be near as an aid, attend upon, assist, serve, take charge of, manage, guide, administer, execute, accomplish, do, perform, govern, guide, steer, put the hand to, render service, do one’s duty, employ |
| adnuere, adnuō, adnuī | nod to, nod, ask by a wink, ask by a nod, give assent by nodding, give approval by nodding, nod assent to, approve, favor, allow, grant, promise to do, be favorable to, promise something to one, grant something to one, designate something by a nod |
| adrīdēre, adrīdeō, adrīsī, adrīsum | laugh at, laugh with, smile at, smile upon, be favorable to one, be kindly disposed to one, be pleasing to, please |
| adspīrāre, adspīrō, adspīrāvī, adspīrātum | breathe upon, blow upon, exhale, be favorable to, favor, assist, aspire to, desire to reach, desire to obtain, approach, come near, arrive at, attain to, give the h sound, aspirate, infuse, instil, wash |
| adtollere, adtollō | lift up, raise up, raise, elevate, lift on high, raise, elevate, exalt, sustain, enlarge, aggrandize, render prominent, render conspicuous, extol |
| aecus, aeca, aecum | plain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring |
| aequus, aequa, aequum | plain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring |
| afflāre, afflō, afflāvī, afflātum | be favorable to, be friendly to, be propitious to |
| aiquus, aiqua, aiquum | plain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, fair, equitable, patient, enduring |
| albus, alba, album | white, pale, shining, clear, favorable, fortunate, propitious |
| alicuī dō operam | do someone a service, render a service for someone |
| alicuius rēbus adsum | serve someone, render services to someone |
| aliquid inefficāx reddō | render something ineffective (useless) |
| aliquid Latīnē reddō | render something in Latin |
| aliquid sermōne Latīnō interpretor | render something in Latin |
| alvus, alva, alvum | white, pale, shining, clear, favorable, fortunate, propitious |
| amīcus, amīca, amīcum | friendly, kind, amicable, favorable, inclined to, liking, kindly, pleasing |
| ampliāre, ampliō, ampliāvī | make wider, extend, enlarge, increase, amplify, render glorious, ennoble, delay judgment, delay decision, adjourn, defer his business |
| aperīre, aperiō, aperuī, apertum | uncover, make bare, lay bare, make visible, show, reveal, unclose, open, open an entrance to, render accessible, disclose something unknown, unveil, reveal, make known, unfold, prove, demonstrate, explain, recount |
| approbāre, approbō (adprobō), approbāvī, approbātum | assent to as good, regard as good, approve, favor, allow a thing to take place, show as being good and true, make evident, prove, demonstrate, confirm, establish, make good to one, render acceptable, satisfactory |
| arrīdēre, arrīdeō (adrīdeō), arrīsī, arrīsum | laugh at, laugh with, smile at, smile upon, be favorable to one, be kindly disposed to one, be pleasing to, please |
| aspīrāre, aspīrō (adspīrō), aspīrāvī, aspīrātum | breathe upon, blow upon, exhale, be favorable to, favor, assist, aspire to, desire to reach, desire to obtain, approach, come near, arrive at, attain to, give the h sound, aspirate, infuse, instil, be washed |
| attollere, attollō (adtollō) | lift up, raise up, raise, elevate, lift on high, raise, elevate, exalt, sustain, enlarge, aggrandize, render prominent, render conspicuous, extol |
| augustāre, augustō | render venerable, glorify |
| auspex, auspicis | fortunate, favorable, auspicious, lucky |
| auspicābilis, auspicābile | of favorable omen, auspicious |
| beneficus, benefica, beneficum (beneficentior, beneficentissimus) | generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable |
| benevolē | generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable |
| benevolēns, benevolentis | wishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging |
| benevolus, benevola, benevolum | well-wishing, benevolent, kind, friendly, favorable, devoted, yielding willing service |
| benificus, benifica, benificum (benificentior, benificentissimus) | generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable |
| benīgnus, benīgna, benīgnum | of a good kind, of a good nature, beneficent, kind, good, friendly, pleasing, favorable, benignant, favorable, pleasant, mild, lucky, propitious |
| benivolēns, benivolentis | wishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging |
| benivolus, benivola, benivolum | generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable |
| blandīrī, blandior, blandītus sum | cling caressingly to one, fawn upon, flatter, soothe, caress, fondle, coax, flatter, make flattering, make courteous speeches, be complaisant to, be agreeable, be favorable to,
allure by pleasure, attract, entice, invite |
| bonus, bona, bonum [melior, optimus] | good, morally good, honest, comfortable, fine, beautiful, honorable, valuable, favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate, considerable, kind, fair, faithful, costly, laudable, well-disposed, serene |
| caecāre, caecō (coecō), caecāvi, caecātum | make blind, blind, render obscure |
| clārāre, clārō, clārāvī, clārātum | make bright, make clear, make illuminate, make evident, explain, illustrate, set forth, make illustrious, render famous |
| coecāre, coecō, coecāvi, coecātum | make blind, blind, render obscure |
| commodum, commodī n | convenient opportunity, favorable condition, convenience, advantage, profit, reward, pay, stipend, salary, wages for public service, favor, privilege, immunity, useful thing, a good, that which is lent, a loan |
| commodus, commoda, commodum | that has a due or proper measure, complete, perfect, of full weight or measure, fit, suitable, due, proper, convenient, opportune, commodious, easy, appropriate, favorable, friendly to |
| complacitus, complacita, complacitum | pleased, favorable |
| complānāre, complānō, complānāvī, complānātum | make even, make level, make plain, render tolerable |
| concīdere, concīdō, concīdī, concīsum | cut up, cut through, cut away, cut to pieces, bring to ruin, destroy, beat severely, cudgel soundly, divide minutely, dismember, render feeble, strike down, prostrate, ruin, destroy, annul, deceive, cheat, defraud |
| conciliātus, conciliāta, conciliātum | friendly, beloved, favorably inclined, devoted, favorable to something |
| concinnāre, concinnō, concinnāvī, concinnātum | join fitly together, order, arrange appropriately, set right, adjust, form, cultivate, prepare, cause, occasion, produce, make, render, cause to be something |
| cōnfigere, cōnfigō, cōnfixi, cōnfixum | fasten together, nail together, pierce through, transfix, render powerless, render inactive |
| contrīstō, contrīstāvī, contrīstātum, contrīstāre | make sad, make sorrowful, sadden, afflict, make dark, render gloomy, cloud, dim, darken, sadden, injure, hurt, damage |
| cupere, cupiō, cupīvī (cupiī), cupītum | long for a thing, desire, wish, be well disposed, be favorable, be inclined to one, favor, wish well, be interested for |
| dēbēre, dēbeō, dēbuī, dēbitum | have (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay, be in duty to do something, be bound to do something, I ought, I must |
| dēfīgere, dēfīgō, dēfīxī, dēfīxum | fasten down, fasten in, drive, fix into, fasten into, render immovable, fasten, turn intently, let fall, cast down, strike motionless (with astonishment), stupefy, astound, astonish |
| dehibēre, dehibeō, dehibuī, dehibitum | have (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay |
| dexter, dextra, dextrum (dexter, dextera, dexterum) (comp. dexterior, dexterius, superl. dextimus) | to the right, on the right side, right, handy, dexterous, skilful, opportune, proper, suitable, fitting, favorable, propitious, fortunate |
| flāvit velīs aura secunda meīs | a favorable breeze breathed on my sails, I was in prosperity |
| quiēscere, quiēscō, quiēvī, quiētum | rest, repose, keep quiet, keep calm, remain neutral, abstain from action, sleep, lie still, be still, be quiet, be silent, suffer quietly, allow quietly, peaceably permit, cease, leave off, desist from, cause to cease, render quiet, stop |
| secundāre, secundō, secundāvī | adjust, adapt, accommodate, favor, further, second, to be favorable |
| secundus, secunda, secundum | the following, the next to the first, favorable, fair, the second, propitious, fortunate |
| solistimum tripudium | the most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground |
| günstiges Vorzeichen (Augurensprache) | the most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground |
| sollistimus, sollistima, sollistimum | most perfect, most favorable |
| sopōrāre, sopōrō, sopōrāvi, sopōrātum | put asleep, lay asleep, cast into sleep, deprive of sense, deprive of feeling, stupefy, lay at rest, still, quiet, allay, render soporific |
| spīrāre, spīrō, spīrāvī, spīrātum | breathe, blow, draw breath, respire, be favorable, favor, live, be alive, be poetically inspired, have the lyric spirit, be puffed up, be proud, be arrogant, breathe out, exhale, emit, breathe feebly, breathe forth, exhale, breathe into, be full of, show, express, manifest |
| studēre, studeō, studuī (+ Dat.) | be zealous for any one, be friendly, be attached to one, be favorable to one, be favor, be apply one’s self to learning, be apply one’s self to study, be diligent in study |
| suffrāgium, suffrāgiī n | votingtablet, ballot, vote, voice, suffrage, right of voting, right of suffrage, decision, judgment, opinion, favorable decision, assent, approbation, applause |
| sufrāgium, sufrāgiī n | votingtablet, ballot, vote, voice, suffrage, right of voting, right of suffrage, decision, judgment, opinion, favorable decision, assent, approbation, applause |
| sulcātor, sulcātōris m | one who draws furrows, furrower, plougher, one who sails over, render, tearer, lacerator |
| taetrāre, taetrō | render foul |
| terripavium, terripaviī n | favorable omen |
| tētrāre, tētrō | render foul |
| tribuere, tribuō, tribuī, tribūtum | grant, give, show, pay, render, yield, give up, concede, allow, ascribe, assign, attribute, divide, distribute, bestow upon, spend upon, devote |
| tua occāsiō | the best opportunity for you, the for you most favorable opportunity |
| tuus, tua, tuum | thy, thine, your, yours, your own, favorable for you, auspicious for you, proper for you, suitable for you, right for you |
| urbs opportūnō locō sita est | the city has a favorable location |
| ventī secundī | favorable skills, luck |
| ventum nānctī idōneum ex portū exeunt | they run out with favorable wind |
| ventus ferēns | favorable airstream |
| ventus secundus | favorable wind |
| vituperāre, vituperō, vituperāvī, vituperātum | inflict censure, blame, censure, disparage, vituperate, render defective, spoil |
| volentia alicuī | things someone pleasing, things someone acceptable, news favorable for someone, events favorable for someone |
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