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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 15 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adspectāre, adspectō, adspectāvī, adspectātumlook at attentively, ook at with respect, look at with desire, looking back upon (with regret), observe, regard, pay attention to

animadvertere, animadvertō, animadvertī, animadversumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

animadvortere, animadvortō, animadvortī, animadvorsumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

aspectāre, aspectō (adspectō), aspectāvī, aspectātumlook at attentively, ook at with respect, look at with desire, looking back upon (with regret), observe, regard, pay attention to

audīre, audiō, audīvī, audītumhear, perceive by hearing, understand by hearing, learn, give ear to, hearken to, attend, hear a teacher, receive instruction from, study under, listen to, lend an ear to, regard, grant, assent to, agree with, approve, allow, obey, heed

cāritās, cāritātis fdearness, costliness, high prices, regard, esteem, affection, love, love entertained by one,

chāritās, chāritātis fdearness, costliness, high prices, regard, esteem, affection, love, love entertained by one

contemplātiō, contemplātiōnis fan attentive considering, a viewing, surveying, contemplation, an aiming with a weapon, a taking aim, survey, consideration, regard

contemplātus, contemplātūs m (nur Abl.Sgl. contemplātū)consideration, contemplation, observance, regard, respect

cūstōdīre, cūstōdiō, cūstōdīvī (cūstōdiī), cūstōdītumwatch, protect, keep, defend, guard, be on the watch, preserve, regard, take heed, observe, maintain, hold something back, hold in custody, hold captive

dignatiō, dignatiōnis fconsidering worthy, deeming worthy, respect, esteem, regard, dignity, honor, reputation

spectātiō, spectātiōnis flooking, beholding, contemplation, examining, proving, testing, respect, regard, consideration

spectāre, spectō, spectāvī, spectātumlook at, behold, gaze at, watch, observe, see as a spectator, look on, face, lie, be situated, regard, consider

suspicere, suspiciō, suspexī, suspectumlook up, look upwards, look up at a thing, admire, respect, regard, esteem, honor, mistrust, suspect

tuērī, tueor, tuitus sum (tūtus sum)see, look upon, gaze upon, watch, view, see to, look to, defend, protect, look at, gaze at, behold, watch, view, regard, consider, examine, care for, keep up, uphold, maintain, support, guard, preserve

query 1/E (max. 1000): 39 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
admīrārī, admīror, admīrātus sumwonder at, be astonished at, regard with admiration, admire, gaze at passionately, strive after a thing from admiration of it, desire to obtain a thing from admiration of it, fall into a state of wonder or astonishment at a thing

alicuī omnia tribuōhold someone in high regard, treasure someone above all

aliquem nihil putōregard someone as nothing, hold someone in low esteem

aliquid intuēnswith a view to something, with regard to something, setting one's sights on something

aliquid leve habeōtake something lightly, regard something as insignificant, regard something as negligible

aliquid nihilī faciorespect something for nothing, regard something as a trifle

aliquid prō certō habeōconsider something certain, regard something as certain

ammīrārī, ammīror, ammīrātus sumwonder at, be astonished at, regard with admiration, admire, gaze at passionately, strive after a thing from admiration of it, desire to obtain a thing from admiration of it, fall into a state of wonder or astonishment at a thing

anxietās, anxietātis fanxiety, temporary anguish, fear, trouble, anxious care, carefulness in regard to a thing

approbāre, approbō (adprobō), approbāvī, approbātumassent to as good, regard as good, approve, favor, allow a thing to take place, show as being good and true, make evident, prove, demonstrate, confirm, establish, make good to one, render acceptable, satisfactory

calumniātor suīone who is too anxious in regard to his work, over-scrupulous

citrā + Akk.on this side, before, behind, without, aside from, apart from, except, without regard to, setting aside, excepting

colere, colō, coluī, cultumattend to, dress, clothe, adorn, cherish, seek, practise, devote one’s self to, live in, experience, live through, pass, spend, regard one with care, honor, revere, reverence, worship, respect

concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessumgrant or yield something to one as a favor or from regard, desist from, forbear, give up, forgive, betake one’s self somewhere, retire, withdraw to, agree or consent to, assent, submit, resign one’s self, acquiesce in, go or pass over to any thing

contuitū alicuius reīin the face of something, in view of something, with regard to somethin

cum eō, quod ... (ut ..., nē ...)with the circumstance that, in the regard that, on the condition that, under the condition that, with the exception that

dēlēctū omnī et discrīmine omissōwithout any regard for the person

dēplōrāre, dēplōrō, dēplōrāvī, dēplōrātumweep for bitterly, bewail, lament, deplore, regard as lost, give up, regard as hopeless, regard asincurable

dēspicere, dēspiciō, dēspexī, dēspectumlook down upon, despise, disdain, decline, shun, look away, not to regard, not to attend

dignārī, dignor, dignātus sumdeem worthy, deem deserving, regard as fit

officiōsē atque observanterwith courteous regard, with distinguished regard

status, statūs mmode of standing, way of standing, mode of holding one’s body, posture, position, attitude, station, carriage, manners, dress, apparel, conviction, argument, condition in regard to public rights, political status

superstitiō, superstitiōnis fexcessive fear of the goas, unreasonable religious belief, superstition, excessive regard, scrupulous observance, object that inspires dread

suspectus, suspectūs mlooking up, looking upwards, height, high regard, high esteem, respect


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