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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
appositus, apposita, appositumput to, applied to, placed near to, situated at, contiguous to, bordering upon, fit, proper, suitable, appropriate, apposite

aptus, apta, aptumfitted to something, suited, suitable, proper, apposite, fit, appropriate, adapted, conformable to, apt for, easily changed into

commodus, commoda, commodumthat has a due or proper measure, complete, perfect, of full weight or measure, fit, suitable, due, proper, convenient, opportune, commodious, easy, appropriate, favorable, friendly to

congruēns, congruentisagreeing, fit, appropriate, suitable, consistent, congruous, fit, proper, meet, symmetrical, proportioned, accordant, consistent, harmonious

cōnsentāneus, cōnsentānea, cōnsentāneumagreeing with something, according with something, suited to, becoming, meet, fit, proper

decēns, decentisseemly, becoming, decent, proper, fit, regularly, symmetrically, handsomely, shaped, well-formed, noble

decōrus, decōra, decōrumbecoming, fitting, seemly, proper, suitable, decorous, decorated, ornamented, adorned, elegant, fine, beautiful, handsome, adorned with, shining, beautiful with any thing

dexter, dextra, dextrum (dexter, dextera, dexterum) (comp. dexterior, dexterius, superl. dextimus)to the right, on the right side, right, handy, dexterous, skilful, opportune, proper, suitable, fitting, favorable, propitious, fortunate

dignus, digna, dignumworthy, deserving, suitable, fitting, becoming, proper

scītus, scīta, scītumfit, suitable, proper, judicious, sensible, witty

ūtilis, ūtileuseful, serviceable, beneficial, profitable, advantageous, suitable, adapted, proper

vērus, vēra, vērumtrue, real, actual, genuine, right, proper, fitting, suitable, reasonable, just, containing the truth, true, veracious

query 1/E (max. 1000): 62 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
addecēre, addecetit is due, it is appropriate, it behooves, it is fit that, it is proper that

aequum estit is reasonable, it is proper, it is right

alicuius dignitātem neglegōnot showing someone the proper respect

altāria, altārium nthat which was placed upon the altar proper (ara) for the burning of the victim, high altar, single altar

ante tempusbefore the right time, before the appointed time, before the proper time, before the lawful time

antiphrasis, antiphrasis fuse of a word in a sense opposite to its proper meaning

bene cōnstituōput in good shape, bring into a proper condition

cercopithēcos, cercopithēcī ma monkey with a tail, a proper name

cercopithēcus, cercopithēcī ma monkey with a tail, a proper name

cercupithēcos, cercupithēcī ma monkey with a tail, a proper name

cerdō, cerdōnis mhandicraftsman, proper name, especially of slaves

chlamydem collocō, ut pendeat aptēgive the Chlamys the proper drape

commoditās et aequitās membrōrumthe proper symmetry of the limbs, the proper balance of the limbs

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumpacify, allay, settle, calm, appease, quiet, tranquillize, reconcile, set right, set in or restore to the proper place or condition, arrange, adjust, order, set in order

cōnsecūtiō, cōnsecūtiōnis feffect, consequence, the proper following of one thing after another, order, connection, sequence, an acquiring, obtaining, attainment

contemperātiō, contemperātiōnis fa proper mixture, a suitable mixture

convenīre, convenit, convēnitthe thing is fit, it is becoming, it is seemly, it is suitable, it is appropriate, it is proper, it is serviceable for something, it becomes

Curtilius, Curtiliī ma Roman proper name

Curtilius, Curtiliī ma Roman proper name

Cusinius, Cusiniī ma Roman proper name

decēre, decet, decuitit is seemly, it is comely, it is becoming, it beseems, it behooves, it is fitting, it is suitable, it is proper

Decima, Decimae fproper name

Decimus, Decimī mproper name

decēre, decet, decēbat,decuitit would have been proper, it would have been in accordance with decency

dedecet eos (improbos esse)it's not proper for them (to be cheeky)

Dēmea, Dēmeae ma Greek proper name

dēpōnēns, dēpōnentis ndeponent, a verb that lays aside its proper passive signification,

dēscrīptiō, dēscrīptiōnis fmarking out, delineation, copy, transcript, representation, delineation, description, delineating of character, proper disposition, proper order, proper arrangement, distribution, division

Dexippus, Dexippī ma Greek proper name

Dexius, Dexiī ma Roman proper name

Dexo, ōnis fa Greek proper name

Digitus, Digitī mproper name

dīligenter attendō aliquidpay close attention to something, take proper care of something

rēs convenitthe thing is fit, it is becoming, it is seemly, it is suitable, it is appropriate, it is proper, it is serviceable for something, it becomes

sēmentīnus, sēmentīna, sēmentīnumbelonging to seed, belonging to sowing, that occur at seed time, proper for sowing

sēmentīvus, sēmentīva, sēmentīvumbelonging to seed, belonging to sowing, that occur at seed time, proper for sowing

sēnsū propriō verbīin the proper meaning of the word

temperāmentum, temperāmentī nmixing in due proportion, proper measure, proper disposition, proper constitution, proper mean, proper moderation, temperament, temperature

temperāre, temperō, temperāvī, temperātumobserve proper measure, moderate one’s self, restrain one’s self, forbear, abstain, be moderate, be temperate, abstain from, refrain from, spare, be indulgent to any thing

tempestīvēat the right time, in proper season, seasonably, opportunely, fitly, appropriately

tempestīvitās, tempestīvitātis fright time, proper time, timeliness, seasonableness, right state, proper state, proper condition

tempestīvō temporein due course, in due time, at the right time, in proper season, seasonably, opportunely, fitly, appropriately

tempestīvus, tempestīva, tempestīvumbelonging to the right time, done at the proper time, happening at the proper time, seasonable, opportune, fitting, appropriate, suitable, timely, seasonable, ripe, mature, timely, betimes, in good time, in good season, early

tempestus, tempesta, tempestumbelonging to the right time, done at the proper time, happening at the proper time, seasonable, opportune, fitting, appropriate, suitable, timely, seasonable, ripe, mature, timely, betimes, in good time, in good season, early

tempus, temporis n (cf. τέμνω)portion of time, period of time, a time, time, season, fitting time, appointed time, the right season, proper period, opportunity, state of the times, position, state, condition

tuus, tua, tuumthy, thine, your, yours, your own, favorable for you, auspicious for you, proper for you, suitable for you, right for you

verbum propriumthe proper (not tropical) expression, real meaning of the word

vērum estit is right and proper, it is right and fair, it is right and just

viā dīcōspeak in due order, speak in proper order

vidētur alicuīit seems someone proper, it seems someone right, it seems someone fit, it seems good to any one, it pleases someone, it someone likes


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