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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cārus, cāra, cārumdear, precious, valued, esteemed, costly, of a high price

cataclīstus, cataclīsta, cataclīstumworthy of closure, precious

query 1/E (max. 1000): 134 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aegyptilla, aegyptillae fprecious stone once found in Egypt, kind of onyx

āerizūsa, āerizūsae fkind of precious stone, turquoise

alabastrītēs, ae m (Akk. Sgl. alabastrītēn)alabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron

alabastrītis, alabastrītae malabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron

amethystus, amethystī famethyst, a precious stone of violet-blue color

ammītes, ammītae ma precious stone

ammītis, ammītidis fa precious stone

ammochrȳsos, ammochrȳsī ma precious stone unknown to us, golden mica

ammochrȳsus, ammochrȳsī ma precious stone unknown to us, golden mica

amphicomos, amphicomī man unknown precious stone

androdamās, androdamantis m (Akk. Sgl. auch androdamanta)species of bloodstone, silver-colored, quadrangular, and cubical precious stone

antachātēs, antachātae ma precious stone

aphrodisiaca, aphrodisiacae fprecious stone of a reddish-white color

aphrodisiacē, aphrodisiacēs fprecious stone of a reddish-white color

apsyctos, apsyctī funknown precious stone

argyrītēs, argyrītae ma precious stone

aristē, aristēs fa precious stone

arōmatītis, arōmatītidis fprecious stone of the smell and color of myrrh, kind of amber

aspīlatēs, aspīlatae mprecious stone of Arabia

aspisatis, aspisatis f (Akk.Sgl. aspisatim)precious stone of Arabia

asteria, asteriae fprecious stone, cat’s-eye

asteritēs, asteritae mprecious stone, cat’s-eye, kind of basilisk

astolos, astolī fprecious stone, species of onyx, chalcedon

astrapaea, astrapaeae fprecious stone, black in color, with gleams of light crossing the middle of it

astrapiās, astrapiae mprecious stone, black in color, with gleams of light crossing the middle of it

astrion, astriī ncrystalline precious stone, found in India, kind of sapphire, adularia

astrios, astriī fcrystalline precious stone, found in India, kind of sapphire, adularia

astriōtēs, astriōtae mprecious stone with magical powers

astritēs, astritae mprecious stone, cat’s-eye, kind of basilisk

astrobolos, astrobolī fprecious stone, species of onyx, chalcedon

astroītes, astroītae munknown precious stone of magical power

atizoē, atizoēs f (Akk. Sgl. atizoēn)precious stone of a silver lustre

augītēs, augītae mprecious stone, turquoise

baetulus, baetulī mprecious stone, round and of a dark color, a species of ceraunia

balanītēs, balanītae man unknown precious stone

baptēs, baptae ma precious stone, colored amber

batrachitēs, batrachitae mprecious stone of a frog-green color

bēryllus, bēryllī ma precious stone of a sea-green color, coming from India, beryl, a ring with a beryl, sapphire

bētulus, bētulī mprecious stone, round and of a dark color, a species of ceraunia

bigemmis, bigemmeset with two precious stones, having two buds

bōloe, bōlōrum mkind of precious stones

bostrychitēs, bostrychitae ma precious stone

brontia, brontiae fa precious stone

būcardia, būcardiae fprecious stone, a kind of turquoise

cadmītis, cadmītis fkind of precious stone

callaina, callainae fprecious stone of a pale-green color

callaïs, callaïs f (Akk. Sgl. callaïn)sea-green precious stone, turquoise

capillātūra, capillātūrae fthe being hairy, hair, false hair, hair-like streaks in precious stones

capniās, capniae mkind of wine, precious stone of a smoky hue, kind of jasper, kind of chrysolite, smoky topaz

capnītis, capnītidis fkind of cadmian, smoke-colored precious stone

capnītis, capnītidis fprecious stone of a smoky hue

carbunculus, carbunculī msmall coal, burning sorrow, devouring sorrow, kind of sandstone, red toph-stone, reddish, bright kind of precious stone, kind of tumor, carbuncle, disease of plants caused by hoar-frost

carciniās, carciniae mprecious stone of the color of the sea-crab

catochītēs, catochītae m (Akk. Sgl. catochītēn)unknown precious stone found in Corsica

catoptrītis, catoptrītis fprecious stone found in Cappadocia

cenchros, cenchrī m (Akk. Sgl. cenchron)an unknown kind of precious stone

centrum, centrī nmiddle point of a circle, centre, kernel, hard knot in the interior of wood or precious stones,

cēpītis, cēpītidis fprecious stone unknown to us

cēpolatītis, cēpolatītitidis fprecious stone unknown to us

cērachātēs, cērachātae ma precious stone, wax-agate

ceramītis, tidis fprecious stone of the color of brick

ceraunium, cerauniī nprecious stone, kind of onyx

ceraunus, ceraunī mprecious stone, kind of onyx

cērītis, cērītidis fwax-stone, a precious stone

chalaziās, chalaziae munknown precious stone, of the form and color of hail

chalcophōnos, chalcophōnī fa precious stone ringing like brass

chelōnia, chelōniae fa precious stone, tortoise-stone

chelōnītis, chelōnītidis fa precious stone like the tortoise

chērnītis, chērnītidis fa precious stone

chlōrītis, chlōrītidis fa precious stone of a grass-green color, the smaragdoprasus

chrȳsēlectros, ī fa dark-yellow precious stone, amber-colored hyacinth

chrȳsēlectrum, chrȳsēlectrī ngold-colored amber, a precious stone

chrȳsītēs, chrȳsītae ma gold-colored precious stone

chrȳsītis, chrȳsītidis, f (Akk. Sgl. chrȳsītim)a precious stone, also called phloginos

chrȳsocolla, chrȳsocollae fmountain-green, copper-green, borax, a precious stone, called also amphitane

chrȳsolampis, chrȳsolampidis fa precious stone

chrȳsōpis, chrȳsōpidis fa precious variety of our topaz

chrȳsoprasos,chrȳsoprasī m (f)the chrysoprase, a precious stone of a golden-yellow and a leek-green color

chrȳsoprasus,chrȳsoprasī m (f)the chrysoprase, a precious stone of a golden-yellow and a leek-green color

cinaedia, cinaediae ma precious stone, said to be found in the brain of the fish cinaedus

cinaediās, cinaediae ma precious stone, said to be found in the brain of the fish cinaedus

circos, circī mprecious stone unknown to us

cissītis, cissītidis fa precious stone of the color of ivy-leaves

cochlis, cochlidis fprecious stone like a snail-shell in form

corallis, corallidis fa precious stone

corsoīdēs, corsoīdis man unknown precious stone

craterītes, craterītae ma very hard unknown precious stone

crocallis, crocallidis fan unknown, cherryshaped precious stone

crociās, crociae man unknown, saffron-colored precious stone

crystallum, crystallī n (crystallus, crystallī f)ice, crystal, mountain-crystal, rock-crystal, rystal vase for drinking, the glittering precious stone of a ring

cyamiās, cyamiae mbeanstone, a precious stone

cȳanos, cȳanī ma precious stone, a species of lapis lazuli

cȳanos, cȳanī mthe blue corn-flower, blue-bottle, a precious stone, a species of lapis lazuli

cȳanus, cȳanī ma precious stone, a species of lapis lazuli

cylindrus, cylindrī mcylinder, a cylindrical stone for levelling the ground, a roller, precious stone ground off in the form of a cylinder

cytis, cytis fan unknown precious stone

dactilus, dactilī mfinger, a sort of muscle, a kind of grape, a sort of grass, a precious stone, the date, a dactyl, –⏑⏑

dactylus, dactylī mfinger, a sort of muscle, a kind of grape, a sort of grass, a precious stone, the date, a dactyl, –⏑⏑

daphnea, daphneae f (Akk. Sgl. daphneān)a precious stone

scarītis, scarītidis fa precious stone

scorpītis, scorpītidis fa precious stone, resembling the scorpion in color or shape

sidērītēs, sidērītae ma precious stone

sidērītis, sidērītidis fIronwort, vervain, a precious stone, loadstone, magnet

sidēropoecilos, sidēropoecilī ma precious stone

sītītes, sītītae mkind of precious stone

spartopolia, spartopoliae f (Akk. Sgl. spartopoliān)unknown kind of precious stone

spartopolios, spartopoliī funknown kind of precious stone

spongītis, spongītidis fkind of precious stone

sȳcītis, sȳcītidis fprecious stone of the color of figs

synodontītis, synodontītidis fprecious stone found in the brain of the fish synodus

sȳringītis, sȳringītidis fkind of precious stone

tanos, tanī ma precious stone

tăos, tăī mkind of precious stone of the colors of the peacock

tăos, tăī mkind of precious stone of the colors of the peacock

telicardios, telicardiī mprecious stone, called also muchula

tephrītis, tephrītidis fan ashcolored precious stone

terebinthizūsa, terebinthizūsae fturpentine-colored precious stone

thelycardios, thelycardiī mprecious stone, called also muchula

thēlyrrhizos, thēlyrrhizī mprecious stone

topāzion, topāziī nprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper

topāzius, topāziī fprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper

topāzōn, topāzontis mprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper

topāzos, topāzī fprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper

topāzus, topāzī fprecious stone, ancient topaz, chrysolite, green jasper

triglītis, triglītidis fprecious stone

triophthalmos, triophthalmī fprecious stone

tympanium, tympaniī nprecious stone shaped like a tambourine

verrūca, verrūcae fsteep place, height, wart, excrescence on precious stone, slight fault, small failing

xanthos, xanthī mprecious stone of a golden color

zamilampis, zamilampis mprecious stone

zmilampis, zmilampis mprecious stone

zoraniscaeos, zoraniscaeī fprecious stone


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