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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
Bestimmung lateinischer Wortformen
(15) Gib Verben auch im Deutschen in der 1.Sgl. ein (ohne "ich")!

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
agitātiō, agitātiōnis fthe state of being in motion, motion, movement, agitation, activity, practice, exercise

ars, artis fskill, handicraft, trade, occupation, employment, physical activity, mental activity, profession, art, science, knowledge, workmanship, Muses, conduct, manner of acting, habit, practice, cunning, artifice, fraud, stratagem

exercitātiō, exercitātiōnis fmoving, agitating, setting in motion, Exercise, practice

sollemne, sollemnis nusage, custom, practice, usual custom

ūsus, ūsūs muse of any thing, using of any thing, employment, practice, exercise, experience, discipline, skill acquired by practice, reality, intercourse, familiarity, association, intimacy, society, usefulness, value, utility, benefit, profit, advantage

query 1/E (max. 1000): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acūleus, acūleī msting, spine, prickle, point, bit of sharp practice

agricultūram dēserōdo not practice agriculture

aliquid adversus rem pūblicam faciōpractice high treason with something, commit high treason with something

callēre, calleō, calluībe callous, be thickskinned, be hardened, be insensible, be unfeeling, be practised, be wise by experience, be skilful, be versed in, know by experience or practice, know, have the knowledge of, understand

clīnicē, clīnicēs f (Akk. Sgl. clīnicēn)science of clinical medicine, practice at the sick-bed

commentātiō pārendīpractice in obedience

contrā rem pūblicam faciōpractice high treason, commit high treason, pursuing plans to overthrow

cotīdiē dēclāmitā commentorpractice with loud speeches every day

dēclāmātiō, dēclāmātiōnis fexercise in oratorical delivery, exercise or practice in speaking, declamation, theme, subject for declamation, loud talking, eager talking, bawling

dēsuētūdō, dēsuētūdinis fdiscontinuance of a practice, discontinuance of a habit, disuse, desuetude

stilus, stilī mstake, pale, style, setting down in writing, composing, composition, practice of composing, manner of writing, mode of composition, manner of speaking, mode of expression, style in speaking, decision, verdict, opinion

ūsus forēnsispractice of advocacy

veniam tribuōpractice indulgence, practice leniency

virtūtem colōpractice virtue


Wortform von: practice
[12] Vok. Sgl. m. von practicus, practica, practicum (πρακτικός)
tätig; praktisch;
[80] Adv. von practicus, practica, practicum (πρακτικός)
tätig; praktisch;

3. Belegstellen für "practice"

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