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Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
causa, causae ffeigned cause, pretext, pretence, judicial process, lawsuit, party, faction, cause that one defends, relation of friendship, connection, condition, state, situation, relation, position, business undertaken for any one, employment, matter, subject

color, colōris mcolor, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

colōs, colōris m (altlat.)color, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

statiō, statiōnis fstanding, standing still, firm posture, place, position, station, watch, guard, station, office, position, anchorage, roadstead, road, bay, inlet, place of residence, post, post-station, post-house, religious meeting, assembly

status, statūs mcivil status, condition, position, circumstances, constitution, institutions, form of government, characteristic, mark, character, essential feature, mood of the verb

status, statūs mmode of standing, way of standing, mode of holding one’s body, posture, position, attitude, station, carriage, manners, dress, apparel, conviction, argument, condition in regard to public rights, political status

tempus, temporis n (cf. τέμνω)portion of time, period of time, a time, time, season, fitting time, appointed time, the right season, proper period, opportunity, state of the times, position, state, condition

vicis f (Gen.; weitere Kasus: vicem, vice, vicēs, vicibus)change, interchange, alternation, alternate succession, reciprocal succession, vicissitude, return, requital, reciprocal service, recompense, remuneration, retaliation, position, place, room, stead, post, office, duty

query 1/E (max. 1000): 63 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adrēctārius, adrēctāria, adrēctāriumin an erect position, erect, perpendicular

aequilībrium, aequilībriī nlevel position, horizontal position, equilibrium, perfect equality

alicuius persōnasomeone's social role, someone's position in civic life

aliō atque aliō positus ventilorthrowing oneself back and forth soon in this position soon in that one

aliquem dē altissimō dignitātis gradū praecipitōbring someone down from his very high position

aliquem dē dignitātis gradū dēmoveōoust someone from his position

aliquem dē gradū (statū) dēiciōoust someone from his position

aliquem dē gradū dēmoveōoust someone from his position

aliquem gradū dēmoveōoust someone from his position, drive someone out of his position

aliquem gradū depellōoust someone from his position, drive someone out of his position, deprive someone of his advantage

aliquem gradū moveōoust someone from his position, drive someone out of his position

aliquem in integrum restituōreinstate someone to his former position

aliquem in rēgnum restituōrestore someone to the former position

aliquem locō dēpellōoust someone from his position, drive someone out of his position, displace someone from his position

aliquem perhibeōput someone in place, get someone in position,

aliquem statū moveōoust someone from his position

apocatastasis, apocatastasis frestoring to a former position, return of the stars to their position of the preceding year

apotelesmaticē, apotelesmaticēs fart of creating a birth chart, art of nativity position

arrēctārius, arrēctāria, arrēctāriumin an erect position, erect, perpendicular

artum, artī nnarrow place, narrow passage, limited position

castra aequō locō pōnōset up a camp in a favourable position

castra pōnōtake up a fortified position

catastēma, catastēmatis nposition of a star, situation of a star, condition of a star

chiasmus, chiasmī mchiasmus, crossed position

clīvus mēnsaeinclined position of the table

collaterālis, collaterāleconcerning the collateral relationship, having a side position

collocātiō verbōrumposition of the words

condiciō, condiciōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

conditiō, conditiōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

cōnsistere, cōnsistō, cōnstitītake a position, make a stand, appear as accuser before a court of justice, have a stand as a dealer, occupy a place of business, rest, remain, pause, dwell upon, delay, stop

cōnsistere, cōnsistō, cōnstitīto place one’s self anywhere, stand still, stand, halt, stop, make a stop, set, become hard, become solid, take one’s place, take position, assume a place, assume a attitude for an action, make a halt

convellere, convellō, convellī (convulsī), convulsumdraw violently hither and thither, tear up, wrest from its position, tear loose, tear away, separate from, pul up, pluck up, wrench, dislocate, cause to totter, shake, destroy, overthrow, bring to naught, tear to pieces, rend to pieces, cleave, dismember

dē cīvitāte aliquem ēiciōexile someone, send someone into exile, expel someone from his position as a citizen

dē potestāte dēcēdōresign from one's office, resign from one's position, give up one's office

dēcēdere, dēcēdō, dēcessī, dēcessumgo away, depart, withdraw, retire, withdraw from a former position, disappear, go off, abate, subside, cease, deviate from the right way, give way, yield to another, avoid, shun, escape from, fall short of, degenerate from, turn out, result

dēicere, dēiciō, dēiēcī, dēiectumthrow down, cast down, hurl down, precipitate, drive out, dislodge an enemy from his position, drive out, turn out of possession, eject, dispossess, fell with a mortal wound, bring down dead to the ground, kill, slay, lower, let down, hang down, depress

dēpellere, dēpellō, dēpulī, dēpulsumdrive out, drive away, remove, expel, drive, thrust down, cast down, dislodge an enemy from his position, thrust out, remove from the breast, wean, deter, divert, dissuade from, prevent, hinder, turn away, divert, deny

dēteriōre condiciōne sumbe in a worse position

dēteriōre condiciōne ūtorbe in a worse position

difficultāte afficiorget into trouble, get into a difficult position, get into a difficult situation

dignitātis gradum ascendōclimb to a higher level of honor, make a career, ascend to an honorary position

locum capiōtake a position, take a stand

sine tribūwithout rank, without position

situs, sitūs mbeing laid, being placed, lying, manner of lying, situation, local position, site of a thing, a quarter of the world, region, rust, mould, mustiness, dust, dirt, neglect, idleness, absence of use, rusting, moulding, wasting away, dulness, inactivity

statuere, statuō, statuī, statūtumcause to stand, set up, set, station, fix in an upright position, set in the ground, erect, plant, place, set forth, construct and place, set up after constructing, make, establish, found, build, cause to stand still, cause to stop, cause to stand firm

sublīmis, sublīmeuplifted, high, lofty, exalted, elevated, borne aloft, uplifted, elevated, raised, on high, lofty, in a high position

sublīmus, sublīma, sublīmumuplifted, high, lofty, exalted, elevated, borne aloft, uplifted, elevated, raised, on high, lofty, in a high position

subsistere, subsistō, substitītake a stand, take a position, stand still, remain standing, stop, halt, stay, tarry, abide, remain in a place, remain alive, make a stand, stand firm, hold out, withstand, oppose, resist

sum in ambiguōbe in an uncertain position

thema, thematis n (θέμα)treated subject, treated topic, theme, position of the celestial signs at one’s birth, nativity, horoscope

topothesia, topothesiae ffictional location description, assumed position of a place

trānsversum, trānsversī ncross direction, cross position

ūnilaterālem dēclārātiōnem indēpendentiae agnōscere nōn valēmuswe do not see ourselves in a position to recognize the unilateral declaration of independence

vitium, vitiī nfault, defect, blemish, imperfection, vice, breach, blemish, , useless part, faulty position, moral fault, failing, error, offence, crime, defect in the auspices, fault of language, base metal, alloy

vocāre, vocō, vocāvī, vocātumput in a situation, put in a mood, bring in some position, draw in some position, put in some condition, set in some condition, place in some condition


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