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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 17 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accessus, accessūs mgoing to, coming to, going near, coming near, approaching, approach, access, admittance, passage, entrance, accession, increase

caulae, caulārum fopening, hole, passage, sheepfold, cote, enclosure

caullae, caullārum fopening, hole, passage, sheepfold, cote, enclosure

circumitiō, circumitiōnis fgoing round, the rounds, circuit, circuitous mode, circumlocution, indirect manner, place for going round something, way, passage, corridor, circumference, compass

commeātus, commeātūs ma going to and fro, passing freely, going at will, place through which one can pass back and forth, thoroughfare, passage, leave of absence from one’s station for a definite time, furlough

commeātus, commeātūs main, convoy, caravan, company carried, transportation, trip, passage, remaining supplies of war, gain acquired by money transactions

trāductus, trāductūs mpassage, pass

trāiectiō, trāiectiōnis fcrossing over, passing over, passage, transposition of words, exaggeration, hyperbole, throwing upon another, putting off upon another

trāiectus, trāiectūs mcrossing over, passing over, passage, place for passing over

transgressiō, transgressiōnis fgoing across, going over, passing over, passage, transposition, transition (in speaking), transgression (of the law)

trānsgressus, trānsgressūs mpassing over, passage

trānsiectiō, trānsiectiōnis fcrossing over, passing over, passage

trānsiectus, trānsiectūs mcrossing over, passing over, passage

trānsitiō, trānsitiōnis fgoing across, going over, passing over, passage, entrance, going over, desertion to a party, infection, contagion, transition, inflection by declension or conjugation

trānsmissiō, trānsmissiōnis fsending across, passing over, passage, return or payment in

trānsmissus, trānsmissūs mgiving over, handing over, transferring, transmission, passing over, passage

via, viae fhighway, road, path, street, march, journey, way, passage, channel, pipe, lane in a camp, method, mode, manner, fashion, the right way, the true method

query 1/E (max. 1000): 42 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acceptātor, acceptātōris mone who accepts or approves of a thing, avenue, access, passage for admittance of the people

āctus, āctūs mmoving of an object, driving of an object, impulse, motion, right of driving cattle through a place, passage for cattle, road between fields, cart-way, carriageway, doing a thing

aedis, aedis fdwelling for men, house, habitation, obode, room, apartment, chamber, cells of bees, hive of bees, ear passage

andrōn, andrōnis m (Akk. Plur. andrōnas) (ἀνδρών)the part of the house in which the men resided, the men’s apartment (among the Greeks), passage between two walls or courts of a house (among the Romans), hallway, corridor

angustiae locōrumnarrow passage, narrow passes

animī multārum rērum brevī tempore percursiōmental passage of many things in a short time

artum, artī nnarrow place, narrow passage, limited position

commeārī coepitthe passage becomes free again

commeārī potestthe passage is free

cripta, criptae fconcealed, subterranean passage, vault, cavern, cave, grotto, pit, place of deposit

crupta, cruptae fconcealed, subterranean passage, vault, cavern, cave, grotto, pit, place of deposit

crypta, cryptae fconcealed, subterranean passage, vault, cavern, cave, grotto, pit, place of deposit

cryptoporticus, cryptoporticūs fcovered gallery, covered passage, vault, hall

cunīculum, cunīculī npassage under ground, hole, pit, cavity, canal, mine

cunīculus, cunīculī mrabbit, cony, passage under ground, hole, pit, cavity, canal, mine

spīrāmen, spīrāminis nbreathing-hole, passage for the breath, air-hole, thrill, vent, breathing, blowing

tetrapylum, tetrapylī npassage of four gates

trāductiō, trāductiōnis fleading along, conducting in triumph, removing, transferring, making a show of, exposure, public disgrace, passage of time, lapse of time, course of time, transferring, metonymy, repetition of the same word

trānsitum dōallow the passage

trānsitum īnsīdooccupy the passage

trānsitus boreālis-occidentālisNorthwest Passage

vēna, vēnae fblood-vessel, vein, artery, water-course, vein of metals, urinary passage, streak of wood, row of trees, strength, the interior nature, the innate quality, the innermost feelings, pulse, a person’s natural bent, genius, disposition

ventrem faciōhave a passage at stool, have bowel movement, have stool

via trānsversacross path, cross alley, cross way, cross aisle, cross passage

volucrēs advenaemigratory birds, birds of passage


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