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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 14 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cāsus, cāsūs ma falling, falling down, fall, overthrow, throwing down, destruction, end, moral fall, false step, error, change from a higher to a lower condition, occurrence, event, accident, chance, misfortune, emergency, occasion, opportunity, adverse event, misfortune, mishap, calamity

circumvenīre, circumveniō, circumvēnī, circumventumcome around something, be around (a thing), encircle, encompass, surround, flowing around, grasp, surround in a hostile manner, encompass, beset, invest, oppress, distress, afflict, overthrow, circumvent, deceive, cheat, defraud one, violate by evading

clādēs, clādis fa breaking, beating, dashing to pieces, destruction, devastation, injury, mischief, harm, misfortune, disaster, loss, detriment, calamity, disaster, defeat, overthrow, discomfiture, massacre, destroyer, scourge, pest, corruption

convellere, convellō, convellī (convulsī), convulsumdraw violently hither and thither, tear up, wrest from its position, tear loose, tear away, separate from, pul up, pluck up, wrench, dislocate, cause to totter, shake, destroy, overthrow, bring to naught, tear to pieces, rend to pieces, cleave, dismember

corruere, corruō, corruī, corruitūrusfall together, fall down, tumble down, sink to the ground, fall, rush headlong, bring to the ground, heap together, overthrow, ruin, heap up

dētrīmentum, dētrīmentī nrubbing off, loss, damage, detriment, ruin, loss of a battle, defeat, overthrow

dīruere, dīruō, dīruī, dīrutumtear asunder, overthrow, demolish, destroy, drive asunder, scatter, abolish

sternere, sternō, strāvī, strātumspread out, spread abroad, stretch out, extend, cover, cover over, spread, stretch out by flinging down, throw down, stretch on the ground, throw to the ground, overthrow, prostrate

strāgēs, strāgis fthrowing down, throwing to the ground, overthrowing, overthrow, confusion, confused heap, confused mass, mortal overthrow, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage, overthrow, ruin, destruction

subruere, subruō, subruī, subrutumtear down below, undermine, dig under, dig out, break down, overthrow, demolish, undermine, subvert, corrupt

subversiō, subversiōnis foverturn, overthrow, ruin, destruction

subvertere, subvertō, subvertī, subversumturn upside down, upset, overturn, overthrow, ruin, destroy, subvert

subvortere, subvortō, subvortī, subvorsumturn upside down, upset, overturn, overthrow, ruin, destroy, subvert

supplantāre, supplantō, supplantāvī, supplantātumtrip up one’s heels, throw down,throw to the ground, overthrow, trips up, distorts, minces, overturn

query 1/E (max. 1000): 21 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cōgitātiō rērum novārumplan of overthrow, plan of a coup

collabefierī, collabefīo, collabefactus sumbe made to reel, be made to totter, be brought to ruin, sink together, be overthrow, be supplant

cōnāmen eversiōnisattempted coup, attempted overthrow

contrā rem pūblicam faciōpractice high treason, commit high treason, pursuing plans to overthrow

conversiō reī pūblicaerevolution, state overthrow, overthrow of the state

vertō cūncta odiō et terrōreoverthrow everything by arousing hatred and terror

vertō cūncta odiō et terrōreoverthrow everything through hatred and terror


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