Suchergebnis zu "one who interprets behavior of birds":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;
In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of - query 1/5D (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
| | Weltgesundheitsbehörde (WHO) | Ōrdō mundī sānitārius | Ordo mundi sanitarius | | | | | Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) Ordo mundi sanitarius, Ordo sanitatis mundi, institutio illa mundana, quae saluti publicae providet | Organizātiō mundāna ā valētūdine (WHO) | Organizatio mundana a valetudine (WHO) | | | | | Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) Ordo mundi sanitarius, Ordo sanitatis mundi, institutio illa mundana, quae saluti publicae providet | Organizātiō valētūdinī prōvehendae mundāna (WHO) | Organizatio valetudini provehendae mundana (WHO) | | |
query 1/5E (max. 1000): 1000 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortabāctor, abāctōris m | one who drives off, a driver off |
| abecedārius, abecedāriī m | one who learns the a, b, c |
| ablātor, ablātōris m | one who takes away |
| abligurrītor, abligurrītōris m | one who consumes in feasting, spendthrift |
| abolitor, abolitōris m | one who takes away a thing, one who casts a thing into oblivion |
| absolūtor, absolūtōris m | one who acquits |
| accentor, accentōris m | one who sings with another |
| acceptātor, acceptātōris m | one who accepts or approves of a thing, avenue, access, passage for admittance of the people |
| acceptor, acceptōris m | one who receives a thing, receiver, collector, one who approvesa thing as true, one who unjustly regards the person |
| accumulātor, accumulātōris m | one who heaps up, one who accumulates |
| accūsātor, accūsātōris m | one who calls another to account, accuser, plaintiff, informer, denouncer |
| accūsātrīx, accūsātrīcis f | she who makes accusation against any one, female accuser |
| acoenonoētus, acoenonoētī m | one who has not common-sense, not sharing, selfish |
| āctor, āctōris m | one who drives or moves something, he who does any thing, doer, performer, one who brings an action, plaintiff, one who conducts a suit, advocate, agent, attorney, administrator, manager, steward, overseer of property, one who delivers any oral discourse, player, actor |
| actuārius, actuāriī m | shorthand writer, one who writes out accounts |
| ademptor, ademptōris m | one who takes away |
| adiūnctor, adiūnctōris m | one who adds, one who joins, one who unites |
| adiūrātor, adiūrātōris m | one who conjures a thing, conjurer |
| adiūtor, adiūtōris m | one who helps, helper, assistant, aider, promoter, aid, adjutant, deputy, secretary |
| adminiculātor, adminiculātōris m | one who supports, supporter, assistant |
| admissiōnālis, admissiōnālis m | one who introduced those who came to an audience, usher of the privy chamber, seneschal |
| adolēscēns, adolēscentis c | one who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden |
| adōrātor, adōrātōris m | one who adores, worshipper |
| adrōsor, adrōsōris m | one who gnaws at, one who consumes a thing, nibbler, consumer |
| adsentātor, adsentātōris m | one who assents flatteringly, flatterer, one who connives at |
| adstrūctor, adstrūctōris m | one who adduces proof |
| adulēscēns, adulēscentis c | one who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden |
| adulēscēns, adulēscentis m | one who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden |
| advena, advenae c | one who comes to a place, foreigner, stranger, alien, strange, foreign, alien, a stranger to a thing, ignorant, unskilled, inexperienced |
| adversātor, adversātōris m | one who opposes a thing, opponent |
| adversitor, adversitōris m | one who goes to meet another, slave who went to meet his master in order to conduct him home |
| advocātus, advocātī m | one who is called by one of the parties in a suit to aid as a witness or counsel, legal assistant, counsellor, advocate, attorney, assistant, helper, friend |
| advorsitor, advorsitōris m | one who goes to meet another, slave who went to meet his master in order to conduct him home |
| aedīlicius, aedīliciī m | one who had been an aedile, exaedile |
| aeditimus, aeditimī m | one who keeps care of a temple, one who takes care of a temple, keeper of a temple, overseer of a temple |
| aeditumus, aeditumī m | one who keeps care of a temple, one who takes care of a temple, keeper of a temple, overseer of a temple |
| aedituus, aedituī m | one who keeps care of a temple, one who takes care of a temple, keeper of a temple, overseer of a temple |
| aēneātor, aēneātōris m | one who blows a horn in war, trumpeter, brass |
| aequātor, aequātōris m | eicher, equaliser, one who examines the equality |
| aequiperātor, aequiperātōris m | one who equalises, equaliser, equalizer |
| aerārius, aerāriī m | one who works in copper, coppersmith |
| aeruscātor, aeruscātōris m | one who roves about the country, and obtains his living by exhibiting sleight-of-hand tricks, itinerant juggler |
| affirmātor, affirmātōris m | one who asserts a thing, one who affirms a thing |
| afflātor, afflātōris m | one who blows on, one who breathes into, one who inspires |
| afflīctātor, afflīctātōris m | one who causes pain, one who causes suffering, tormentor |
| afflīctor, afflīctōris m (adflīctor) | one who strikes a thing to the ground, one who destroys, one who overthrows, subverter |
| afflīctrīx, afflīctrīcis f | one who strikes a thing to the ground, one who destroys, one who overthrows, subverter |
| agāsō, agāsōnis m | driver, one who takes care of horses, hostler, groom |
| agripeta, agripetae m | one who strives for the possession of land, field hunter, goods hunter |
| albārius, albāriī m | one who covers walls with stucco or plaster, worker in stucco, plasterer |
| albicolōrātus, albicolōrātī m | one who paints white |
| albīnus, albīnī m | one who covers walls with stucco or plaster, worker in stucco, plasterer |
| alicārius, alicāriī m | one who grinds spelt |
| allēctor, allēctōris m | one that chooses others into a college, a deputy under the emperors, who collected the taxes in the provinces, chief collector |
| allevātor, allevātōris m | one who lifts, one who raises up, , reliever, uprighter, comforter |
| alligātor, alligātōris m | one who binds to |
| alūcinātor, alūcinātōris m (halūcinātor) | one who is wandering in mind, dreamer, silly fellow |
| alumna, alumnae f | foster-daughter, pupil, foster-child, nourisher, one who educates |
| anhēlātor, anhēlātōris m | one who has a difficulty in breathing, asthmatic |
| antitheus, antitheī m | counter-deity, one who pretends to be God, devil |
| approbātor, approbātōris m | one who gives his assent, one who gives his approval,approver |
| apprōmissor, apprōmissōris m | one who is security for another, security, bail, guarantor of security |
| argūmenta reciproca | evidence that turns against the one who brings it forward |
| arrīsor, arrīsōris m | one who smiles on another, flatterer, fawner |
| arrōsor, arrōsōris m | one who gnaws at, one who consumes a thing, nibbler, consumer |
| arvena, arvenae m | one who comes to a place, foreigner, stranger, alien, strange, foreign, a stranger to a thing, ignorant, unskilled, inexperienced |
| assentātor, assentātōris m (adsentātor) | one who assents flatteringly, flatterer, |
| assentātor, assentātōris m (adsentātor) | one who assents flatteringly, flatterer, one who connives at |
| assertor, assertōris m (adsertor) | one who formally asserts that another is free or a slave, restorer of liberty, defender, protector, deliverer, advocate, he who claims or declares one to be a slave |
| assertrīx, assertrīcis f | female defender, protector, deliverer, advocate, she who claims or declares one to be a slave |
| astipulātor, astipulātōris m (adstipulātor) | one who joins another in a stipulation, assistant in a trial, one who assents to, one who agrees with |
| astrūctor, astrūctōris m | one who adduces proof |
| auloedus, auloedī m | one who sings to the flute |
| aurārius, aurāriī m | a patron, beneficiary, one who benefits |
| aurīga, aurīgae m (vulg. ōrīga, ōrīgae m) | he that handles the reins, charioteer, driver, groom, hostler, one who contended in the chariot-race, a charioteer in the games of the circus, the Wagoner (a constellation), pilot, helmsman, director, leader |
| aurīgātor, ōris | one who contends in the chariotrace, the Wagoner (a constellation) |
| auscultātor, auscultātōris m | hearer, listener, one who obeys |
| autumātor, autumātōris m | the one who names, he that says |
| balatrō, balatrōnis m | babbler, jester, one who makes sport, buffoon |
| balineātor, balineātōris m | one who has the care of a bath, bath-keeper |
| ballistārius, ballistāriī m | maker of ballistae, one who discharges the ballista, slinger |
| balneātor, balneātōris m | one who has the care of a bath, bath-keeper |
| bāsiātor, bāsiātōris m | kisser, one who kisses |
| bestiārius, bestiāriī m | one who fights with wild beasts in the public spectacles, beast-fighter |
| bimaris, bimare (διθάλασσος, ἀμφιθαλασσος) | lying between two seas, of one who practises unnatural unchastity |
| binōminis, cuī geminum est nōmen, ut Numa Pompilius | a double-named person is one who has a double name, like Numa Pompilius |
| biocōlȳta, biocōlȳtae m | one who protects against violence |
| biselliārius, biselliāriī m | one who enjoys the honor of the bisellium |
| bubulcus, bubulcī m | one who ploughs with oxen, ploughman, herdsman |
| būca,būcae f | cheek, one who fills his cheeks in speaking, declaimer, bawler, one who stuffs out his cheeks in eating, parasite, a mouthful, cavity |
| būcaeda, būcaedae m | one who is whipped with thongs of ox-hide |
| bucca, buccae f | cheek, one who fills his cheeks in speaking, declaimer, bawler, one who stuffs out his cheeks in eating, parasite, a mouthful, cavity |
| būcinātor, būcinātōris m | one who blew the bucina, trumpeter, one who trumpets forth, blases abroad |
| cachinnō, cachinnōnis m (καχαστής) | one who laughs violently, laugher, derider |
| caecātor, caecātōris m | one who makes blind, he who stops a fountain, he who obstructs a fountain |
| caesor, caesōris m | one who hews something |
| calcātor, calcātōris m | one who treads something, treader of grapes |
| calceolārius, calceolāriī m | one who makes shoes, shoemaker |
| calciolārius, calciolāriī m | one who makes shoes, shoemaker |
| calcitrō, calcitrōnis m | one who strikes with his heels, kicker, a boisterous fellow, blusterer |
| calumniātor suī | one who is too anxious in regard to his work, over-scrupulous |
| campidoctor, campidoctōris m | one who drills soldiers in the Campus Martius, drill-master |
| candidāta, candidātae f | one who seeks or solicits an office, candidate |
| captātor, captātōris m | one who eagerly reaches after, one who endeavors to obtain, one who strives for something, one who hunts after legacies, legacy-hunter |
| cardiacus, cardiacī m | one who has heart-burn, one who has stomach-ache |
| carnārius, carnāriī m | dealer in flesh, butcher, one who admires a lump of flesh, meat lover |
| castīgātor, castīgātōris m | one who corrects or chastises, corrector, reprover |
| castrātor, castrātōris f | one who castrates |
| cautor, cautōris m | one who is on his guard, one who is is wary, one who is surety for any on, one who is bail for any one, guarantor |
| cavātor, cavātōris m | one who hollows, one who excavales, hollowing workman |
| cellārītēs, cellārītae m | cellarmaster, one who keeps provisions, steward, butler |
| cellārius, cellāriī m | cellarmaster, one who keeps provisions, steward, butler |
| cellerārius, cellerāriī m | cellarmaster, one who keeps provisions, steward, butler |
| celliō, celliōnis m | cellarmaster, one who keeps provisions, steward, butler |
| chīronomōn, chīronomūntis m | one who moves his hands according to the rules of art correctly, pantomime |
| chīronomos, chīronomī m | one who moves his hands according to the rules of art correctly, pantomime |
| chōrographus, chōrographī m | one who describes countries, geographer |
| cinaedicus, cinaedica, cinaedicum | pertaining to one who is unchaste, immodest, lewd |
| circitor, circitōris m | one who goes around, watchman, he who goes the rounds and visits the posts of sentinels, pedler |
| circuitor, circuitōris m | one who goes around, watchman, he who goes the rounds and visits the posts of sentinels, pedler |
| circumductor, circumductōris m | one who leads about, converts another |
| circumfossor, circumfossōris m | one who digs around something |
| circumgestātor, circumgestātōris m | one who carries around |
| circumitor, circumitōris m | one who goes around, watchman, he who goes the rounds and visits the posts of sentinels, pedler |
| circumlātor, circumlātōris m | one who carries about |
| circumlātrātor, circumlātrātōris m | the one who barks around, what roars around |
| clāvātor, clāvātōris m | one who carries clubs or foils, used in military exercises, cudgel-bearer |
| cliēns, clientis m (cluēns) (cluo, κλύω) | one who hears, client, retainer, follower, adherent, companion, favorite |
| clīnicus, clīnicī m | physician who attends patients sick in bed, patient confined to his bed, bearer of the bier, sexton, grave-digger, one who was baptized when sick or infirm |
| clipeātus, clipeāta, clipeātum (clupeātus) | one who is armed with a shield |
| cluēns, cluentis m | one who hears, client, retainer, follower, adherent, companion, favorite |
| clupeātus, clupeāta, clupeātum | one who is armed with a shield |
| clūsor, clūsōris m | one who encloses or encompasses |
| coemptiōnātor, coemptiōnātōris m | one who enters into the coemptio |
| coemptor, coēmptōris m | one who purchases many things, one who buys up many things |
| coërcitor, coërcitōris m | one who restrains |
| cōgnitor, cōgnitōris m | one who has made himself familiar with a case in law, advocate, attorney, judge, defender, protector, witness, who testifies that he knows a person, voucher |
| cohabitātor, cohabitātōris m | he who dwells with any one, roommate, flatmate |
| colitor, colitōris m | one who bestows care upon a thing, elaborator, cultivator, tiller of land, husbandman, planter, inhabitant, dweller, fosterer, supporter, tutor, teacher, worshipper, reverencer, priest of some deity |
| collātor, collātōris m | he who bears together, he who brings together, he who places together, contributor, one who pays a voluntary contribution to the state, one who compares, comparer |
| collaudātor, collaudātōris m | one who praises warmly |
| collēga, collēgae m | one who is chosen at the same time with another, partner in office, colleague, associate, companion, fellow, fellow-member of a club, fellow-member of a sodalitia, joint-guardian, fellow-slave, fellow-actor, joint-heir |
| collēgiātus, collēgiātī m | he who is with one in a society, he who is with one in a college, he who is with one in a corporation |
| collūsor, collūsōris m | companion in play, playmate, he who has a secret understanding with one to the injury of a third |
| cōlobathrārius, cōlobathrāriī m | one who walks on stilts |
| colōnus, colōnī m | husbandman, tiller of the soil, farmer, one who cultivates another’s land, colonist, inhabitant of a colonial town, inhabitant |
| columnārius, columnāriī m | one who was condemned at the Columna Maenia |
| cōmessātor, cōmessātōris m | one who holds or joins in a festive procession, reveller |
| cōmisātor, cōmisātōris m | one who holds or joins in a festive procession, reveller |
| cōmissātor, cōmissātōris m | one who holds or joins in a festive procession, reveller |
| commeātor, commeātōris m | one who goes to and fro |
| commemorātor, commemorātōris m | one who mentions a thing, commemorator |
| commendātor, commendātōris m | one who commends, commender |
| commentāriēnsis, commentāriēnsis m | one who takes control, one who has the care of a thing, registrar of public documents, recorder, secretary, one who makes out a list of prisoners, keeper of a prison, one who forms a list of soldiers |
| commentor, commentōris m | one who devises something, one who invents something, inventor |
| commonitor, commonitōris m | one who earnestly reminds |
| commōtor, commōtōris m | one who sets in motion |
| commūnicātor, commūnicātōris m | he who makes one a participant in a thing |
| compellātor, compellātōris m | one who rebukes, one who reproves |
| complānātor, complānātōris m | , one who makes level, |
| compressor, compressōris | one who compresses, rapist |
| comptor, comptōris m | one who adorns |
| compulsor, compulsōris m | driver (of cattle), one who asks or forces to a payment, exacter of money |
| concentor, concentōris m | one who sings with others in a chorus |
| concertātor, concertātōris m | one who contends with another, one who vies with another, rival |
| concīsor, concīsōris m | one who cuts down, one who fells |
| concitātrīx, concitātrīcis f | one who excites or rouses, a mover, exciter |
| concolōna, concolōnae f | she who inhabits the same town or house with one, a female fellow-citizen, a female fellow-inhabitant |
| concubīnus, concubīnī m | one who lives in concubinage, concubine, co-sleeper, callboy, woman spoiler, prostitute |
| concupītor, concupītōris m | one who longs eagerly for or covets something |
| concursātor, concursātōris m | one who runs hither and thither, skirmisher |
| concussor, concussōris m | one who extorts money by threats |
| condecuriālis, condecuriālis m | he who has been a decurion with one |
| condemmnātor, condemnātiōris m | one who gives sentence, a condemner, one who causes a condemnation, an accuser |
| condītor, condītōris m | one who prepares a thing in a savory manner, seasoner |
| conductor, conductōris m | one who hires a thing, a lessee, farmer, tenant, a contractor |
| cōnfābulātor, cōnfābulātōris m | one who converses |
| cōnfuga, cōnfugae c | one who takes refuge somewhere, refugee |
| congregātor, congregātōris m | one who brings together, assembler |
| congressor, congressōris m | one who meets or assembles with |
| coniuga, coniugae f | one who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave |
| coniugātor, coniugātōris m | one who joins, one who unites, uniter, connector, unifier |
| coniūnx, coniugis c (coniūx) | one who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave |
| coniūx, coniugis c | one who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave |
| cōnsecrātor, cōnsecrātōris m | one who consecrates, one who dedicates |
| cōnsedō, cōnsedōnis m | he who sits with one |
| cōnsessor, cōnsessōris m | one who sits near or by a person or thing, assessor, table neighbor |
| cōnsīderātor, cōnsīderātōris m | one who considers, one who reflects, a sceptic |
| cōnsōlātor, cōnsōlātōris m | one who consoles, comforter |
| cōnspōnsor, cōnspōnsōris m | joint surety, one who binds or obligates himself to something |
| cōnspōsus, cōnspōsī m | joint surety, one who binds or obligates himself to something |
| cōnsul suffectus | post-elected consul, one chosen in the course of the year in the place of one who had died |
| cōnsulāris, cōnsulāris m | one who has been consul, an ex-consul, one of consular rank |
| cōnsultātor, cōnsultātōris m | one who asks advice, one who consults |
| cōnsultor, cōnsultōris m | one who maturely considers, one who reflects, one who takes counsel upon a thing, one who gives counsel, counsellor, adviser, he who asks counsel of one, consulter |
| contextor, contextōris m | one who puts a writing together, composer, author |
| continuus, continuī m | he who is always about one, attendant |
| contractor, contractōris m | , one who makes a contract, contractor, |
| contrādictor, contrādictōris m | one who objects, one who replies, opponent, adversary |
| convector, convectōris m | one who carries together, one who brings together, passenger, the deity who presided over the gathering in of grain |
| converritor, converritōris m | one who sweeps together |
| convīcānus, convīcānī m | one who is of the same village, fellow-villager |
| convīctor, convīctōris m | he who lives with one, table companion, messmate, familiar friend |
| convīva, convīvae m | one who feasts with another, a table companion, guest, as a guest I hold back in eating |
| cosmēta, cosmētae m | he who ornaments one, an adorner |
| cosmētēs, cosmētae f | she who ornaments one, an adorner |
| cosmētēs, cosmētae m | he who ornaments one, an adorner |
| cosmographus, cosmographī m | one who describes the world, cosmographer |
| creātor, creātōris m | creator, author, begetter, founder, creator of the world, God, one who elects or appoints to an office |
| cruciārius, cruciāriī m | one who is crucified, one fit for the gallows, a gallows-bird |
| crūstārius, crūstāriī m | one who makes embossed or chased figures |
| cunctātor, cunctātōris m | one who acts with hesitation or tardiness, , a delayer, loiterer, lingerer, a considerate person, a cautious person |
| cunctātrīx, cunctātrīcis f | one who hesitates, one who acts deliberately |
| cūragulus, cūragulī m | of one who is prying, a spy, scout |
| damnātor, damnātōris m | one who condemns |
| dēbitor, dēbitōris m | debtor, borrower, who is bound to perform his vow, one who is indebted, one who is under obligation to someone for something |
| dēcessor, dēcessōris m | predecessor in office, one who retires from a province he has governed |
| dēclāmātor, dēclāmātōris m | one who practises set speaking, a rhetorician, declaimer |
| dēclārātor, dēclārātōris m | one who declares, one who makes known, an announcer |
| dēcoctor, dēcoctōris m | one who has squandered the property, a ruined spendthrift, a bankrupt |
| dēdecorātor, dēdecorātōris m | one who dishonors, reviler, blasphemer |
| dēdicātor, dēdicātōris m | one who dedicates, founder, author |
| dēditīcius, ddēditīciī m | one who has surrendered, one who has capitulated, a captive |
| dēductor, dēductōris m | one who brings, guide, teacher, one who accompanies or attends on a candidate for office, an attendant |
| dēfector, dēfectōris m | one who revolts from another, a revolter, rebel |
| dēfēnsor, dēfēnsōris m | one who fends, one who wards, one who averts, one who keeps off, defender, protector |
| dēfīnītor, dēfīnītōris m | one who determines, one who settles, one who appoints |
| deificus, deifica, deificum | who makes one a god, who deifies, consecrated, sacred |
| dēlector, dēlectōris m | recruiter, one who draws out, one who levies, one who recruits |
| dēlēgātor, dēlēgātōris m | one who makes an assignment, assignor |
| dēlēnītor, dēlēnītōris m (dēlīnītor, dēlīnītōris m) | one who softens down, one who soothes, one who wins over |
| dēlīberātor, dēlīberātōris m | one who deliberates |
| dēlīnītor, dēlīnītōris m | one who softens down, one who soothes, one who wins over |
| dēmōnstrātor, dēmōnstrātōris m | one who points out, one who indicates, indicator, exhibiter |
| dentifrangibulus, dentifrangibulī m | tooth-breaker, one who knocks out teeth |
| dentilegus, dentilegī m | one who picks up his teeth, tooth-gatherer |
| dēpālātor, dēpālātōris m | one who marks out the bounds, founder |
| dēpopulātor, dēpopulātōris m | one who lays waste, marauder, spoiler, pillager |
| dēportātor, dēportātōris m | one who carries away, bearer, carrier, transporter |
| dēpositārius, dēpositāriī m | one who receives a deposit, trustee, depositary, one who makes a deposit, depositor |
| dēpositor, dēpositōris m | one who deposits a thing for safe-keeping, depositor, one who disowns, one who disclaims |
| dēpostulātor, dēpostulātōris m | one who demands (for punishment, torture), challenger, prompter |
| dēprecātor, dēprecātōris m | one who averts by praying, interceder, intercessor |
| dēpreciātor, dēpreciātōris m | one who depreciates, depreciator |
| dēpretiātor, dēpretiātōris m | one who depreciates, depreciator |
| dēpulsor, dēpulsōris m | one who drives away, one who removes, one who repels, epithet of Jupiter, as the averter of evil |
| dērelictor, dērelictōris m | one who abandons |
| dēsertor, dēsertōris m | one who forsakes, forsaker, one who abandons, runaway, deserter, one who joins the enemy |
| dēsīgnātor, dēsīgnātōris m | one who regulates, one who arranges, regulator, officer whose duty it was to assign seats in the theatre, umpire at public spectacles |
| dēsioculus, dēsioculī m | one who has lost an eye |
| dēsōlātōr, dēsōlātōris m | waster, failure, loser, one who makes lonely, one who makes desolate |
| dēspectātor, dēspectātōris m | , one who looks down, despiser, |
| dēstrūctor, dēstrūctōris m | one who pulls down, destroyer |
| dētentātor, dētentātōris m | one who holds or keeps back something, detainer |
| dētēstātor, dētēstātōris m | one who execrates, curser |
| dētractātor, dētractātōris m
| one who declines, one who refuses, diminisher, disparager |
| dētrectātor, dētrectātōris m (dētractātor) | one who declines, one who refuses, diminisher, disparager |
| dētrūsor, dētrūsōris m | one who thrusts down, knocker, device for knocking down |
| dēversitor, dēversitōris m | one who puts up at an inn, guest |
| dēversor, dēversōris m | one who lodges anywhere, inmate, guest |
| dēvĭātor, dēvĭātōris m | one who leaves the way, forsaker |
| diatrētārius, diatrētāriī m | one who does perforated or filigree work, turner, carver |
| dictātor, dictātōris m | chief magistrate elected by the Romans in seasons of emergency for six months, one who dictates |
| dictor, dictōris m | one who says something, speaker |
| dīrēctārius, dīrēctāriī m | one who secretly enters a house in order to steal, sneak-thief, burglar |
| discophorus, discophorī m | one who carries a dish, dishbearer |
| discrīminātor, discrīminātōris m | one who distinguishes, one who discriminates |
| discursātor, discursātōris m | one who runs hither and thither, one who runs about |
| discursor, discursōris m | one who runs about |
| discussor, discussōris m | examiner, one who revised the accounts of the public revenue in the provinces, auditor |
| doctor umbrāticus | one who teaches at home, private tutor |
| fatuus, fatuī m | fool, simpleton, jester, buffoon, one who acts foolishly |
| ahllūcinātor, hallūcinātōris m | one who is wandering in mind, dreamer, silly fellow |
| homō dē capsulā | one who is excessively neat, nice |
| homō umbrāticus | one who is fond of the shade, effeminate person, lounger |
| phalangārius, phalangāriī m | one who carries burdens with the aid of a long pole, carrier, porter |
| scrīptūrārius, scrīptūrāriī m | one who collected the tax on pasturage |
| scrōfipāscus, scrōfipāsca, scrōfipāscum | one who keeps or breeds sows |
| sector, sectōris m | one who cuts or cuts off, a cutter |
| sēmissārius, sēmissāria, sēmissārium | belonging to a half as, who inherits one half |
| sentīnātor, sentīnātōris m | one who bails out the bilge water |
| sepultor, sepultōris m | one who calms, allayer, pacifier |
| sepultor, sepultōris m | one who buries, burier |
| servātor, servātōris m | one who gives attention to any thing, watcher, observer, preserver, deliverer, savior |
| sessor, sessōris m | one who sits in a place, sitter, horseman, rider, inhabitant, resident |
| sicinnista, sicinnistae m | one who performs the sicinnis, sicinnis dancer |
| sīgnātor, sīgnātōris m | sealer, signer, one who attests a will by sealing it, witness to a will, one who affixes his seal as witness to a marriage contract, a witness to a marriage, one who stamps money, a coiner |
| somniātor, somniātōris m | one who has faith in dreams, a dreamer |
| sortītor, sortītōris m | one who casts lots, one who draws lots |
| spadō, spadōnis m (σπάδων) | one who has no generative power, ßimpotent person, castrated person, eunuch, unfruitful plants, seedless plants |
| spatiātor, spatiātōris m | one who walks about, promenader |
| spūtātor, spūtātōris m | one who spits much, a spitter |
| Stator, Statōris m | one who causes any thing to stand fast, stayer, supporter |
| stigmatiās, stigmatiae m (στιγματίας) | One who is branded, Title of a comedy of Nœvius |
| stipulātor, ōris m | one who demands a formal promise, one who demands a covenant, bargainer, stipulator |
| stipulātus, stipulātūs m | one who demands a formal promise, one who demands a covenant, bargainer, stipulator |
| strabō, strabōnis m (στράβων) | that has distorted eyes, one who squints strongly, one who squints strongly, squinter, envious person, jealous person |
| strabōnus, strabōnī m | one who squints strongly, squinter |
| strangūriōsus, strangūriōsa, strangūriōsum | one who is afflicted with strangury |
| strātor, strātōris m | one who saddles a horse, a groom, equerry, a thrower down |
| strictor, strictōris m | one who strips, one who plucks off |
| strūctor, strūctōris m | one who erects a building, builder, mason, carpenter, one who spreads the table, one who serves up food and carves, server, carver |
| suāsor, suāsōris m | one who exhorts, one who advises, one who persuades, adviser, counsellor, persuader |
| subarātor, subarātōris m | one who ploughs close to any thing |
| subbasilicānus, subbasilicānī m | one who lounges around the basilicas, a lounger |
| subiector, subiectōris m | one who substitutes, substitutor, forger |
| subiugātor, subiugātōris m | one who brings under the yoke, conqueror, subjugator |
| subministrātor, subministrātōris m | one who aids, one who assists, abettor, promoter |
| subsannātor, subsannātōris m | one who insults or mocks by gestures |
| subscrīptor, subscrīptōris m | signer of an accusation, joint-signer of an accusation, one who subscribes to any thing, one who assents to any thing, favorer, approver |
| subventor, subventōris m | one who comes in aid, helper |
| succīsor, succīsōris m | one who cuts, one who prunes |
| succuba, succubae f | one who lies under, lecher, strumpet, supplanter, rival |
| suffrāgātor, suffrāgātōris m | one who votes for another, supporter, partisan, suffragator |
| sulcātor, sulcātōris m | one who draws furrows, furrower, plougher, one who sails over, render, tearer, lacerator |
| superficiārius, superficiāriī m | one who has a house on another man’s land, superficiary |
| supersēminātor, supersēminātōris m | one who sows upon, one who sows in addition |
| superstes, superstitis | one who stands by, one who is present at any thing, a bystander, witness, standing over, that remains alive after another’s death, outliving, surviving |
| supplantātor, supplantātōris m | one who trips up another’s heels, supplanter |
| susceptor, susceptōris m | one who undertakes any thing, undertaker, contractor, receiver, collector of taxes, one who takes into his house thieves, gamesters, etc, , receiver, gaming-house keeper, guardian, protector |
| suspector, suspectōris m | one who looks up to or respects a thing, respecter |
| tabelliō, tabelliōnis m | one who draws up written instruments, such as contracts, wills, notary, scrivener |
| taurobolīnus, taurobolīnī m | one who has sacrificed a bull to Cybele |
| temperātor, temperātōris m | one who duly arranges, one who duly orders, one who duly governs |
| tenebriō, tenebriōnis m | one who shuns the light, trickster, swindler |
| tergiversātor, tergiversātōris m | one who delays, one who declines, one who hangs back, boggler, laggard |
| tessalārius, tessalāriī m | one who makes tessellae, mosaic worker, dice maker |
| tessellārius, tessellāriī m | one who makes tessellae, mosaic worker, dice maker |
| testamentārius, testamentāriī m | one who draws up a will, one who forges a will |
| tēstātor, tēstātōris m | one who bears witness, one who testifies to a thing, witness, one who makes a will, one who makes a testament, testator |
| testis, teste | one who attests any thing, witness, eye-witness, spectator |
| testis, testis c | one who attests any thing, witness, eye-witness, spectator |
| theologus, theologī m | one who treats of the deity and of divine things, theologian |
| theūrgus, theūrgī m | one who summons spirits, magician, theurgist |
| tolerātor, tolerātōris m | one who endures, tolerator |
| toreutēs, toreutae m | one who makes embossed work, chaser, graver |
| trahārius, trahāriī m | one who draws a traha, sledge-man, baggage-man |
| trānsfigūrātor suī | hypocrite, one who disguises himself |
| trānsilītor, trānsilītōris m | one who leaps over |
| trānsitor, trānsitōris m | one who goes over, a passer by |
| trānslātor, trānslātōris m | one who carries over, one who hands over, transferrer, translator |
| trānsvena, trānsvenae m | one who comes over from another place, newcomer, stranger, foreigner |
| trigamus, trigamī m | thricemarried man, one who has three wives, one who has been married three times |
| trīgārium, trīgāriī n | one who drives a threehorse chariot, number three |
| trīgārius, trīgāriī m | one who drives a threehorse chariot |
| triumphālis, triumphālis m | one who has had the honors of a triumph |
| triumphātor, triumphātōris m | one who triumphs, triumpher, conqueror, vanquisher |
| triumphātōrius, triumphātōria, triumphātōrium | belonging to one who triumphs, triumphing, triumphant |
| trutinātor, trutinātōris m | weigher, one who examines, one who judges |
| tūtēlārius, tūtēlāriī m | one who has the care or custody of a thing, keeper, warden, curator |
| tympanītēs, tympanītae m | one who is afflicted with tympanites, a dropsical person |
| tympanīticus, tympanīticī m | one who is afflicted with tympanites, a dropsical person |
| umbrāticola, umbrāticolae c | one who is fond of the shade, effeminate person, lounger |
| ūnō in saltū duōs aprōs capiō | kill two birds with one stone, kill two flies with one stone |
| ūsuārius, ūsuāriī m | one who uses or has the use of a thing |
| ūsūfrūctuārius, ūsūfrūctuāriī m | one who has the use and profit but not the property of a thing, a usufructuary |
| ūsūrpātor, ūsūrpātōris m | one who uses possession unlawfully, one who takes possession unlawfully, usurper of a thing, one who accomplishes |
| ūtrārius, ūtrāriī m | one who brings water in skins, water-carrier |
| ūtricīda, ūtricīdae m | one who cuts skins or bags in pieces, skin-slayer, utricide |
| vāsclārius, vāsclāriī m | one who makes vessels of metal |
| vāsculārius, vāsculāriī m | one who makes vessels of metal, worker in metals, whitesmith, goldsmith |
| vēnātor, vēnātōris m | hunter, one who fights with wild beasts in the arena, huntsman, hunting man |
| ventilātor, ventilātoris f | one who winnows grain, winnower |
| ventricola, ventricolae m | one who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton |
| ventricultor, ventricultōris m | one who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton |
| ventriloquus, ventriloquī m | one who speaks from his belly, ventriloquist |
| verbēnārius, verbēnāriī m | one who bears the sacred boughs, of the fetiales |
| versicapillus, versicapillī m | one who changes hair, whose hair grows gray |
| verticōsus, verticōsa, verticōsum | one who suffers from giddiness, one who suffers from, vertiginous |
| vertīginōsus, vertīginōsa, vertīginōsum | one who suffers from giddiness, one who suffers from vertigo, , vertiginous |
| veterātor, veterātōris m | one who has grown old, one who has become gray, one who has practised, one who has skilled in any thing, crafty fellow, old fox, sly-boots, an old slave |
| vindex, vindicis c | one who lays legal claim to a thing, a claimant, maintainer, defender, protector, deliverer, liberator, vindicator, avenger, punisher, revenger |
| vir, virī m | male person, man, husband, man of courage, man of principle, man of honor, one who deserves the name of a man, soldier |
| virgātor, virgātōris m | one who beats with rods, flogger |
| virgātor, virgātōris m | one who beats with rods, flogger |
| vōciferātor, vōciferātōris m | one who cries aloud, crier, vociferator |
| volēns, volentis | one who wishes, one who intends, one who is about, one who is willing, one who consents, one who does a thing voluntarily |
| vomitor, vomitōris n | one who vomits, vomiter |
| vorsicapillus, vorsicapillī m | one who changes hair, whose hair grows gray |
| vorticōsus, vorticōsa, vorticōsum | one who suffers from giddiness, one who suffers from, vertiginous |
| xenodochus, xenodochī m | one who receives strangers, superintendent of the stranger’s hospital |
| xenoparochus, xenoparochī m | one who provides for strangers |
| ā bove māiōre discit arāre minor | as the old sang, so do the young chirp, from the older ox the younger one learns to plow |
| ā iūre nēmō recēdere praesūmitur | no one is to be assumed in advance to waive any right |
| abaliēnāre, abaliēnō, abaliēnāvī, abaliēnātum | make alien from one, make alien from one’s self, remove, separate, convey the ownership of a thing to another, make a legal transfer, sell, alienate, abstract, estrange, render disaffected |
| abdūcere, abdūcō, abdūxī, abductum | lead one away, take with one, bring with one, carry off, take away, bring away, remove, take aside, carry away forcibly, raxish, rob, take and drive away |
| abitus, abitūs m | going away, departure, place through which one goes, outlet, place of egress |
| abiūdicāre, abiūdicō, abiūdicāvī, abiūdicātum | deprive one of a thing by judicial sentence, declare that it does not belong to one, abjudicate |
| ablūtor, ōris | one that washes off, one that purifies |
| abrogātor, abrogātōris m | who abolishes something, abolisher |
| abrogāre, abrogō, abrogāvī, abrogātum | annul in all its parts a law, repeal, abrogate wholly, invalidate, take it from one, recall it, take away, deprive of |
| absconditor, absconditōris m | one that hides, one that conceals |
| absentāre, absentō | cause one to be absent, send away |
| absolvere, absolvō, absolvī, absolūtum | loosen from, make loose, set free, detach, untie, release from, let one off quickly, dismiss by paying, pay off, dismiss, release, absolve from a charge, acquit, declare innocent, bring to a conclusion |
| abstēmius, abstēmia, abstēmium | abstaining from intoxicating drinks, temperate, sober, abstinent, moderate, who is yet fasting, who has not breakfasted |
| abūsor, abūsōris m | he who misuses |
| acadēmica, acadēmicōrum n | one of Cicero’s writings, the Academics |
| accēdere, accēdō, accessī, accessum | go to, come to, come near, approach, attack, come upon one, happen to, befall, be added, give assent to, accede to, assent to, agree with, to approve of, resemble, be like, enter upon, undertake |
| accēnsī vēlātī | kind of supernumerary troops who followed the army to fill the places of any who might fall |
| accēnsi, accēnsōrum m | kind of reserve troops who followed the army as supernumeraries |
| accersītor, accersītōris m | one that calls another, one that fetches another |
| accersere, accersō, accersīvī, accersītum | cause any one to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch, order, let be brought, summon, arraign one, before a court of justice, accuse, bring, seek |
| accidere, accidō, accidī | fall upon, fall down upon a thing, reach a thing by falling, fall out, come to pass, happen, occur, happen to, befall one |
| accolātus, accolātūs m | living in one place |
| accommodātiō, accommodātiōnis f | fitting of one thing to another, adjusting of one thing to another, adapting of one’s will to another’s, compliance, complaisance, indulgence |
| accommodāre, accommodō (adcommodō), accommodāvī, accommodātum | fit one thing to another, adapt one thing to another, lay on, put on, hang on, prepare for any use, adjust to, adapt to, accommodate to, apply |
| accrēscere, accrēscō (adcrēscō), accrēvī, accrētum | grow, become larger by growth, increase, be added to by way of increase or augmentation, be joined or annexed to, fall to one |
| accūrāre, accūro (adcūro), accūrāvi, accūrātum | take care of, to do a thing with care, treat one carefully, regale a guest |
| accūsāre, accūsō, accūsāvī, accūsātum | call one to account, make complaint against, reproach, blame, find fault with, lay the fault on one, call one to account publicly, accuse, inform against, arraign, indict |
| Acephalī, Acephalōrum m | sect of heretics who do not recognize the head of the church |
| acūtor, acūtōris m | one that sharpens, sharpener |
| ad ūnum omnēs | all to one, all together, all without exception |
| adcrēscere, adcrēscō, adcrēvī, adcrētum | grow, become larger by growth, increas, added to by way of increase, added to by way of augmentation, be joined or annexed to, fall to one (as an increase of his property) |
| adcūrāre, adcūro, adcūrāvi, adcūrātum | take care of, do a thing with care, treat one carefully, regale a guest |
| addīcere, addīcō, addīxī, addictum | give one’s assent to a thing, be propitious to, favor, award any thing to one, adjudge any thing to one, sentence, adjudge to the highest bidder, knock down, strike off, deliver to, sell, make over to, yield a thing to one, resign a thing to one |
| additus, addita, additum | joined to one as a constant observer, watching in a hostile or troublesome manner, observing in a hostile or troublesome manner, pursuing one incessantly, persecuting |
| adīre, adeō, adiī (adīvī), aditum | go to, approach, address, apply to, consult, visit, come up to one in a hostile manner, assail, attack, enter upon, undertake, set about, undergo, submit to |
| adhibēre, adhibeō, adhibuī, adhibitum | hold toward, hold to, turn to, bring to, add to, bring one to a place, summon, employ, receive, treat, use, employ, exercise |
| adhortārī, adhortor, adhortātus sum | encourage, urge, exhort one to, incite and spur |
| adimplētor, adimplētōris m | he who fills (by inspiration), inspirer |
| adinvicem | by turns, in turn, one after another, alternately, one another, each other, mutually, reciprocally, instead of |
| adiūdicāre, adiūdicō, adiūdicāvī, adiūdicātum | grant a thing to one as judge, award a thing to one as judge, adjudge |
| adiungere, adiungō, adiūnxī, adiūnctum | add to, join to, annex to, bind to, yoke, harness, enter into friendship with, make one a friend, apply to, direct to, annex, subjoin, let follow, let attend, add it to the preceding |
| administer, administrī m | he who is near to aid or assist, servant, attendant, assistant |
| admissīvus, admissīva, admissīvum | who permit to do something |
| admissor, admissōris m | one that allows himself to do a thing, perpetrator |
| admittere, admittō, admīsī, admissum | send to, suffer to come to a place, suffer to go to a place, admit, allow one admittance, allow one access, grant an audience, put the male to the female, admit one to counsel, admit one to consultation |
| admōlīrī, admōlior, admōlītus sum | move one thing to another, move one thing upon another, bring one thing to another, bring one thing upon another, pile up, exert one’s self to reach a place, strive toward a place, struggle toward a place |
| admonēre, admoneō, admonuī, admonitum | bring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action |
| admonitor, admonitōris m | he that reminds one of something, he that admonishes one to something, monitor, one that urges to action, admonisher |
| admovēre, admoveō, admōvī, admōtum | move to, move toward, bring to, bring toward, conduct to, conduct toward, lead to, lead toward, carry to, carry toward, draw near, approach, bring near, promote, advance, bring one thing near to another |
| admutilāre, admutilō, admutilāvī | crop, clip close, shave, defraud, cheat, fleece one of his money, shear to the skin |
| adnuere, adnuō, adnuī | nod to, nod, ask by a wink, ask by a nod, give assent by nodding, give approval by nodding, nod assent to, approve, favor, allow, grant, promise to do, be favorable to, promise something to one, grant something to one, designate something by a nod |
| adoptātor, adoptātōris m | one that adopts another, adopter |
| adoptiō, adoptiōnis f | taking of one in the place of a child, receiving of one in the place of a child, adopting, adoption |
| adōrnāre, adōrnō, adōrnāvī, adōrnātum | prepare, get ready, furnish, provide, fit out, equip, put an ornament upon one, decorate, adorn, embellish |
| adōrāre, adōrō, adōrāvī, adōrātum | speak to, accost one, address, treat a matter with one, negotiate a matter with one, bring an accusation, accuse, speak to one in order to obtain something of him, ask one, entreat one, reverence, honor, adore, worship, reverence, admire, esteem highly |
| adparātor, adparātōris m | one that prepares, preparer |
| adpendere, adpendō, adpendī, adpēnsum | hang upon, suspend on, weigh something to one, weigh, consider |
| adplaudere, adplaudō, adplausī, adplausum (adplōdere, adplōdō, adplōsī, adplōsum) | strike one thing upon another, clap, clap the hands in approbation, applaud |
| adpōnere, adpōnō, adposuī, adpositum | place at, put at, lay at, place by the side of a thing, , put to something by way of increase, add to, superadd, do further, do something, set down for something, count as, reckon as, consider as, hold as, apply to, add, unite, serve up, set before one, |
| adrīdēre, adrīdeō, adrīsī, adrīsum | laugh at, laugh with, smile at, smile upon, be favorable to one, be kindly disposed to one, be pleasing to, please |
| adrogāre, adrogō, adrogāvī, adrogātum | ask of one, inquire of one, question, add one officer to another, associate with, place by the side of, take in the place of a child, adopt, appropriate, claim as one’s own, arrogate to one’s self, assume, adjudge something to another as his own, confer upon, procur |
| adscīscere, adscīscō, adscīvī, adscītum | receive a thing with knowledge, take a thing with approbation, approve, receive as true, receive one, admit one (as citizen, ally, son, etc, ), adopt, join or unite one’s self to one, assume to one’s self, arrogate to one’s self, order, decree, approve also |
| adsectātor, adsectātōris m | he that is in attendance upon any one (as friend, servant, client), follower, attendant, disciple |
| adsectārī, adsector (assector), adsectātus sum | attend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman |
| adsecuē | immediately following, on the foot, close one after the other |
| adsentīre, adsentiō, adsensī, adsēnsum | join one in opinion, agree with, assent to, give assent, approve, give approval, yield, assent to as perceived by sense |
| adsentīrī, adsentior, adsēnsus sum | join one in opinion, agree with, assent to, give assent, approve, give approval, yield, assent to as perceived by sense |
| adsentārī, adsentor, adsentātus sum | join one in judgment, join one in opinion, always to assent, agree with one in every thing, flatter |
| adserere, adserō, adseruī, adsertum | join some person or thing to one’s self, declare one (a slave) to be free by laying hands upon him, set free, liberate, declare one to be a slave by laying the hand upon him, claim as a slave, free from, protect, defend, defend against |
| adsertiō, adsertiōnis f | formal declaration that one is a freeman or a slave, assertion |
| adsidēre, adsideō, adsēdī, adsessum | sit at one’s side, stand at one’s side, aid, assist one in the office of judge, be an assessor, attend upon, take care of, be busily about a thing, station one’s self before, be encamped before, sit down before, besiege, blockade, be like, resemble |
| adsiduitās, adsiduitātis f | constant presence with any one, constant attendance, constant presence, continuance, duration, constancy of any thing, frequent occurrence of, frequent repetition of |
| adsīgnāre, adsīgnō, adsīgnāvī, adsīgnātum | mark out to one, appoint to one, assign, distribute, allot, give by assigning, confer upon, ascribe, attribute, impute to one as a crime, reckon as a service, commit, consign, give over to one to keep, give over to one to take care of, make a mark upon somethin |
| adsimilātiō, adsimulātiōnis f | assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others |
| adsimilātiō, adsimilātiōnis f (adsimulātiō) | assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others |
| adsimilāre, adsimilō, adsimilāvī, adsimilātum | make one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate |
| adsimulātiō, adsimulātiōnis f | assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others |
| adsimulāre, adsimulō, adsimulāvī, adsimulātum | make one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate |
| adsistere, adsistō, adstitī | place one’s self somewhere, stand, post one’s self, stand somewhere, stand at, stand by, stand by one, stand before one on trial |
| adspicere, adspiciō, adspexī, adspectum | look to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance |
| adstipulārī, adstipulor, adstipulātus sum | join in a stipulation, stipulate with, agree with one |
| adsurgere, adsurgō, adsurrēxī, adsurrēctum | rise up to one, rise up, mount up, rise, increase in size, swell, tower up, soar |
| adterere, adterō, adtrīvī, adtrītum | rub one thing against another, rub away, wear out by rubbing, diminish by rubbing, waste, wear away, weaken, impair, exhaust, destroy |
| adtribuere, adtribuō, adtribuī, adtribūtum | associate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute |
| adūlārī, adūlor, adūlātus sum | cling to one fawningly, fawn as a dog, flatter in a cringing manner, fawn upon |
| adūnātiō, adūnātiōnis f | making into one, uniting, union |
| adūnātrīx, adūnātrīcis f | unifier, one that unites |
| adūnāre, adūnō, adūnāvī, adūnātum | make one, unite |
| adventor, adventōris m | one that arrives, guest, visitor, one that comes to a pothouse, visitor, customer |
| adversārius, adversāria, adversārium | turned toward one, lying before one’s eyes, standing opposite to one, standing opposed to one as an antagonist, in hostile opposition to |
| adversiō, adversiōnis f | turning one thing to another, directing one thing toward another |
| adversārī, adversor, adversātus sum | stood against to one, be against, resist, oppose |
| advertere, advertō, advertī, adversum | turn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to |
| advertō in aliquem | attend to one, punish one |
| advīvere, advīvō, advīxī | live with one, live, live on, continue living |
| advocāre, advocō, advocāvī, advocātum | call one to a place, summon one to a place, call in, call to one’s aid, call to for help, summon, get a respite, delay |
| advorsārī, advorsor, advorsātus sum | stood against to one, be against, resist, oppose |
| advortere, advortō, advortī, advorsum | turn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to |
| adzēlārī, adzēlor | be zealous against one, be angry with |
| aemulārī, aemulor, aemulātus sum | rival, endeavor to equal or to excel one, emulate, vie with, equal one by emulating, strive after or vie with enviously, be envious of, be jealous of |
| aenigmatista, aenigmatistae m | one that proposes riddles, one that speaks in riddles, enigmatist |
| aequimanus, aequimana, aequimanum | who can use both hands equally well, ambidextrous |
| aequitās, aequitātis f | quality of being aequus, uniform relation of one thing to others, equality, conformity, symmetry, just or equitable conduct toward others, justice, equity, fairness, righteousness, quiet state of mind, tranquil state of mind, evenness of temper, moderation, calmness |
| aequāre, aequō, aequāvī, aequātum | make one thing equal to another, place a thing on an equality with, compare, make level, make even, make smooth, become equal to one, equal, come up to, attain to |
| aestimātiō frūmentī | the determination of the prœtor, how much ready money one should pay, instead of the corn which he was to furnish |
| aestimātor, aestimātōris m | one that estimates a thing according to its value, valuer, appraiser, estimator |
| affectātor, affectātōris m | one that strives for something |
| afficere, afficiō, affēcī, affectum | do something to one, exert an influence on body or mind, affect a person or thing with something, bestow upon, grace with, to visit with, inflict upon |
| affictiō, affictiōnis f | implication, insinuation, figure of speech in which one implies a claim to one's opponent in order to then refute it |
| affīnis, affīne | that is neighboring to one, near by family relationship, allied or related to by marriage, partaking, taking part in, privy to, sharing, associated with |
| affārī, affor (adfor), affātus sum | speak to, accost one, address one, fix the limits of the auspices |
| aggredī, aggredior, aggressus sum | go to, approach, apply to, address, solicit, attempt to bribe, attempt to tamper with, go against one in a hostile manner, fall on, attack, assault, undertake, begin, enter upon |
| aggressor, aggressōris m | one that attacks, assailant, aggressor, robber |
| agipēs, agipedis | fast-footed, quick-footed, senator who silently passes over to him for or with whom he intends to vote |
| agnitor, agnitōris m | one that recognizes, one that understands, one that perceives |
| agrāriī, agrāriōrum m | those who urged the agrarian laws, and sought the possession of public land, partisans of the agrarian laws |
| aliā ... aliā | in one way - in the other way |
| aliās... aliās... | at one time - at another, once - another time, sometimes - sometimes, now - now |
| aliās aliter... | at one time in one way - at another in another, now so - now otherwise, now this - now that |
| alibī | elsewhere, otherwhere, somewhere else, at another place, otherwise, in something else, in other things, in other respects, with some other one |
| alibī... alibī... | in one place - in another, here - there |
| alibī ... alibī ...alibī ... | in one place - in another - in a third place |
| alibī aliter | one like this, the other like that, here like this - there different |
| alibī alius | one here, the other there |
| alibī atque alibī | at one time here, at another there, now here, now there |
| alicuī assurrēctum nōn est | one has not stood up in front of someone |
| alicuī cedō | yield to one, give the preference or precedence, give place to, submit to |
| alicuī cedō | come to, fall to one (as a possession), fall to his lot or share, accrue |
| aliēnus, aliēna, aliēnum | that belongs to another person, that belongs to another place, not belonging to one, alien from, not related, not allied, not friendly, inimical, strange |
| aliēnus, aliēnī m | stranger, one not belonging to one’s house or country, one not related to a person |
| aliī ... partim ... | one - another part - |
| aliī ... plūrimī ... | the one - the most - |
| aliī ... quīdam ... | the one - some - |
| aliī ... reliquī ... | the one - the rest - |
| aliī aliunde | one from there, the other from there, everyone else from somewhere else |
| alimentārius, alimentāriī m | one to whom means of subsistence has been left by will |
| aliō ... aliō ... | in one way - in another, hither - thither |
| aliō atque aliō positus ventilor | throwing oneself back and forth soon in this position soon in that one |
| ālipilārius, ālipilāriī m | slave who plucked the hair from the armpits of the bathers |
| ālipilus, ālipilī m | slave who plucked the hair from the armpits of the bathers |
| aliquem dēterreō, nē... | get one away from the fact that he , , , , get one off that he , , , |
| aliquem dēterreō, quōminus | get one away from the fact that he , , , , get one off that he , , , |
| aliquem mēcum habeō | have someone in one's company, have someone in one's environment, have someone with one |
| aliquem mortuum cremō (extruō) | cremate someone who has died |
| aliquem nātum nōn agnōscō | not to recognise one as a son at birth |
| aliquem nōn dēterreō, quīn.. | does not stop one from |
| aliquem redigō in peregrīnitātem | take away someone's civil rights, deprive one of one's civil rights |
| aliquispiam | any one |
| aliquisvīs, aliquavīs, aliquidvīs | any one |
| aliquōvorsum | toward some place, one way or other |
| alis alium | by turns, in turn, one after another |
| alitēs abdīcunt aliquid | the birds advise against something |
| alitēs addīcunt alicuī | the birds agree with someone |
| aliud aliī munerātur | one is given this, the other that |
| aliud ex aliō | one after the other, one by one |
| aliud ex aliō nectō | linking one to the other |
| alium alia clādēs oppressit | each one beset by a different calamity |
| aliunde ... aliunde | from one place - from another place |
| alius aliā | one this way, the other that way, each on a different path |
| alius ... alium ... | one this, the other that |
| alius alibī | this one here, that one there |
| alius aliō | one here, the other there, this one here, that one there, each in a different direction |
| alius aliō in locō | one in that place, the other in that place, each elsewhere, each in a different place |
| alius alium respectat | each one looks at another, everyone looks at someone else |
| alius aliusque | the one and the other, now this, now that |
| alius atque alius | the one and the other, now this, now that |
| alius, deinde alius | the one and the other, now this, now that, different |
| alius, post alius | the one and the other, now this, now that, different |
| allēctiō, allēctiōnis f | choice for something, election for something, troop deployment, levying of troops, promotion to a higher office before one has performed the duties of a lower |
| allector, allectōris m | one that entices, one that allures, decoy, bait |
| allēgātiō, allēgātiōnis f | sending to any one, despatching to any one, alleging by way of proof, adducing by way of proof, excuse, imperial rescript |
| allēgāre, allēgō (adlēgō), allēgāvi, allēgātum | send one away with a commission, despatch, depute, commission, bring forward, relate, recount, mention, adduce |
| allīdere, allīdō (adlīdō), allīsī, allīsum | strike one thing upon another, dash one thing upon another, dash one thing against another, bring into danger |
| almitās, almitātis f | benignity, kind behavior |
| almitiēs, almitiēī f | benignity, kind behavior |
| alogos, alogon | destitute of reason, irrational, one that does not correspond with another, irregular, which corresponds with no kind of measure |
| alogus, aloga, alogum | destitute of reason, irrational, one that does not correspond with another, irregular, which corresponds with no kind of measure |
| alter alterī inimīcus est | one is the enemy of the other, they are enemies of each other |
| alter alterīus auxiliō eget | one needs the help of the other, they need mutual help |
| alter ambōve | either separately or both, the one or both |
| alter, altera, alterum | the other of two, one of two, the other, the second, the next, the one of two, either of two |
| alterās ... alterās ... alterās | the one time - the other time - the third time |
| altercātor, altercātōris m | orator who strives to conquer his antagonist by interrogatories, disputant |
| alterī Capitōnī cōgnōmen est, alter Māgnus vocātur | one has the surname Capito, the other is called Magnus |
| alternīs (annīs) | one year after the other, year after year |
| alternīs diēbus | day after day, one day after the other |
| alternāre, alternō, alternāvi, alternātum | do one thing and then another, do a thing by turns, interchange with something, alternate, hesitate |
| alternō quōque diē | alternately on one day, then again on the other day, one day after the other |
| alternus, alterna, alternum | one after the other, by turns, interchangeable, alternate |
| alterō oculō capior | go blind in one eye |
| alterō pede claudus | lame on one foot |
| altertra | one of two, the one, the other |
| alterum alterī contribuō | assign one to the other |
| alterum cornū teneō | command one of the two wings |
| alteruter vestrum | either of you, one of you two |
| alteruter, alterutra, alterutrum (Gen. alterutrīus, Dat.alterutrī) | one of two, the one or the other, both |
| altitūdō unciālis | height of one inch, one inch height |
| alytarcha, alytarchae m | magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions |
| alytarchēs, alytarchae m | magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions |
| ambigitur dē verō | one argues about the truth |
| ambūbāia, ambūbāiae f | a class of Syrian girls in Rome, who supported themselves by their music and immorality |
| ambulābilis, ambulābile | who (what) can walk up and down, who (what) can walk along |
| ambulātor, ambulātōris m | one that walks about, idler, lounger, pedlar, hawker |
| amīcārius, amīcāriī m | one that procures a mistress, procurer |
| amictōrium pectorāle | garment which is thrown about or over one, scarf, tie for the neck, bra, brassiere |
| amictōrius, amictōria, amictōrium | suitable for throwing about one |
| amiculum, amiculī n | a garment that one throws about or on him, mantle, cloak |
| ammonēre, ammoneō, ammonuī, ammonitum | bring up to one’s mind, put one in mind of, remind, suggest, advise, warn, admonish, recall a thing to memory, bring to remembrance, incite to action, urge to action |
| ammonēre, ammoneō, ammonuī, ammonitum | move to, move toward, bring to, bring toward, conduct to, conduct toward, lead to, lead toward, carry to, carry toward, draw near, approach, bring near, promote, advance, bring one thing near to another |
| amphisciī, amphisciōrum m | those who give shade from two sides |
| amplificātor, amplificātōris m | he who enlarges, amplifier, intensifier |
| amplius annō | longer than one year |
| amplius annum | longer than one year |
| amūsos, amūsī m | one unskilled in music |
| amystis, amystidis f (Akk. Plur. amystidas) | emptying of a cup at one draught |
| amystis, amystidis f | emptying of a cup at one draught |
| anaglyphārius ūsūrārum | usurer who heaps interest upon interest |
| andabata, andabatae m (keltisch) | blindfighter, kind of Roman gladiator, whose helmet was without openings for the eyes, and who therefore fought blindfolded for the amusement of spectators |
| aneclogistus, aneclogista, aneclogistum | guardian who was not obliged to give account of his proceedings, but had discretionary power |
| anguilla est, ēlābitur | who has the eel by the tail, has it neither half nor whole |
| anhēlus, anhēla, anhēlum | out of breath, panting, puffing, attended with short breath, who suffers from shortness of breath, causing to pant |
| animōs hominum variō | tune people soon one way, soon another, , put people sometimes in this mood, sometimes in another mood |
| animus, animī m (cf. ἄνεμος) | disposition toward any one, friendly feeling, affection, kindness, liberality, power of willing, will, inclination, desire, purpose, design, intention |
| annō ante, quam mortuus est | one year before his death |
| annō exāctō | after one year, after the course of a year |
| annō interiectō | after one year, after the course of a year |
| annō intermissō | after one year, after the course of a year |
| annō perāctō | after one year, after the course of a year |
| annō trānsāctō | after one year, after the course of a year |
| annō vertente | within the year, within one year |
| annus duodecim mēnsēs continet | one year makes twelve months |
| annus, annī m | circuit, circular course, periodical return, a season of the year, the produce of the year, the age to which one must attain in order to be appointed to an office |
| annuus magistrātus | an office limited to one year, a one-year term of office |
| anquīrere, anquīrō, anquīsīvī, anquīsītum | seek on all sides, look about for, search after, inquire about, examine into, institute a careful inquiry, institute a careful examination, enter a complaint, accuse one |
| antamoebaeus, antamoebaea, antamoebaeum | verse foot consisting of two short, two long and one short syllable |
| antecellere, antecellō | project, be prominent, distinguish one’s self, distinguish one’s self above any one, surpass, excel, be superior to |
| anteīre, anteeō, anteiī (anteīvi), anteitum | go before, precede, take the lead, excel, surpass any one, anticipate, prevent any thing, oppose, resist, know beforehand, foreknow |
| antīre, anteō, antiī (antīvi), antitum | go before, precede, take the lead, excel, surpass any one, anticipate, prevent any thing, oppose, resist, know beforehand, foreknow |
| antepīlānī, antepīlānōrum m | soldiers who fought before the pilani |
| antepōnere, antepōnō, anteposuī, antepositum | set food before one, serve, prefer, give the preference to |
| antesīgnānī, antesīgnānorum m | chosen band of Roman soldiers who fought before the standards, and served for their defence |
| anthypophora, anthypophorae f (Akk. Sgl.: anthypophorān) | anthypohor, rhetorical figure in which one anticipates the arguments of his antagonist and refutes them |
| anticipāre, anticipō, anticipāvī, anticipātum | take before one, take before the time, anticipate something, anticipate, surpass, excel |
| antidīre, antideō, antidiī (antidīvi), antiditum [nur wenige Formen belegt] | go before, precede, take the lead, excel, surpass any one, anticipate, prevent any thing, oppose, resist, know beforehand, foreknow |
| antipodae, antipodārum m | antipodes, banqueters who turn night to day |
| antipodes, antipodum m (Akk. antipodas) | antipodes, banqueters who turn night to day, night owls |
| antipofora, antipoforae f | rhetorical figure in which one anticipates the arguments of his antagonist, and refutes them |
| antiptōsis, antiptōsis f | the putting of one case for another |
| antīquārius, antīquāriī m | one that is fond about antiquities, one that employs himself about antiquities, antiquarian, antiquary, one that understands reading and copying ancient manusripts |
| antīquum obtineō | still be the old one |
| antīsagōgē, antīsagōgēs f | figure of speech by which one thing adduced is opposed to another, counter-assertion |
| antisophista, antisophistae m | counter-sophist, a grammarian who takes the opposite side of a question |
| antisophistēs, antisophistae m | counter-sophist, a grammarian who takes the opposite side of a question |
| antithesis, antithesis f | putting of one letter for another |
| apiciōsus, apiciōsī m | who has no hair on the head, baldhead |
| apodosis, apodosis f | a subsequent proposition, or a clause which refers to one preceding (protasis), by which it is explained |
| apolactizāre, apolactizō | thrust from one with the foot, spurn, scorn |
| apostola, apostolae f | she who is sent off, female apostle |
| apparātor, apparātōris m | one that prepares, preparer |
| appellātiō, appellātiōnis f | going to one in order to accost, address, accosting, calling by name, naming, pronunciation, substantive |
| appellātor, appellātōris m | one that appeals, appellant |
| appendēre, appendeō | hang upon, suspend on, weigh something to one, weigh, consider |
| appendere, appendō (adpendō), appendī, appēnsum | hang upon, suspend on, weigh something to one, weigh, consider |
| appetītor, appetītōris m | one that strives for something, one that longs for something |
| applaudere, applaudō (adplaudō), applausī, applausum (applōdere, applōdō [adplōdō], applōsī, applōsum) | strike one thing upon another, clap, clap the hands in approbation, applaud |
| applōdere, applōdō [adplōdō], applōsī, applōsum | strike one thing upon another, clap, clap the hands in approbation, applaud |
| appōnere, appōnō (adpōnō), apposuī, appositum | place at, put at, lay at, place by the side of a thing, apply to, add, unite, serve up, et before one, appoint or designate one to any service or duty, place in any station, join to as an aid |
| approbē aliquem nōvī | know one quite well |
| approbāre, approbō (adprobō), approbāvī, approbātum | assent to as good, regard as good, approve, favor, allow a thing to take place, show as being good and true, make evident, prove, demonstrate, confirm, establish, make good to one, render acceptable, satisfactory |
| aquātor, aquātōris m | one that fetches water, water-carrier |
| aquifuga, aquifugae c | one fearful of water, one having hydrophobia |
| aquilifer, aquiliferī m | eaglebearer, standard-bearer, officer who carried the chief standard of the Roman legion |
| arātor, arātōris m | one that ploughs, ploughman, husbandman, farmer, cultivator of public lands for a tenth of the produce, a constellation |
| arcessītor, arcessītōris m | one that calls another, one that fetches another |
| arcessere, arcessō, arcessīvī, arcessītum | cause any one to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch, summon, arraign one, before a court of justice, accuse, inform against, bring, seek, derive |
| arcessere, arcessō, arcessīvī, arcessītum | cause any one to come, call, send for, invite, summon, fetch, order, let be brought, summon, arraign one, before a court of justice, accuse, bring, seek |
| archiater, archiatrī m | senior physician, the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperor |
| archiatros, archiatrī m | senior physician, the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperor |
| archiatrus, archiatrī m | senior physician, the chief physician, who was at the same time physician in ordinary to the emperor |
| architriclīnium, architriclīniī n | triclinium with one backrest, dining sofa with backrest |
| architriclīnus, architriclīnī m | one that presides at the table, the master of a feast |
| arculārius, arculāriī m | one that makes little boxes, one that makes jewel-caskets |
| arfārī, arfor, arfātus sum | speak to, accost one, address one |
| armātor, armātōris m | he who arms, armourer |
| armātrīx, armātrīcis f | she who armed |
| arquātus, arquātī n | the jaundiced, one that has the jaundice |
| arrhētos, arrhētī m | one of the Æons of Valentinus |
| arrīdēre, arrīdeō (adrīdeō), arrīsī, arrīsum | laugh at, laugh with, smile at, smile upon, be favorable to one, be kindly disposed to one, be pleasing to, please |
| arrogātor, arrogātōris m | he that adopts one in the place of a child |
| arrogāre, arrogō (adrogō), arrogāvī, arrogātum | ask of one, inquire of one, question, add one officer to another, associate with, place by the side of, take in the place of a child, adopt, appropriate, claim as one’s own, arrogate to one’s self, assume, adjudge something to another as his own, confer upon |
| artifex, artificis c | one that is master in the liberal arts, artist, artificer, charioteer, orator, writer, master in any thing, maker, originator, author, contriver, sly, cunning contriver, inventor of a thing |
| arundō, arundinis f | reed, cane, fishing-rod, limed twigs for catching birds, wreath or crown made of reeds, shaft of an arrow, arrow, pen, reed pipe, shepherd’s pipe, Pan-pipe (σύριγξ), flute, weber-comb |
| arva pererrantur | one wanders through the fields |
| arvertere, arvertō, arvertī, arversum | turn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to |
| ascēnsor equī | one that mounts a horse, rider |
| ascēnsor, ascēnsōris m | one that ascends, one that mounts a horse, chariot, rider, charioteer |
| ascēnsus, ascēnsūs m | an ascending, ascent, place by which one ascends, approach |
| ascīscere, ascīscō (adscīscō), ascīvī, ascītum | receive a thing (with knowledge and approbation), approve, receive as true, admit one in some capacity (as citizen, ally, son), take to one’s self, appropriate to one’s self, adopt, join one’s self to one, unite one’s self to one, assume something to one’s self |
| ascrīptor, ascrīptōris m | he who willingly subscribes (his name), he who subscribes to, he who agrees to, he who approves any thing |
| Asiānī, Asiānōrum m | orators who employ a peculiarly bombastic or redundant style |
| aspicere, aspiciō, aspexī, aspectum | look to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance |
| assectātor, assectātōris m (adsectātor) | he that is in attendance upon any one (as friend, servant, client), follower, attendant, disciple |
| assectārī, assector (adsector), assectātus sum | attend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman, stalk |
| assecuē | immediately following, on the foot, close one after the other |
| assedō, assedōnis m | he that sits by one, assessor, aid, assistant of a judge |
| assem habeās, assem valeās | how much one has, so much he is worth |
| assentīre, assentiō (adsentiō), assensī, assēnsum | join one in opinion, agree with, assent to, give assent, approve, give approval, yield, assent to as perceived by sense |
| assentārī, assentor (adsentor), assentātus sum | join one in judgment, join one in opinion, always to assent, agree with one in every thing, flatter |
| asserere, asserō (adserō), asseruī, assertum | join some person or thing to one’s self, declare one (a slave) to be free by laying hands upon him, set free, liberate, declare one to be a slave by laying the hand upon him, claim as a slave, free from, protect, defend, defend against |
| asserere, asserō (adserō), asseruī, assertum | declare one (a slave) to be free by laying hands upon him, set free, liberate, declare one to be a slave by laying the hand upon him, claim as a slave, free from, protec, defend, defend against, appropriate something to one’s self, claim |
| assertiō, assertiōnis f | formal declaration that one is a freeman or a slave, assertion |
| assessor, assessōris m (adsessor) | he that sits by one, assessor, aid, assistant of a judge |
| assessus, assessūs m (nur Abl. Sgl. assessū) | a sitting by one |
| assidēre, assideō (adsideō), assēdī, assessum | station one’s self before, be encamped before, sit down before, besiege, blockade, be near one in qualities, be like, resemble |
| assidēre, assideō (adsideō), assēdī, assessum | sit at one’s side, stand at one’s side, be at one’s side, aid, assist one in the office of judge, be an assessor, attend upon, take care of, be busily about a thing, be assiduously engaged about a thing |
| assiduitās, assiduiātis (adsiduitās, adsiduitātis f) | constant presence with any one, constant attendance, constant presence, continuance, duration, constancy of any thing, frequent occurrence of, frequent repetition of |
| assīgnāre, assīgnō (adsīgnō), assīgnāvī, assīgnātum | mark out to one, appoint to one, assign, distribute, allot, give by assigning, confer upon, ascribe, attribute, impute to one as a crime, reckon as a service, commit, consign, give over to one to keep, give over to one to take care of, make a mark upon something, sea |
| assimilātiō, assimilātiōnis f (adsimilātiō) | assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others |
| assimilāre, assimilō, assimilāvī, assimilātum | make one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate |
| assimulātiō, assimulātiōnis f (adsimulātiō) | assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others |
| assimulāre, assimulō (adsimulō), assimulāvī, assimulātum, assimilō (adsimilō) | make one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate |
| assipondium, assipondiī n | weight of one as, pound weight |
| assistere, assistō, astitī (adsistere, adsistō, adstitī) | place one’s self somewhere, stand, post one’s self, stand somewhere, stand at, stand by, stand by one, stand before one on trial |
| assuēscere, assuēscō (adsuēscō), assuēvī, assuētum | use one to something, accustom one to something, habituate |
| assumptio, assumptionis f (adsumptio) | taking, receiving, assumption, an eager reception, adoption, one that takes up, that which is taken up, that which is lifted up, prophecy, minor proposition of a syllogism, an addition, circumstance |
| assurgere, assurgō (adsurgō), assurrēxī, assurrēctum | rise up to one, rise up, mount up, rise, increase in size, swell, tower up, soar |
| astipulāre, astipulo | join in a stipulation, stipulate with, agree with one |
| astipulārī, astipulor (adstipulor), astipulātus sum | join in a stipulation, stipulate with, agree with one |
| āthlēta pūgnātōrius | estler, prize-fighter, athlete, one who, by exertion and practice, has acquired much skill in a thing, champion, master |
| atterere, atterō (adterō), attrīvī, attrītum | rub one thing against another, rub away, wear out by rubbing, diminish by rubbing, waste, wear away, weaken, impair, exhaust, destroy |
| attibernālis, attibernālis m | one that inhabits an adjoining hut |
| attribuere, attribuō (adtribuō), attribuī, attribūtum | associate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute |
| attubernālis, attubernāle | one that inhabits an adjoining hut |
| aucipium, aucipiī n | bird-catching, fowling, catching at, lying in wait for something, birds caught |
| auctōrāmentum, auctōrāmentī n | that which binds or obliges to the performance of certain services, contract, stipulation, that for which one binds himself to some service or duty, wages, pay, hire, reward |
| aucupiāmen, aucupiāminis n | catch on birds |
| aucupium, aucupiī n | bird-catching, fowling, catching at, lying in wait for something, birds caught |
| aurae populāris captātor | who chases the favour of the people |
| aurēs superfluō | go in one ear and out the other |
| auspicium, auspiciī n | divination by observing the flight of birds, augury from birds, auspices, right, power, inclination, will, sign, omen, divine premonition, divine token, beginning |
| austor, austōris m | drawer, water-drawer, drinker, he who fills casks with wine |
| autochīr, autochīrī m | who kills himself |
| āversābilis, āversābile | that before which one is obliged to turn away, abominable |
| āversōs sternō | strike down the fleeing, strike down those who flee |
| avēs abdīcunt aliquid | the birds do not approve something, the birds advise against something |
| avēs addīcunt alicuī | the birds agree with someone |
| avēs admissīvae | approving birds, agreeing birds |
| avēs admittunt | the birds allow it |
| avēs dracō abscondidit | the dragon devoured the birds |
| avēs per maria terrāsque commeant | the birds fly over lands and seas |
| avēs remorēs | birds that stop a project |
| avēs trimēstrēs | birds that only stay for three months |
| aviārium, aviāriī n | a place where birds are kept, aviary, , abode of wild birds in the forest |
| aviārius, aviāria, aviārium | pertaining to birds, of birds, bird- |
| avibus circumsonus | tangled by birds |
| avibus īnsidiās mōlior | chase the birds |
| avium vernulitās | naughty chatter of birds |
| āvocātor, āvocātōris m | one that calls off, one that calls away |
| āvolsor, āvolsōris m | one that tears off |
| āvulsor, āvulsōris m | one that tears off |
| bācālaureus, bācālaureī m | bachelor, who has achieved the first degree in philosophy |
| baccalaureus, baccalaureī m | bachelor, who has achieved the first academic degree |
| bāiolus, bāiolī m | he who bears burdens for pay, porter, carrier, day-laborer, bearer at a funeral, letter-carrier |
| bāiulus, bāiulī m (= ἀχθοφόρος) | he who bears burdens for pay, porter, carrier, day-laborer, bearer at a funeral, letter-carrier |
| balneātrīx, balneātrīcis f | she who has the care of a bath |
| barbam alicuī vellō | pluck one by the beard |
| Batavus, Batavī m | one of the Batavi |
| bene quī latuit, bene vīxit | he who has lived well hidden, has lived well |
| benedīcere, benedīcō, benedīxī, benedictum | speak well of any one, commend, praise, adore, bless, consecrate, hallow |
| benīgnitās, benīgnitātis f | the quality of one benignus, an affable bearing to others, kind bearing to others, kindness, friendliness, courtesy, benevolence, benignity, liberality, bounty, favor, lenity, mercy |
| bestiae volucrēs | birds, poultry |
| bis in diē | twice within one day |
| biumbrēs, biumbrium m | those who give shade from two sides |
| blandīrī, blandior, blandītus sum | cling caressingly to one, fawn upon, flatter, soothe, caress, fondle, coax, flatter, make flattering, make courteous speeches, be complaisant to, be agreeable, be favorable to,
allure by pleasure, attract, entice, invite |
| noeōtarchēs, noeōtarchae m | one of the chief magistrates in Bœotia, Bœotarch |
| bonanimis, bonanimis m | who is of good cheer |
| bonī assiduīque dominī | efficient gentlemen who are diligently present on their estates |
| breviter perōrātum esse potuit | one could have finished it with a few words |
| Brontēs, Brontae m | a Cyclops who labored in the workshop of Vulcan |
| Burgundiī, Burgundiōrum m | tribe of Goths, divided into the East Burgundians, who dwelt between the Oder and the Vistula, and the West Burgundians, upon the upper Main |
| Burgundiōnēs, Burgundiōnum m | tribe of Goths, divided into the East Burgundians, who dwelt between the Oder and the Vistula, and the West Burgundians, upon the upper Main |
| cacātor, cacātōris m | he who poops |
| cachecta, cachectae m | one that is in a consumption |
| cachectēs, cachectae m | one that is in a consumption |
| cacizotechnos, cacizotechnī m | he who enervates art by excessive polishing, an epithet of the artist Callimachus |
| cacomnēmōn, cacomnēmonis m | who has a weak memory, title of a mime of Laberius |
| cadere, cadō, cecidī, cāsūrus | yield to, fall to one’s lot, happen to one, befall, happen, come to pass, occur, result, turn out, perish, vanish, decay, cease, abate, subside, die away |
| caecāre, caecō (coecō), caecāvi, caecātum | be like one blind, be dim-sighted |
| caespitātor, caespitātōris m | lawn runner, lawn tramp, who stumbles on the grass |
| calamus, calamī m (κάλαμος) | reed, cane, reed-pen, reed-pipe, arrow, angling-rod, fishing-rod, lime-twig for snaring birds, signal-pole, signal-rod, measuring-rod, any straw of grain, stalk, stem, blade, graft, scion, hollow arm of a candelabra |
| calcātrīx, calcātrīcis f | she who treads upon something, she who despises, she who contemns, despiser, detractor |
| caldum mēiō et frīgidum pōtō | spending more than one takes in, give more than one receives |
| cālōnēs praedandī causā ēgressī | servants who had gone out to take the spoils |
| calumniātrīx, calumniātrīcis f | she who plots against someone, she who makes false accusations |
| calvīre, calviō | devise tricks, use artifice, attack one with artifice, intrigue against, deceive, delude |
| calvere, calvō, calvī | devise tricks, use artifice, attack one with artifice, intrigue against, deceive, delude |
| calvī, calvor (calvere, calvō, calvī) (calvīre, calviō) | devise tricks, use artifice, attack one with artifice, intrigue against, deceive, delude |
| camēlus, camēlī m (κάμηλος, ὁ u. ἡ) | camel (with either one or two humps) |
| canālicolae, canālicolārum m | sewer residents, poor or lazy people who used to lounge near the Forum, at a place called the Canalis |
| candidātus, candidātī m | candidate for office, he who strives after a thing, he who aims at a thing, candidate or a claimant of something |
| canonicus, canonicī m | one of the rule or discipline, clericus, clergyman, canon |
| cantus avium | singing of the birds, birdsong, divination of the birds |
| capis, capidis f (Akk. Pl. capidas) | bowl with one handle,sacrificial bowl |
| capitō, capitōnis m | one that has a large head, sea-fish with a large head, called also cephalus, a kind of fish with a large head |
| Capitōlīnī, Capitōlīnōrum m | persons who had responsibility for the Capitoline Games |
| caplātor, caplātōris m | he that pours out of one vessel into another, decanter |
| capsārius, capsāriī m | slave who carried the satchels of boys going to school, maker of satchels, slave who took care of the clothes in baths |
| captātrīx, captātrīcis f | she who strires after or aims at any thing |
| captāre, captō, captāvī, captātum | strive to seize, lay hold of a thing with zeal, catch at, snatch, chase, strive after, long for, desire earnestly, try to obtain, seek to obtain, seek to catch one in a crafty manner |
| captor, captōris m | he who catches (animals), hunter, huntsman |
| captus alterō oculō | blind in one eye |
| capulātor, capulātōris m | he that pours out of one vessel into another, decanter |
| capulō vīcīnus | close to the coffin, on the brink of death, with one foot in the grave |
| carēnum, carēni n | sweet wine boiled down one third |
| carinārius, carināriī m | he who colors wax-color, dyer of yellow |
| cāritās, cāritātis f | dearness, costliness, high prices, regard, esteem, affection, love, love entertained by one, |
| caroenum, caroenī n | sweet wine boiled down one third |
| carpistēs, carpistae m | one of the Aeons of Valentinus, Horos |
| carptim | by pieces, by detached parts, in parts, separately, at different places, at different points, on different sides, at different times, at one time and another, now and then, at intervals |
| casca, cascae f | the old woman, the old lady, the ancient one |
| castramētātor, castramētātōris m | camp master, quartermaster, engineer who sets up the camp |
| catabolēnsēs, catabolēnsium m | class of carriers who transport burdens by means of draught animals, kind of muleteers |
| catabulēnsēs, catabulēnsium m | class of carriers who transport burdens by means of draught animals, kind of muleteers |
| catalēpticī, catalēpticōrum m | who are afflicted with catalepsy |
| catatēxitechnos, catatēxitechnī m | he who enervates art by excessive polishing, an epithet of the artist Callimachus |
| catēchūmenus, catēchūmenī m | who is receiving elementary instruction in religion, catechumen |
| catēcūmenus, catēcūmenī m | who is receiving elementary instruction in religion, catechumen |
| catōmidiāre, catōmidiō (nur Pass. catōmidiārī) | lay one over the shoulders of another, and thus to flog him, strike on the shoulders |
| caudex, caudicis m | trunk of a tree, stock, stem, block of wood to which one was bound for punishment, block, dolt, blockhead, block of wood split or sawn into planks, leaves or tablets and fastened together, book, writin, accountbook, ledger, code of laws |
| caudicāriī, caudicāriōrum m | those who sail on ships made of rough, stout trunks of trees |
| causa, causae f | feigned cause, pretext, pretence, judicial process, lawsuit, party, faction, cause that one defends, relation of friendship, connection, condition, state, situation, relation, position, business undertaken for any one, employment, matter, subject |
| causās dictitō | conduct legal transactions, one usually plays the role of lawyer |
| cavenda est glōriae cupiditās | one must beware of glory-seeking |
| cavillātrīx, cavillātrīcis f | she who seeks to take by sophistry, sophistry |
| cedō in aliquem | come to, fall to one (as a possession), fall to his lot or share, accrue |
| cedrōstis, cedrōstis f (Akk. cedrōstim) | one of the names of the white vine |
| celebrātor, celebrātōris m | he who extols, celebrator |
| cēlāre, cēlō, cēlāvī, cēlātum | hide something from one, keep secret, conceal, cover, mask, veil, dissimulate |
| cēnsōrīnus, cēnsōrīna, cēnsōrīnum | who was twice censor |
| cēnsuālēs, cēnsuālium m | those who make out the censor’s lists, the censor’s lists |
| centēnārius ēvāsī | I became one hundred years old |
| centēsima rērum vēnālium | one percent sales tax |
| centēsima, centēsimae f (sc. pars) | the hundredth part of a thing, one percent, one cent, one percent levy |
| centēsimae vectīgal | one percent tax |
| centēsimae, centēsimārum f (sc. partēs) | one percent (monthly interest) |
| centimeter, centimetrī m | he who employs a hundred metres, who employs very many metres |
| centum mīlia | one hundred thousand |
| centum quī perficit annōs | who lived a hundred years ago |
| centuria, centuriae f | one of the one hundred and ninety-three orders into which Servius Tullius divided the Roman people according to their property, a century |
| cernuus, cernuī m | who does a cartwheel, who does a somersault, juggler |
| certātur | one fights, one struggles |
| chāritās, chāritātis f | dearness, costliness, high prices, regard, esteem, affection, love, love entertained by one |
| charitôn mia | one of the graces |
| chorāgiārius, chorāgiāriī m | he who had the care of the chorus and the supplies necessary for it, the choragus, he who pays the cost of a banquet |
| chorāgus, chorāgī m (χορηγός) | he who had the care of the chorus and the supplies necessary for it, the choragus, he who pays the cost of a banquet |
| choraulē, choraulēs f | female flute-player, who accompanied with the flute the chorus dance |
| chorocitharistēs, chorocitharistae m | he who accompanied the chorus on the cithara |
| Cicerō locō quōdam haec dīcit | Cicero says the following at one point |
| ciēre, cieō, cīvī, citum (cīre, ciō) | put in motion, move, stir, shake, rouse up, disturb, excite, call to, call upon for help, invoke, call upon any one by name, mention by name, stimulate, rouse, produce, effect, cause, occasion, begin |
| cinaedus, cinaedī m (κίναιδος) | he who practises unnatural lust, a sodomite, catamite, he who performs a wanton dance, name of a sea-fish |
| cinerārius, cinerāriī m | hair curler, slave who curls hair |
| cīre, ciō | put in motion, move, stir, shake, rouse up, disturb, excite, call to, call upon for help, invoke, call upon any one by name, mention by name, stimulate, rouse, produce, effect, cause, occasion, begin |
| circitātor, circitātōris m | watchman, he who goes the rounds and visit the posts of sentinels, pedler, circulator |
| circuīre, circueō, circuīvī, circuitum | go around, travel around, march around, surround, encircle, enclose, encompass, go from one to another, soliciting, canvassing, admonishing, circumvent, deceive, impose upon, cheat, express by circumlocution |
| circumīre, circumeō (circueo), circumiī (circumīvi), circumitum (circuitum) | go around, travel around, march around, surround, encircle, enclose, encompass, go from one to another, soliciting, canvassing, admonishing, circumvent, deceive, impose upon, cheat, express by circumlocution |
| circumferre, circumferō, circumtulī, circumlātum | bear round, move round, carry round, carry about, pass around, spread around, publish abroad, proclaim, divulge, disseminate among the people, report, lustrate, purify any one by carrying around him consecrated objects |
| circumscrīptor, circumscrīptōris m | defrauder, deceiver, cheat, he who makes void, he who annuls |
| circumspectātrīx, circumspectātrīcis f | she who looks around, she who spies around, a spy |
| circumvenīre, circumveniō, circumvēnī, circumventum | come around something, be around (a thing), encircle, encompass, surround, flowing around, grasp, surround in a hostile manner, encompass, beset, invest, oppress, distress, afflict, overthrow, circumvent, deceive, cheat, defraud one, violate by evading |
| circumversiō cursūs annuī | circulation of one year |
| circumvolitantēs alitēs | birds flying around |
| cirra, cirrae f | lock, curl, ringlet of hair, tuft of hair, hair on the forehead of a horse, tuft of feathers or crest of birds, arms of polypi, filaments of plants similar to tufts of hair, a fringe upon a tunic |
| cirrus, cirrī m | lock, curl, ringlet of hair, tuft of hair, hair on the forehead of a horse, tuft of feathers or crest of birds, arms of polypi, filaments of plants similar to tufts of hair, a fringe upon a tunic |
| cistellātrīx, cistellātrīcis f | she who has charge of the money-box |
| clam aliquem habeō (Komiker) | keep secret from one, conceal from |
| classis centum nāvium | a fleet of one hundred ships |
| classis centum nāvium est | the fleet consists of a hundred ships, the fleet includes one hundred ships |
| clāvum clāvō ēiciō | drive out one nail by another, drive out one evil by another evil |
| Clērūmenoe, Clērūmenōrum m | those who draw lots, the name of a comedy of Diphilus |
| clītellās bovī impōnō | put a pack-saddle upon an ox, assign one a duty for which he is not qualified |
| clupeātī, clupeātōrum m | who are armed with a shield |
| Clūsium, Clūsiī n | one of the oldest and most important towns of Etruria |
| coadūnātiō, coadūnātiōnis f | uniting into one, summing up |
| coadūnāre, coadūnō, coadūnāvī, coadūnātum | unite, add together, join together, collect into one |
| coaequāre, coaequō, coaequāvī, coaequātum | make one thing equal with another, make one thing even with another, even, level, make equal in worth, make equal in dignity, make equal in power, bring to the same level, place on the same footing, equalize |
| coaetāneus, coaetāneī m | one of the same age, contemporary |
| coccolobis, coccolobis f | one vine variety |
| cocolobis, cocolobis f | one vine variety |
| cocolubis, cocolubis f | one vine variety |
| cōdex, cōdicis m | trunk of a tree, stock, stem, block of wood to which one was bound for punishment, block, dolt, blockhead, block of wood split or sawn into planks, leaves or tablets and fastened together, book, writin, accountbook, ledger, code of laws |
| cōdicāriī, cōdicāriōrum m | those who sail on ships made of rough, stout trunks of trees |
| coeliacus, coeliacī m | one diseased in the bowels |
| coerātor, coerātōris m | he who cares for, he who takes charge of a thing, manager, overseer, superintendent, keeper |
| cōgitātiōne nōn sēnsū speciēs deī percipitur | mentally not sensually one grasps the idea of God, the idea of God is grasped mentally, not sensually |
| cōgitātiōnibus eius nēmō obstābat | no one stood in the way of his plans |
| cōgere, cōgō, coēgī, coāctum | drive together to one point, collect, compress, crowd, bring together, urge together, assemble, gather together, thicken, condense, curdle, coagulate, draw together, contract into a narrow place, urge one to any action, force, compel, constrain |
| collātō gradū certātum est | one fought man against man |
| collicrepida, collicrepidae m | who has a chain around his neck, neck clinker |
| collocūtor, collocūtōris m | he who talks with another |
| colloquium opportūnum erat, neque tamen facile | it was a good conversation, but not an easy one |
| collūdere, collūdō, collūsī, collūsum | play together, sport together, play with, keep up false appearances with one to the injury of a third person, have a secret understanding with one, act collusively |
| colere, colō, coluī, cultum | attend to, dress, clothe, adorn, cherish, seek, practise, devote one’s self to, live in, experience, live through, pass, spend, regard one with care, honor, revere, reverence, worship, respect |
| combennōnēs, combennōnum m | those who sat in the same benna |
| commanipulāris, commanipulāris m | a comrade who is in the same manipulus |
| commanipulō, commanipulōnis m | a comrade who is in the same manipulus |
| commanipulus, commanipulī m | a comrade who is in the same manipulus |
| commanuplius, commanupliī m | a comrade who is in the same manipulus |
| commanuplus, commanuplī m | a comrade who is in the same manipulus |
| commeātus, commeātūs m | a going to and fro, passing freely, going at will, place through which one can pass back and forth, thoroughfare, passage, leave of absence from one’s station for a definite time, furlough |
| commendāre, commendō, commendāvī, commendātum | commit to one for preservation, commit to one for protection, intrust to one’s charge, commit to one’s care, commend to, deposit with, commend, recommend, procure favor for, make agreeable, set off with advantage, grace |
| comminārī, comminor, comminātus sum | threaten one with something, threaten with an attack, menace |
| committere, committō, commīsī, commissum | bring into one whole, join, combine into one whole, join together, put together, connect, unite, bring men or animals together in a contest or fight, set together, set on |
| commixtrīx, commixtrīcis | mixer, she who mixes |
| commodāre, commodō, commodāvī, commodātum | adjust according to a measure, make fit, make suitable, make right, adapt, accommodate, put in order, give something to one for his convenience or use, give, bestow, lend, grant, allow, please one, be kind to, be obliging to, serve, favor |
| commonefacere, commonefaciō, commonefēcī, commonefactum | remind one forcibly, put in mind, admonish, impress upon, give one a remembrance |
| commonēre, commoneō, commonuī, commonitum | remind one forcibly of something, put in mind, impress upon, bring to recollection |
| commorī, commorior, commortuus sum | die with one, die at the same time with one |
| commorāre, commorō, commorāvī | stop, detain, retard one |
| commorārī, commoror, commorātus sum | stop, detain, retard one |
| commūnicātiō, commūnicātiōnis f | making common, imparting, communicating, figure of speech, in accordance with which one turns to his hearers, and, as it were, allows them to take part in the inquiry |
| commūnicātor, commūnicātōris m | he who has part in a thing |
| compacīscī, compacīscor, compactus sum, (compecīscor, compectus sum) | make an agreement, form a compact with one |
| compāctilis, compāctile | pressed together, joined together, compact, fitted one to another, thick-set |
| compāgus, compāgī m | one belonging to the nearest village |
| compār, comparis c | an equal, companion, comrade, colleague, one beloved, spouse, consort, mate, figure of speech whereby several members of a period have an equal number of syllables |
| comparāre, comparō, comparāvī, comparātum | couple together in the same relation, connect in pairs, pair, match, unite, join, bring together to, couple together in judgment, count one object fully equal to another |
| comparāre, comparō, comparāvī, comparātum | prepare something with zeal, care, make ready, set in order, furnish, provide, procure, get, purchase, obtain, prepare, make, collect, brought one over to one's side, gained one over to one's side |
| compartīrī, compartior | divide something with one, share |
| comparturīre, comparturiō | be associated in childbirth with any one |
| compassibilis, compassibile | suffering with one |
| compatī, compatior, compassus sum | suffer with one, have compassion, feel pity |
| compecīscī, compecīscor, compectus sum | make an agreement, form a compact with one |
| compedītī, compedītōrum m | those who are shackled by the legs |
| compellāre, compellō, compellāvī, compellātum | accost one, address, address one reproachfully, address one abusively, reproach, chide, rebuke, upbraid, abuse, take to task, call to account, arraign one before a tribunal, summon one to answer a charge, accuse of crime |
| compendiāre, compendiō | shorten the way of life for one, kill him |
| compēnsāre, compēnsō, compēnsāvī, compēnsātum | to poise, weigh several things with one another, equalize one thing with another by weighing, balance with one another, make good, compensate, balance against |
| compingere, compingō, compēgī, compāctum (compēctum) | join or unite several parts into one whole, put together, frame, make by joining, compose, confine, lock up, put, conceal |
| complex, complicis | closely connected with one, confederate, participant |
| complexiō, complexiōnis f | contraction of two syllables into one |
| complexiō, complexiōnis f | combination, connection, physical constitution, physical habit, association, comprehension, comprisal, period, rhetorical figure, according to which one constantly recurs to what has been previously said, conclusion in a syllogism |
| complūrēs, complūra; complūrium | more than one, not a few, several, very many |
| complūtor, complūtōris m | he who gives rain, who waters |
| compōnitur | a balance is achieved, a balance is reached, one compares |
| comportātrīx, comportātrīcis f | she who brings together, she who carries together, carrier, supporter |
| compotēns, compotentis | having power with one |
| comprobātor, comprobātōris m | who approves something completely, approver |
| concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessum | go, walk, go away, walk away, depart, retire, withdraw, remove from, pass away, disappear, vanish, depart from life, die, go out of the way for one, yield to, submit, give way to, adapt one’s self to, yield to power, submit to compulsion |
| concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessum | grant or yield something to one as a favor or from regard, desist from, forbear, give up, forgive, betake one’s self somewhere, retire, withdraw to, agree or consent to, assent, submit, resign one’s self, acquiesce in, go or pass over to any thing |
| concertāre, concertō, concertāvī, concertātum | contend with any one zealously or warmly, dispute, debate |
| conciliātor, conciliātōris m | he who provides a thing, he who prepares a thing, he who causes a thing, author, founder, promoter, procurer |
| conciliātrīx, conciliātrīcis f | that which occasions, that which produces, that which procures, she who unites, she who conciliates, match-maker, procuress, bawd |
| conciliāre, conciliō, conciliāvī, conciliātum | bring together several objects into one whole, unite, connect, unite in thought or feeling, make friendly, procure the favor of, make inclined to, gain, win over, represent something to one as agreeable or pleasant, recommend |
| conciliāre, conciliō, conciliāvī, conciliātum | procure, provide, prepare, produce something for one, couple, obtain by purchase or otherwise, purchase, acquire, win, cause, bring about, make, produce, bring about |
| concitāre, concitō, concitāvī, concitātum | move violently, put in violent or quick motion, stir up, rouse up, excite, incite, shake, rouse, urge, impel one to, move strongly, influence, instigate, rouse, cause any action, occasion any action, produce any emotion |
| concitor, concitōris m | he who rouses, he who excites, exciter |
| concordāre, concordō, concordāvi, concordātum | agree together, be united, be of one mind, harmonize, bring into union |
| concorporāre, concorporō, concorporāvī, concorporātum | united in one body, incorporated |
| concūriālis, concūriālis m | one of the same curia |
| concurrere, concurrō, concurrī, concursum | run together, come together in multitudes, assemble together in multitudes, rush or flock together in crowds, run in attendance upon, accompany, run for refuge, run for help, take refuge, run upon one another |
| concursātiō, concursātiōnis f | a running together, disorderly meeting, coincidence, concert of motion, running upon, pushing against one another, running about, going to and fro, travelling over, skirmishing of light-armed troops, anxious, troubled restlessness, anxiety |
| concursus, concursūs m | running together, flocking together, a concourse, assembly, uproar, tumult, running together, dashing together, a pressing, striking one upon another, an encountering, meeting, concourse, onset, attack, charge, assault, an equal claim, joint heirship |
| concutere, concutiō, concussī, concussum | strike one upon another, strike together, shake violently, shake, agitate, examine by shaking one’s self, search, shake the power of, shake to its foundation, shatter, cause to waver |
| condam | at a certain time, at one time, once, heretofore, formerly, the late, the former, the deceased, at certain times, at times, sometimes, one day, some day, ever |
| condīscere, condīscō, condidicī | learn with one, learn in company with one, learn carefully, learn eagerly, learn well, learn thoroughly |
| conditor, conditōris m | maker, builder, framer, establisher, founder, author, compiler, writer, a rural deity who presided over the laying up of fruits |
| conditrīx, conditrīcis f | she who lays to rest, female builder, female founder |
| condōnātrīx, condōnātrīcis f | she who gives, giver |
| condōnāre, condōnō, condōnāvī, condōnātum | give something to one, to present, deliver up, give up, surrender, deliver up, sacrifice, devote, bring as an offering, give a debt to one, remit a debt, acquit from, pardon, remit an offence, refrain from punishing, present one with something |
| conductrīx, conductrīcis f | she who hires a thing, she who rents a thing |
| cōnfābulārī, cōnfābulor, cōnfābulātus sum | converse together, discuss something with one |
| cōnfectōrārius, cōnfectōrāriī m | he who slaughters, butcher |
| cōnfectūrārius, cōnfectūrāriī m | he who slaughters, butcher |
| cōnferre, cōnferō, contulī, collātum | refer something to, ascribe something to, attribute, impute, assign, ascribe to one, lay to the charge of, transfer to a fixed point of time, fix, assign, refer, appoint, put off, defer, postpone, bring on, cause, occasion, induce |
| cōnfessī, cōnfessōrum m | criminals who have confessed their guilt |
| cōnfictor, cōnfictōris m | he who fabricates a thing, fabricator |
| cōnfīnis, cōnfīne | bordering one upon another, bordering on, adjoining, contiguous, nearly related, nearly like, similar |
| cōnfīnius, cōnfīnia, cōnfīnium | bordering one upon another, bordering on, adjoining, contiguous, nearly related, nearly like, similar |
| cōnfīrmātor, cōnfīrmātōris m | he who confirms a thing, he who establishes a thing, a surety, security |
| cōnfīrmātrīx, cōnfīrmātrīcis f | she who confirms a thing, she who establishes a thin |
| cōnfīrmāre, cōnfīrmō, cōnfīrmāvī, cōnfīrmātum | make firm, establish, strengthen, confirm, heal, cure, confirm courage, strengthen courage, instil courage into one, encourage, inspirit, animate, embolden |
| cōnfīrmāre, cōnfīrmō, cōnfīrmāvī, cōnfīrmātum | confirm one in his disposition or feelings, confirm one in his fidelity, give full assurance of, corroborate an assertion, settle, fix, establish, prove, demonstrate the truth of a thing |
| cōnflīctātrīx, cōnflīctātrīcis f | she who afflicts |
| cōnflīgere, cōnflīgō, cōnflīxī, cōnflīctum | to strike one thing against another, to strike, bring together, join together, unite, oppose in comparison, contrast, be in conflict, to contend, fight, combat |
| cōnfortātor, cōnfortātōris m | one that strengthens very, one that strengthens a lot |
| congaudēre, congaudeō (congaudī) | rejoice with one |
| congermānēscere, congermānēscō | grow together with one, grow up with |
| congermānitās, congermānitātis f | merging into one, fusion into one, growing up with one |
| congerere, congerō, congessī, congestum | take together, comprise, compile, put something upon one, accumulate, heap upon, impart, ascribe to, impute, attribute |
| congredī, congredior, congressus sum | go with one, come with one, meet with one, visit, accost, address, meet with, fight, contend, engage |
| conierāre, conierō | swear together, swear one with another, band together by an oath, combine together by an oath, unite, be united, assent to by an oath, form a conspiracy, form a plot, conspire |
| coniūcundārī, coniūcundor | rejoice with one |
| coniugālis, coniugāle | relating to marriage, conjugal, who presides over marriage, faithful |
| coniūrātor, coniūrātōris m | who joins on oath, who fraternizes on oath |
| coniūrāre, coniūrō, coniūrāvī, coniūrātum | swear together, swear one with another, band together by an oath, combine together by an oath, unite, be united, assent to by an oath, form a conspiracy, form a plot, conspire |
| conmanipulāris, conmanipulāris m | a comrade who is in the same manipulus |
| cōnsecrāneus, cōnsecrāneī m | one united by the same sacra, one bound by the same (military) oath |
| cōnsecrātrīx, cōnsecrātrīcis f | she who consecrates, she who makes sacred |
| cōnsecrāre, cōnsecrō, cōnsecrāvī, cōnsecrātum | surrender to the vengeance of any one, devote, consecrate, lay upon the altar, hallow, recognize as holy, make immortal, immortalize |
| cōnsectātrīx, cōnsectātrīcis f | she who eagerly pursues, an adherent, friend |
| cōnsecūtiō, cōnsecūtiōnis f | effect, consequence, the proper following of one thing after another, order, connection, sequence, an acquiring, obtaining, attainment |
| cōnsēnsiō, cōnsēnsiōnis f | an agreeing together, agreement, unanimity, common accord, harmony, plot, combination, conspiracy, those who have banded together, conspirators |
| cōnsermōnārī, cōnsermōnor | converse with one, talk |
| cōnservātrīx, cōnservātrīcis f | she who preserves, she who defends |
| cōnsessus, cōnsessūs m | a sitting together, sitting with, permission to sit with one, collection of persons sitting together, assembly |
| cōnsiliātrīx, cōnsiliātrīcis f | she who counsels |
| cōnsilium, cōnsiliī n | understanding, judgment, wisdom, sense, penetration, prudence, the persons who deliberate, council, counsellor |
| Cōnsīva, Cōnsīvae f | she who sows or plants |
| Cōnsīvia, Cōnsīviae f | she who sows or plants |
| Cōnsīvius, Cōnsīviī m | he who sows or plants |
| cōnsocer, cōnsoccerī | joint father-in-law, one of two fathers-in-law |
| cōnsociāre, cōnsociō, cōnsociāvī, cōnsociātum | make common, share with one, associate, join, unite, connect |
| cōnsocrus, cōnsocrūs f | joint mother-in-law, one of two mothers-in-law |
| cōnsōlātrīx, cōnsōlātrīcis f | she who consoles |
| cōnsors, cōnsortis | sharing property with one, living in community of goods, partaking of in common, dividing something with one, having an equal share, partaking of, sharing, of the same condition, common |
| cōnspector, ōris m | he who sees, he who beholds, inspector, beholder |
| cōnspīrātē | with one accord, unanimously |
| cōnstituere, cōnstituō, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtum | fix, settle, order, manage, confirm, regulate, arrange, dispose, appoint something (for or to something), settle, agree upon, define, determine, accord, agree with one in a thing, appoint, concert, agree upon, assent to |
| cōnstitūtiōnārius, cōnstitūtiōnāriī m | he who presides over the copying of the imperial constitutions |
FormenbestimmungWortform von: one[63] Vok. Sgl. m. PPP von | onera umerīs accipiō lade mir die Lasten auf die Schultern; |
[80] Adv. des PPP von | onera umerīs accipiō lade mir die Lasten auf die Schultern; |
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