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Suchergebnis zu
"obscurity unintelligibility":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aenigma, aenigmatis n (αἴνιγμα)that which is enigmatical or dark in a figurative representation, allegory, that which is dark, that which is obscure, that which is inexplicable, riddle, enigma, obscurity, mystery, mystical tenet, mystical dogma in religion

ambāges, ambāgis fa going round, roundabout way, circumlocution, evasion, digression, obscurity, ambiguity

ambāgō, ambāginis fa going round, roundabout way, circumlocution, evasion, digression, obscurity, ambiguity

cālīgō, cālīginis fthick atmosphere, mist, vapor, fog, darkness, obscurity, gloom, mental blindness, dulness of perception, calamity, affliction, dim-sightedness, weakness of the eyes

callīgo, cāllīginis fthick atmosphere, mist, vapor, fog, darkness, obscurity, gloom, mental blindness, dulness of perception, calamity, affliction, dim-sightedness, weakness of the eyes

chaos n (nur noch Akk. chaos, Abl. chaō) (χάος, τό)the boundless, empty space, the lower world, immeasurable darkness, deep obscurity, the confused, formless, primitive mass out of which the universe was made, chaos

tenebrae, tenebrārum fdarkness of night, night, dimness of a swoon, swoon, darkness of death, death-shades, blindness, dark bathing-place, prison, dungeon, lurking-places, haunts, dark lodgings, poor lodgings, infernal regions, gloom, obscurity


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