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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
animadvertere, animadvertō, animadvertī, animadversumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

animadvortere, animadvortō, animadvortī, animadvorsumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

apocrisis, apocrisis fresponse, notice, decision

cōnspectus, cōnspectūs ma seeing, looking at, look, sight, view, range of sight, reach of sight, power of seeing, public attention, notice, presence, proximity, appearance, mental view, glance, survey, consideration, short view, sketch, synopsis

sentīre, sentiō, sēnsī, sēnsumdiscern by the senses, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of, experience, suffer, undergo, endure, be affected by, be influenced by, be susceptible of, observe, notice

titulus, titulī msuperscription, inscription, label, litle, ticket, bill, placard, notice, honorable appellation, title of honor, glory, repute, renown, fame, sign, token, reason alleged, pretence, pretext, title of a book

query 1/E (max. 1000): 14 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquem respiciōpay attention to someone, take notice of someone, direct one's attention to someone

animadvertere, animadvertō, animadvertī, animadversumnotice a wrong, censure, blame, chastise, punish

apostolus, apostolī mapostles, notice sent to a higher tribunal or judge

dēdicāre, dēdicō, dēdicāvī, dēdicātumgive out tidings, give out a notice, affirm, declare, announce, dedicate, consecrate, set apart, destine, dispose, prepare, set up, devote a thing to its future use, specify one’s property in the census

dēnūntiāre, dēnūntiō, dēnūntiāvī, dēnūntiātumgive an official intimation, make an official announcement, make a declaration of one’s intentions, announce, intimate, declare, order, command, give notice, make known, signify, indicate

dēnūntiāre, dēnūntiō, dēnūntiāvī, dēnūntiātumgive notice of a suit, give notice of a process

dīmissōriae litteraenotice sent to a higher judge

subsentīre, subsentiō, subsēnsīnotice secretly, perceive secretly, smell out


Wortform von: notice

3. Belegstellen für "notice"

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