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Suchergebnis zu
"narrow cleft":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 46 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adductus, adducta, adductumdrawn tight, stretched, strained, contracted, narrow, contracted, strait, strict, serious, severe

aditicula, aditiculae fnarrow entrance

aditiculus, aditiculī mnarrow entrance

adstrictus, adstricta, adstrictumdrawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short

angiportum, angiportī nnarrow street, narrow lane, narrow alley

angiportus, angiportūs mnarrow street, narrow lane, narrow alley

angustae faucēs coartant iterthe narrow passages squeeze the march together

angustē (Komp.: angustius)within narrow limits, closely, hardly, within narrower range, scantily, closely, briefly, concisely, without diffuseness

angustiae locōrumnarrow passage, narrow passes

angusticlāvius, angusticlāviī mwearing a narrow (purple) stripe

angustiāre, angustiō, angustiāvi, angustiātummake narrow, straiten, hamper, distress

angustiportum, angustiportī nnarrow street, narrow lane, narrow alley

angustāre, angustō, angustāvi, angustātummake narrow, straiten, circumscribe, restrain

angustus, angusta, angustumclose, contracted, small, not spacious, narrow, base, low, mean-spirited, subtle, hair-splitting, brief, simple

artātus, artāta, artātumcontracted into a small compass, narrow, close, short

artum, artī nnarrow place, narrow passage, limited position

artus, arta, artumfitted, close, strait, narrow, confined, short, brief, strict, severe, scanty, small

asthma, asthmatis nasthma, shortness of breath, narrow chest, anxiety

astrictus, astricta, astrictum (adstrictus)drawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short

bifidātus, bifidāta, bifidātumcleft into two parts, divided into two parts

bifidus, bifida, bifidumcleft into two parts, divided into two parts

bifissus, bifissa, bifissumcleft into two parts, divided into two parts

brevis, breveshort, little, small, narrow, low, brief, little, concise

callis, callis m/f (Abl. Sgl. selten auch callī)a stony, narrow footway, foot-path, mountain-path, path made by the treading of cattle, mountain-pasturage, alp, declivity, mountain-pass, defile, way, path, road

clausa, clausae fnarrow prison, hermitage, pantry

clāvus angustusnarrow purple hem on the knight's tunic

clāvus, clāvī mnail, rudder, tiller, helm, painful tumor, painful excrescence, wart, corn, disease of the olive-tree, kind of abortion of bees, purple stripe on the tunica, tunic, either wide or narrow striped

coangustāre, coangustō, coangustāvī, coangustātumbring into a narrow compass, confine, compress, contract, enclose, hem in, invest, besiege, limit, restrict, afflict

cōgere, cōgō, coēgī, coāctumdrive together to one point, collect, compress, crowd, bring together, urge together, assemble, gather together, thicken, condense, curdle, coagulate, draw together, contract into a narrow place, urge one to any action, force, compel, constrain

collēctus, collēcta, collēctumcontracted, narrow

compressus, compressa, compressumpressed together, close, strait, narrow, costive, connected with costiveness

concīsūra, concīsūrae fa dividing, distributing, hollow, chink, cleft

cōnstringere, cōnstringō, cōnstrīnxī, cōnstrictumdraw together, bind together, bind, tie up, stamp, seal, bind together with fetters, fetter, contract, hold together, restrain, hold in check, bring into a narrow compass, compress

contractus, contracta, contractumdrawn together into a narrow space, compressed, contracted, close, short, narrow, abridged, restricted, limited

lacūna, lacūnae fhollow, cavity, opening, chasm, cleft

scissilis, scissilethat may easily be split, cleft, rent

scissūra, scissūrae ftearing, rending, dividing, rent, cleft, scissure

scissus, scissa, scissumsplit, cleft, divided

sectilis, sectilecut, cleft, divided, that may be cut

sēmicinctium, sēmicinctiī nsemi girdle, a narrow girdle, apron

substrictus, substricta, substrictumdrawn together, contracted, small, narrow, tight, close

sulcus, sulcī m (ὁλκός)furrow made by the plough, ploughing, long narrow trench, ditch, rut, track, wrinkle of the skin, trail of a meteor

trānsfretātiō, trānsfretātiōnis fpassing over a strait sea, passing over a narrow sea

trifidus, trifida, trifidumcleft into three parts, cloven into three parts, three-cleft, threeforked

trifissilis, trifissilecleft into three parts, cloven into three parts, three-cleft, threeforked

vīctus tenuisnarrow fare, slender fare


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