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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"most holy":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

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Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
Acarnānia, Acarnāniae f (Ἀκαρνανία)the most westerly province of Greece

adyticulum, adyticulī nsmall holy of holies, small sanctuary, chapel

aes, aeris nany crude metal dug out of the earth, copper, alloy (for the most part of copper and tin), bronze, everything made from copper or bronze, weapons, armor, utensils of husbandry, money, reward, payment

aliēnissimō locō et temporeat the very wrong time in the very wrong place, at the most inconvenient time in the most inconvenient place

aliī ... plūrimī ...the one - the most -

amnis clēmentisimusthe river where it flows most calmly

antīquissimus, antīquissima, antīquissimummost important, most sacred

arduēextremely annoying, most burdensome, highly troublesome

aspergillum, aspergillī nvessel for sprinkling, sprinkler, holy water duster

Athēnās, in urbem clarissimam Graeciaeto Athens, the most famous city in Greece

Athēnīs, in urbe clārissimā Graeciaein Athens, the most famous city in Greece

bellum prō religōne susceptumreligious war, holy war, Jihad

bellum religiōsumreligious war, holy war, Jihad

caeremōnia, caeremōniae fthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

caerimōniā summā colō sacrāriumpay the most solemn reverence to the shrine

caerimōnia, caerimōniae f (caeremōnia, cēremōnia)the sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

caerimōnium, caerimōniī nthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

cantarus, cantarī ma large, wide-bellied drinking-vessel, tankard, pot, water-pipe, vessel of holy water, kind of sea-fish

cantharum, cantharī n a large, wide-bellied drinking-vessel, tankard, pot, water-pipe, vessel of holy water

cantharus, cantharī ma large, wide-bellied drinking-vessel, tankard, pot, water-pipe, vessel of holy water, kind of sea-fish

castissimus homō atque integerrimusa most unselfish and blameless man

castum, castī nfestival, period of time consecrated to a god, holy festival time

castus, casta, castummorally pure, unpolluted, spotless, guiltless, pure, chaste, unpolluted, virtuous, continent, free from barbarisms, pious, religious, holy, sacred

celeberrima urbis parsthe most frequented district

celeberrimō forīat the time when the Forum was most frequented

cēremōnia, cēremōniae fthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

cērimōnia, cērimōniae fthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

chelydros, chelydrī mfetid serpent, living, for the most part, in water

chelydrus, chelydrī mfetid serpent, living, for the most part, in water

Clūsium, Clūsiī none of the oldest and most important towns of Etruria

commodissima bellī ratiōthe most expedient method of warfare

commūniō sānctī altārisholy communion

cōnsacrāre, cōnsacrō, cōnsacrāvī, cōnsacrātumdedicate, devote something as sacred to a deity, elevate to the rank of deity, place among the gods, deify, devote to destruction, doom to destruction, execrate, lay upon the altar, hallow, recognize as holy, make immortal, immortalize

cōnsecrāre, cōnsecrō, cōnsecrāvī, cōnsecrātumsurrender to the vengeance of any one, devote, consecrate, lay upon the altar, hallow, recognize as holy, make immortal, immortalize

cornīcum oculōs confīgōfool even the most cautious

cursū effūsōin the most violent run, in full run

Dēmosthenēs, Dēmosthenis mthe most celebrated of the Grecian orators

dēterrimus mortāliumthe most depraved man

deum sēde sacrōmake a god holy by a temple

in ipsō articulō temporisat the most critical moment

solistimum tripudiumthe most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground

günstiges Vorzeichen (Augurensprache)the most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground

sollistimus, sollistima, sollistimum most perfect, most favorable

summēin the highest degree, most highly, most greatly, extremely

summō certāminemost diligently

summumat most, at the most, not more than

suprēmō in temporeat the most critical moment

templa et dēlūbratemples and holy halls

tua occāsiōthe best opportunity for you, the for you most favorable opportunity

tum māximēabove all, most of all, especially, chiefly

turpissimam servitutem servirelive in most shameful bondage

ultimae terraethe most remote countries, end of the world

ultimās terrās peragrōmigrate through the most remote countries

ultimum in lībertāteunbridled freedom, most unrestrained freedom

ultimus, ultima, ultimumthe farthest, most distant, most remote, the uttermost, extreme, last, the farthest, the most distant part of any thing

verbīs amplissimīs grātiās agōsay thanks with most honorable words

verbīs conceptissimīs iūrōswear the most formal oath, swear the most solemn oath

versūs obscoenissimī in Clōdium dīcunturagainst Clodius the most obscene verses are shouted

veterānīs dīligentissimē caveōprovide for the veterans most prudently

vīta omnibus flāgitiīs dēditaa highly dissolute life, a most profligate life, a most vicious life

vīta omnibus flāgitiīs inquinātaa highly dissolute life, a most profligate life, a most vicious life


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