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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 4 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
arbiter, arbitrī mhe that rules over, he that governs, he that manages something, lord, ruler, master, executor, fulfiller

arbitrātor, arbitrātōris mmaster, ruler, lord

āthlēta pūgnātōriusestler, prize-fighter, athlete, one who, by exertion and practice, has acquired much skill in a thing, champion, master

vātēs, vātis m (f)foreteller, seer, soothsayer, prophet, poetess, teacher, master, authority

query 1/E (max. 1000): 36 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā cane nōn māgnō saepe tenētur apereven a weaker often becomes master of a stronger, even a small dog often hunts a big boar

adversitor, adversitōris mone who goes to meet another, slave who went to meet his master in order to conduct him home

advorsitor, advorsitōris mone who goes to meet another, slave who went to meet his master in order to conduct him home

agorānomus, agorānomī mclerk of the market, market overseer, market master

alīpta, alīptae m (alīptēs, alīptae m) (ἀλείπτης)manager in the school for wrestlers, master of wrestling

alīptēs, alīptae m (ἀλείπτης)manager in the school for wrestlers, master of wrestling

antistes artis dīcendīmaster of the art of oratory

architectōn, architectonis mmaster-builder, architect, inventor, deviser, contriver, author, maker, master in cunning, crafty man

architector, architectōris mbuilding artist, master builder, architect

architectulus, architectulī mlittle builder, little master builder, little architect

architectus, architectī mmaster-builder, architect, inventor, deviser, contriver, author, maker, master in cunning, crafty man

architriclīnus, architriclīnī mone that presides at the table, the master of a feast

arcitectus, arcitectī mmaster-builder, architect, inventor, deviser, contriver, author, maker, master in cunning, crafty man

armidoctor, armidoctōris mfencing master, teacher in the handling of weapons

artifex, artificis cone that is master in the liberal arts, artist, artificer, charioteer, orator, writer, master in any thing, maker, originator, author, contriver, sly, cunning contriver, inventor of a thing

ballistārius, ballistāriī martillery master, artilleryman

battuātor, battuātōris mtorturer, cane master

cadūcārius, cadūcāria, cadūcāriumrelating to property without a master, epileptic

calculātrīx, calculātrīcisaccountant, arithmetic master, bookkeeper

castramētātor, castramētātōris mcamp master, quartermaster, engineer who sets up the camp

complectī, complector, complexus sumembrace from love, love, value, honor, be addicted to, care for, include, take into possession, seize, lay hold of, make one’s self master of

compos, compotis (+ Gen. / + Abl.)having the mastery, having the control, having the power over a thing, master of, partaking of, possessing, participating in, sharing in, guilty of, sharing in, participating in, confederate in

compotīrī, compotior, compotītus sumbecome partaker of, become master of

convīvātor, convīvātōris mhe who gives an entertainment, master of a feast

servīs quaerō in dominuminterrogate the slaves about their master

dēsīgnātor, dēsīgnātōris mmaster of ceremonies at funerals, undertaker

meae spontis sumI am my own master

suae spontis esseto be one’s own master

tenēre, teneō, tenuī, tentumhold, keep, have in the hand, have in the mouth, seize, grasp, comprehend, be master of, have in one’s power, possess, contain in the mind, conceive, comprehend, know

ūtriculārius, ūtriculāriī mbagpiper, master of a raft floated on bladders, used for ferriage

xystarchēs, xystarchae mmaster of a xystus, manager of a xystus

zygostatēs, zygostatae mmaster of the weights, weigh-master


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