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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ambaxium, ambaxiī nheap, mass

congeriēs, congeriēī fthat which is brought together, heap, pile, mass, chaos, heap of wood, wood-pile, funeral-pile

congestiō, congestiōnis fa bringing together, a heaping up, accumulation, that which is heaped up, heap, mass, pile

congestus, congestūs mbearing together, bringing together, accumulation, heap, pile, mass

tribus, tribūs fdivision of the people, tribe, commonalty, mass, mob, poor people

volgus, volgī ngreat mass, people, public, mass, crowd, throng, multitude of persons, vulgar, mob, rabble, populace

vulgus, vulgī ngreat mass, multitude, people, public, mass, crowd, throng, vulgar, mob, rabble, populace

vulgus, vulgī ngreat mass, people, public, mass, crowd, throng, multitude of persons, vulgar, mob, rabble, populace

query 1/E (max. 1000): 28 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aggestiō, aggestiōnis fbearing to a place, heaping up, mass of mud, heap of sand

chaos n (nur noch Akk. chaos, Abl. chaō) (χάος, τό)the boundless, empty space, the lower world, immeasurable darkness, deep obscurity, the confused, formless, primitive mass out of which the universe was made, chaos

chaos, rudis indīgestaque mōlēsthe original substance, a raw and unseparated mass

coacervāre, coacervō, coacervāvī, coacervātumheap together, heap up, collect in a mass, collect together in a mass

commūne homicīdiummass execution

commūne sepulcrummass grave

commūne suppliciummass execution

conglobātimin heaps, in a mass

conglobāre, conglobō, conglobāvī, conglobātumgather into a ball, make spherical, conglobate, press together in a mass, crowd together, heap together, accumulate

cumulus, cumulī mheap, pile, a mass piled up, a heap added to an accumulated mass or to a full measure

cūnctī, cūnctae, cūnctaall together, the whole, all, whole, all unanimous, all in all, in mass, all in total, in bulk, all, all for one

Dalmatica, Dalmaticae fa long undergarment of Dalmatian wool, worn by priests during the mass

Delmatica, Delmaticae fa long undergarment of Dalmatian wool, worn by priests during the mass

silva, silvae fwood, forest, woodland, plantation of trees, orchard, grove, a growth of other plants, bush, foliage, a crowded mass, abundance, quantity

strāgēs, strāgis fthrowing down, throwing to the ground, overthrowing, overthrow, confusion, confused heap, confused mass, mortal overthrow, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage, overthrow, ruin, destruction

strictūra, strictūrae fcontraction, compression, strictur, pressure, suffering, torment, mass of wrought iron, bar of iron

ūber, ūberis n (οὖθαρ)teat, pap, dug, udder, breast that gives suck, fruitful breast, mass in the shape of an udder, richness, fruitfulness, fertility

vulgāris, vulgārebelonging to the great mass, belonging to the multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every-day, common, commonplace, vulgar

vulgāritās, vulgāritātis fgreat mass, multitude

vulgārius, vulgāria, vulgāriumbelonging to the great mass, belonging to the multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every-day, common, commonplace, vulgar


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