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Suchergebnis zu
"iron pen":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

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query 1/E (max. 1000): 47 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adamāns, adamantis madamant, hardest iron, hardest steel, any thing inflexible, anything firm, anything lasting, a hard heart, a unyielding heart, a inexorable heart, diamond

adamantēus, adamantēa, adamantēumof hard steel, of hard iron, of diamond

adamās, adamantis m (ἀδάμας)adamant, hardest iron, hardest steel, any thing inflexible, anything firm, anything lasting, a hard heart, a unyielding heart, a inexorable heart, diamond

anatium stabuladuck pen, duck coop, duck stall

ancora, ancorae f (ἄγκυρα)anchor, refuge, hope, support, an iron in the form of an anchor

ānus, ānī manus, the posteriors, butt, buttocks, bottom, fundament, diseases of the anus, piles, haemorrhoids, iron ring for the feet

āra, ārae fpen for animals, coop for animals

armilla, armillae fcircular ornament for the arm, bracelet, armlet, iron hoop, ring, ferrule

arundō, arundinis freed, cane, fishing-rod, limed twigs for catching birds, wreath or crown made of reeds, shaft of an arrow, arrow, pen, reed pipe, shepherd’s pipe, Pan-pipe (σύριγξ), flute, weber-comb

bidēns, bidentis m (δίκελλα)heavy hoe or mattock with two crooked iron teeth

calamister, calamistrī m (calamistrum, calamistrī n)hollow, tubular iron for curling the hair, curling-iron, crisping-pin, excessive or artificial ornament, flourish of words

calamistrum, calamistrī nhollow, tubular iron for curling the hair, curling-iron, crisping-pin, excessive or artificial ornament, flourish of words

calamō et ātrāmentō mīlitōfight with pen and ink, am a hero with a pen and ink

canthus, canthī miron ring around a carriage-wheel, tire, wheel

capillōs ferrō torqueōcurl one's hair with the iron

capsus, capsī mwagon-body, coach-body, enclosure for animals, pen

cataphracta, cataphractae mcoat of mail furnished with iron scales

cataphractēs, cataphractae mcoat of mail furnished with iron scales

caulis pennaequill pen, feather quill

cautērizāre, cautērizōburn with a hot iron, brand

chalybs, chalybis msteel, things made of steel, sword, horse’s bit, point of an arrow, iron rail

chēnoboscion, chēnobosciī na pen for geese

clāvīs ferreīs cōnfigōnail together with iron nails

clāvus ferreusiron nail

clībanus, clībanī mearthen or iron vessel for baking bread, frying pan, oven, furnace

cochleārium, cochleāriī nenclosure or pen in which snails were kept and fed

cohors, cohortis fplace enclosed around, court, enclosure, yard, pen, multitude enclosed, multitude fenced in, company of soldiers, division of an army, cohort, troop of cavalry, army, the train or retinue of the praetor in a province, crowd, multitude, company, throng, attendants

cohors, cohortis fplace enclosed around, court, enclosure, yard, pen, the multitude enclosed in, the multitude fenced in, company of soldiers, division of an army, cohort, auxiliary troops, allies, troop of cavalry, army, retinue of the praetor in a province, crowd, multitude

coma calamistrātahair curled with the branding iron, hair curled with a cautery

crīnēs calamistrō convertōcurl the hair with the branding iron

hara, harae fpen for animals, coop for animals

irpex, irpicis mlarge rake with iron teeth, harrow

pictūra līneārispen and ink drawing, pen drawing

sōliferreum, sōliferreī nmissile weapon made wholly of iron, iron javelin

solliferreum, solliferreī nmissile weapon made wholly of iron, iron javelin

sphaeromachia, sphaeromachiae f (Akk. Sgl. sphaeromachiān)kind of boxing wirh iron balls strapped to the hands

strictūra, strictūrae fcontraction, compression, strictur, pressure, suffering, torment, mass of wrought iron, bar of iron

trebla, treblae fthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

trībula, trībulae fthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

trībulum, trībulī nthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

tribulus, tribulī m (τρίβολος)instrument resting on three of its iron prongs, while a fourth projected upward, thrown on the ground to impede an enemy’s cavalry, caltrop

trivolum, trivolī nthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

trochus, trochī miron hoop set round with small rings, trundling-hoop for children

ūnā litterārum sīgnificātiōnewith one stroke of the pen, with one pen stroke

ūnā sīgnificātiōne litterārumwith one stroke of the pen

urpex, urpicis mlarge rake with iron teeth, harrow

ūtendum est animīs, dum spē calentone must forge the iron while it is hot


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