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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
caespes, caespitis mturf, sod as cut out, cot, hut, hovel, shed, altar, knot, knob, clump, group of plants, grassy field, a green field, earth, ground

cānaba, cānabae fhovel, hut

canapa, canapae fhovel, hut

canava, canavae fhovel, hut

cannaba, cannabae fhovel, hut

casa, casae fany simple house, any poorly-built house, cottage, hut, cabin, shed, country estate, farm

cella, cellae f (καλιά - Hütte)storeroom, chamber, place for depositing grain or fruits, place for the abode of animals, granary, stall, cells of bees, closet, cabinet, hut, cot, chapel, apartment in a bathing-house, room in a brothel

stabulum, stabulī nstanding-place, abode, habitation, dwelling, stall, stable, enclosure, herds, flocks, droves, dwelling like a stable, cottage, hut, public-house, pothouse, tavern, hostelry, brothel, house of ill-fame

taberna, tabernae fany slight structure, little dwelling, hut, cottage, booth, shop, workshop, stall, inn, tavern

tegurium, teguriī nhut, cot, cottage of shepherds or peasants

tugurium, tuguriī nhut, cot, small shelter, cottage of shepherds, cottage of peasants

query 1/E (max. 1000): 23 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
attibernālis, attibernālis mone that inhabits an adjoining hut

attubernālis, attubernāleone that inhabits an adjoining hut

cabanna, cabannae fhut (for vineyard keepers)

casa agrestisfarmer's hut

casa strāmentīciastraw hut

casa strāmineastraw hut

casella, casellae flittle hut

casellulla, casellullae flittle hut

casubla, casublae flittle cottage, little hut, small house, sepulchre

colōnica, colōnicae ffarm-house, a rustic’s hut

teguriolum, teguriolī nlittle hut, cottage

tuguriolum, tuguriolī nlittle hut, cottage


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3. Belegstellen für "hut"

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