| | ab omni cultu et humanitate longe absum | ab omnī cultū et hūmānitāte longē absum | stehe auf einer niedrigen kulturellen Stufe | | | |
| | ad humanitatem effingo | ad hūmānitātem effingō | zivilisiere | | | |
| | ad humanitatem inclinis | ad hūmānitātem inclīnis | humanitär | | | |
| | ad humanitatem informo | ad hūmānitātem īnformō | veredele | | | |
| | ad humanitatem informo | ad hūmānitātem īnfōrmō, īnfōrmāvī, īnfōrmātum, īnfōrmāre | zivilisiere | | | |
| | ad humanitatem proclivis | ad hūmānitātem prōclīvis | humanitär | | | |
| | ad humanitatem propensus | ad hūmānitātem prōpēnsus | humanitär | | | |
| | adulescentis et humanitate et doctrina capior | adulescentis et hūmānitāte et doctrīnā capior | werde durch die Bildung und Gelehrsamkeit des jungen Mannes gefesselt | | | |
| | aliquem ad humanitatem informo | aliquem ad hūmānitātem īnformō | erziehe jdn. zur Gesittungeducate someone to morality, teach someone morality | | | |
| | aliquem ad humanitatem instituo | aliquem ad hūmānitātem īnstituō | erziehe jdn. zur Gesittungeducate someone to morality, teach someone morality | | | |
| | altitudo humanitatis | altitūdō hūmānitātis | erhabene Menschenfreundlichkeitnoble humanity, sublime philanthropy | | | |
| | artes, quibus aetas puerilis ad humanitatem informari solet | artēs, quibus aetās puerīlis ad hūmānitātem īnformārī solet | Wissenschaften, in denen gewöhnlich das Knabenalter gebildet wirdsciences in which boyhood is usually educated | | | |
| | humanitate politiore facta | hūmānitāte polītiore factā | nach der Verfeinerung der Bildung | | | |
| | litterae humanitatis plenae | litterae hūmānitātis plēnae | ein sehr verbindlicher Brief | | | |
| | omnem humanitatem abieci | omnem hūmānitātem abiēcī | bin ganz gefühllos | | | |
| | omnem humanitatem exui | omnem hūmānitātem exuī | bin ganz gefühllos | | | |
| | omnem humanitatis sensum amisi | omnem hūmānitātis sēnsum āmīsī | bin ganz gefühllos | | | |
| | omnis cultus et humanitatis sum expers | omnis cultūs et hūmānitātis sum expers | stehe auf einer niedrigen kulturellen Stufe | | | |
| | omnis humanitatis expers sum | omnis hūmānitātis expers sum | bin bar aller menschlicher Gefühle | | | |
| | severitatem cum humanitate iungo | sevēritātem cum hūmānitāte iungō | verbinde Ernst mit Freundlichkeit | | | |
| | Societas cultui humanitatique provehendis (UNESCO) | Societās cultuī hūmānitātīque prōvehendīs (UNESCO) | Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (UNESCO)United Nations Educational-Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | | | |
| | vir humanitatis studiosus | vir hūmānitātis studiōsus | Humanisthumanist | | | |