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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 23 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alveus, alveī mhollow, cavity, deep vessel, basket, trough, tray, excavation, hold of a ship, hull of a ship, small ship, boat, skiff, hollowed gaming-board, beehive, bathing-tub, channel of a river, bed of a river

cassus, cassa, cassumempty, void, hollow, unfruitful, wanting, devoid of, deprived of, without, vain, useless, futile, fruitless, profitless

cava, cavae frecess, cavity, hollow

cavāmen, cavāminis na hollowing out, cavern, hollow

cavātiō, cavātiōnis fcavern, hollow

cavātūra, cavātūrae fhollow, cavity

cavātus, cavāta, cavātumhollowed, excavated, hollow

cavea, caveae fexcavated place, hollow, cavity, enclosure for animals, stall, cage, den, coop, beehive, bird-cage, enclosure about a young tree, roof of the mouth, sockets of the eyes, spectators’ seats or benches in the theatre, theatre, spectators

caverna, cavernae fhollow, cavity, cave, cavern, grotto, hole

cavernum, cavernī nhollow, cavity, cave, cavern, grotto, hole

cavitās, cavitātis fhollow, cavity, hollowness

cavōsitās, cavōsitātis fhollow, cavity

cavum, cavī nhollow, cavity, hole

cavus, cava, cavumhollow, excavated, concave, unsubstantial

cavus, cavi mhollow, cavity, hole

concavum, concavī nhollow place, hollow

concavus, concava, concavumhollow, concave, arched, vaulted, bent, curved

concīsūra, concīsūrae fa dividing, distributing, hollow, chink, cleft

lacūna, lacūnae fhollow, cavity, opening, chasm, cleft

sinus, sinūs mbent surface, curve, fold, hollow, purse, money, bosom, bay, bight, gulf, basin, hollow, valley, the interior part, the inmost part of a thing

stria, striae ffurrow, channel, hollow, flute of a column

vallēs, vallis fvalley, vale, hollow

vallis, vallis f (vallēs, vallis f)valley, vale, hollow

query 1/E (max. 1000): 54 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alveolus, alveolī msmall hollow, small cavity, tray, trough, basin, small gaming-board, small channel of a river, weaver’s shuttle

ancyla, ancylae fhollow of the knee

anquila, anquilae fback of the knee, knee hollow

antrum, antrī n. (ἄντρον)cave, cavern, grotto, hollow of a tree, sedan, any cavity

ascella, ascellae fwing, armpit, shoulder-blade, hollow where the branch unites with the stem, side halls, side porches, colonnades, wing of an army

ascilla, ascillae fwing, armpit, shoulder-blade, hollow where the branch unites with the stem, side halls, side porches, colonnades, wing of an army

axilla, axillae fwing, armpit, shoulder-blade, hollow where the branch unites with the stem, side halls, side porches, colonnades, wing of an army

biviae faucēsthe entrances of the hollow way on both sides

calamus, calamī m (κάλαμος)reed, cane, reed-pen, reed-pipe, arrow, angling-rod, fishing-rod, lime-twig for snaring birds, signal-pole, signal-rod, measuring-rod, any straw of grain, stalk, stem, blade, graft, scion, hollow arm of a candelabra

catīnum, catīnī ndeep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

catīnus, catīnī m (κάτυλος)deep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

cava vēnahollow vein, cavity

cavernae nāvigiīhollow of the vessel

cavernāre, cavernōmake hollow

cavāre, cavō, cavāvī, cavātummake hollow, hollow out, excavate, pierce through, perforate, round off, bend around, fabricate

concavāre, concavō, concavāvī, concavātummake hollow, hollow out, make round, curve, bend

dentes cavātīhollow teeth

imbricēs clāvulīs fīgōnail the hollow bricks with small nails

scotia, scotiae fhollow moulding in the base of a column

sinuāre, sinuō, sinuāvī, sinuātumbend, wind, curve, bow, swell out in curves, hollow out, excavate

soldus, solda, soldumfirm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire

soledus, soleda, soledumfirm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire

solidus, solida, solidumfirm, dense, compact, not hollow, solid, whole, complete, entire

striāre, striō, striāvi, striātumfurnish with furrows, furnish with channels, hollow out, groove, flute, striate

subcavus, subcava, subcavumhollow below, hollow underneath

subtel n (indecl.)the hollow of the foot

templum, templī n (cf. τέμενος)open place for observation, open space, circuit, infernal regions, plain of the sea, hollow space, consecrated place, sacred place, sanctuary, asylum, shrine, fane, temple, sepulchral monument

trochilus, trochilī mvery small bird, golden-crested wren, trochil, semicircular hollow running round the base of a column, casement, scotia

via cavahollow way

viae cavaehollow ways

vola, volae f (θέναρ)hollow of the hand, palm, , hollow of the foot, sole


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