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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"having ratio 4 3":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Lat. Fund; Engl. Fund;

query 1/2L (max. 100): 100 Ergebnis(se)
  a certa ratione proficiscorā certā ratiōne proficīscorgehe von einem festen Prinzip aus
assume a fixed principle, start from a firm principle
  ad philosophandi rationes aliquid revocoad philosophandī ratiōnes aliquid revocōbehandele etw. nach philosophischen Prinzipien
  ad philosophorum rationes aliquid revocoad philosophōrum ratiōnes aliquid revocōbehandele etw. nach philosophischen Prinzipien
  ad praecipiendi rationem delaborad praecipiendī ratiōnem dēlāborgleite in einen lehrhaften Ton ab
  ad rationem aliquam confugioad ratiōnem aliquam cōnfugiōnehme zu einem Mittel meine Zuflucht
  ad rationem revocoad ratiōnem revocōziehe wieder zur Rechenschaft
  ad rationis praecepta aliquid accommodoad ratiōnis praecepta aliquid accommodōbehandele etw. systematisch
  ad rei publicae rationes aliquid referoad reī pūblicae ratiōnēs aliquid referōbetrachte etw. vom politischen Standpunkt aus
  ad totius mundi rationes pertinensad tōtīus mundī ratiōnēs pertinēnsweltumspannend
  adhibenda tamquam obrussa ratioadhibenda tamquam obrussa ratiōdie Vernunft muss als Feuerprobe dienen
  alicui conturbo omnes rationesalicuī conturbō omnēs ratiōnēsmache jdm. einen Strich durch die Rechnung
put a spoke in someone's wheel, throw a spanner in the works
    nache jds. Pläne allesamt zunichte
ruin someone's plans, thwart someone's plans all together
  alicuius ratiōnem suscipiōalicuius ratiōnem suscipiōmache mir jds. Grundsätze zu eigen
adopt someone's principles
    schließe mich jds. Grundsätzen an
follow someone's principles-
    übernehme jds. Grundsätze
adopt someone's principles
  alicuius rei rationem ducoalicuius reī ratiōnem dūcōnehme auf etwas Rücksicht
show consideration for something
    rechne etw. aus
calculate something
  aliquem ad rationem reddendam vocoaliquem ad ratiōnem reddendam vocōziehe jdn. zur Rechenschaft
hold someone accountable, call someone to account
  aliquid in rationem inducoaliquid in ratiōnem indūcōstelle etw. in Rechnung (verrechne etw.)
invoice something
  aliquid rationi repugnataliquid ratiōnī repūgnatetwas ist vernunftwidrig
something is unreasonable
  animum adhibeo veram ad rationemanimum adhibeō vēram ad ratiōnemachte auf die Lehre der Wahrheit
pay attention to the teaching of truth
  avius a vera longe ratione vagarisāvius ā vērā longē ratiōne vagārisdu denkst irrig und abwegig
you think wrongly and deviously, you astray
  belli atque pacis rationesbellī atque pācis ratiōnēsdie Chancen für Krieg und Frieden
the chances for war and peace
  certas rationes in agendo sequorcertās ratiōnēs in agendō sequorbefolge im Handeln feste Grundsätze
follow firm principles in one's actions
  cogitata ratiocōgitāta ratiōwohlüberlegter Plan
considered plan, elaborate plan, prudent plan, foresighted plan
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgcollatio rationiscollātiō ratiōnisAnalogie
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  Verhältnisbestimmung
ratio determination
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
  commodissima belli ratiocommodissima bellī ratiōdie zweckmäßigste Methode der Kriegsführung
the most expedient method of warfare
  consequentium repugnantiumve ratiocōnsequentium repūgnantiumve ratiōLehre von dem was folgerichtig oder widersprüchlich ist
doctrine of consistency and contradiction
  consiliorum rationescōnsiliōrum ratiōnēsMaßnahmen
(eigener Vorschlag)
  contra omnia disserendi ratiocontrā omnia disserendī ratiōSkeptizismus
  contrariae rationescontrāriae ratiōnēs, ratiōnum fdas Für und Wider
the pros and cons, the for and against
  cui ratio reddenda estcuī ratiō reddenda estverantwortlich
(alicuius rei - für etw.)
    wer sich verantworten muss
who has to be responsible
(alicuius rei - für etw.)
  curia rationumcūria ratiōnumRechnungshof
Court of Auditors, Court of Audit, Audit Office
  disserendi ratio et scientiadisserendī ratiō et scientiaLogik
  divina ratio toti mundo et partibus eius insertadīvīna ratiō tōtī mundō et partibus eius īnsertaWeltgeist
world spirit, divine spirit
  doctrinae ratiodoctrīnae ratiōIdeologie
  eadem est huius rei ratioeadem est huius reī ratiōdamit hat es die selbe Bewandtnis
  ex hac deductione rationisex hāc dēductiōne ratiōnisaus dieser Überlegung heraus
from this course of reasoning
  ex ratione libertatisex ratiōne lībertātishinsichtlich der Freiheit
    in Rücksicht der Freiheit
  expers rationisexpers ratiōnisunteilhaftig der Vernunft, vernunftlos
(im lat. Sprachkurs)
  fides et ratio pecuniarumfidēs et ratiō pecūniārumKredit- und Geldwesen
  frustra mecum rationes putofrūstrā mēcum ratiōnēs putōmache die Rechnung ohne den Wirt
    verkalkuliere mich
  haec ratio late patethaec ratiō lātē patetdiese Auffassung hat einen weiten Deutungsspielraum
    diese Auffassung lässt eine weite Anwendung zu
  hanc sectam rationemque vitae sequorhanc sectam ratiōnemque vītae sequordieser grundsätzlichen Lebensweise folge ich
  hi longe alia ratione bellum gerunt ac reliquihī longē aliā ratiōne bellum gerunt ac reliquīdiese führen auf eine weit andere Art Krieg als die übrigen
  hoc artius astringi ratio non potesthōc artius astringī ratiō nōn potestknapper als so lässt sich die Schlussfolge nicht fassen
the final sequence cannot be summed up more succinctly than this
  homo a factionis ratione declinanshomō ā factiōnis ratiōne dēclīnānsAbweichler
  homo in populari ratione florenshomō in populārī ratiōne flōrensFührer der Demokratie
  homo solus particeps rationis et cogitationishomō sōlus particeps ratiōnis et cōgitātiōnisallein der Mensch besitzt Vernunft und Vorstellungskraft
  in rationem inducoin ratiōnem indūcōzahle auf ein Konto ein
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgin rationes aliquid referoin ratiōnēs aliquid referōzahle etw. auf das Konto ein
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgin rationes aliquid transmittoin ratiōnēs aliquid trānsmittōüberweise etw. auf das Konto
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
  inita subductaque ratione aliquid facioinitā subductāque ratiōne aliquid faciōmache etw. nach genauer Berechnung
  ita res ratione et via proceditita rēs ratiōne et viā prōcēditso wird ein Schuh aus der Sache
  iudicandi ratioiūdicandī ratiōPerspektive
  libri rationumlibrī ratiōnumRechnungsbücher
  longe alia est huius rei ratiolongē alia est huius reī ratiōdamit hat es eine ganz andere Bewandtnis
  mathematicorum ratione aliquid concludomathēmaticōrum ratiōne aliquid conclūdōschließe etwas mathematisch
  mea sic est ratiomea sīc est rātiōhabe das Prinzip
  meae vitae rationes ab ineunte aetate susceptaemeae vītae ratiōnēs ab ineunte aetāte susceptaedie Grundsätze, die ich seit dem Eintritt ins bürgerliche Leben befolgt habe
  meam rationem teneomeam rātiōnem teneōbleibe bei meinen Grundsätzen
    bleibe meinen Grundsätzen treu
    halte an meinen Grundsätzen fest
  mens et ratiomēns et ratiōVerstand und Vernunft
  modo ac rationemodō ac ratiōnenach einem festen Plan
  non extrinsecus aut bene aut male vivendi rationes suspensaas habeonōn extrīnsecus aut bene aut male vīvendī ratiōnēs suspēnsaās habeōsehe das Wohl und Wehe des Lebens nicht von Außendingen abhängig
  norma rationisnōrma ratiōnisGesetz der Vernunft
  novam rationem ingrediornovam ratiōnem ingrediorbefolge eine neue Methode
  nulla eventus ratione habitanūllā ēventūs ratiōne habitāohne Rücksicht auf den Erfolg
    unabhängig vom Erfolg
  nulla rationenūllā ratiōneauf keine Weise
(im lat. Sprachkurs)
    ohne allen vernünftigen Grund
    ohne einen vernünftigen Plan
  nulla ratione aliquid dispononūllā ratiōne aliquid dispōnōordne etw. unlogisch
  nulla ratione instructusnūllā ratiōne īnstrūctusunsystematisch
  obtineo eandem antiquam rationemobtineō eāndem antīquam ratiōnembleibe mir treu
    ändere mein Verhalten nicht
  omnis vitae ratio sic constat, ut ...omnis vītae ratiō sīc cōnstat, ut ganzen Leben gilt der Grundsatz, dass ...
  oratio ratione et via proceditōrātiō ratiōne et viā prōcēditder Vortrag entwickelt sich methodisch richtig
    der Vortrag entwickelt sich schulgerecht
  par est ratiopār est ratiōBilanz ist ausgeglichen
  particeps rationisparticeps ratiōnisteilhaftig der Vernunft
(im lat. Sprachkurs)
  permutata rationepermūtātā ratiōneauf umgekehrte Weise
  propter rationem bellipropter ratiōnem bellīaus strategischen Gründen
  quadam rationequādam ratiōnein gewisser Hinsicht
  quadam ratione instructusquādam ratiōne īnstrūctussystematisch
  ratio accepti et expensiratiō acceptī et expēnsīEtat
  ratio accepti et expensiratiō accepti et expensiStaatshaushalt
query 1/E (max. 1000): 215 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adventus, adventūs mcoming, approach, arrival, state of having arrived, being present by arriving

aemorroicus, aemorroica, aemorroicumhemorrhagic, having hemorrhoids, suffering from hemorrhoids

aequipedus, aequipeda, aequipedumhaving equal feet, isosceles (of a triangle)

aequipēs, aequipedishaving equal feet, isosceles (of a triangle)

aequivalēns, aequivalentishaving equal power, being equivalent

aerātus, aerāta, aerātumfurnished with copper, furnished with bronze, covered with copper, covered with bronze, having bronze feet, made of bronze, rich

affectus, affecta, affectumweakened, sick, broken, reduced, disposed, affected, moved, touched, furnished with, having

affluēns, affluentis (adfluēns, adfluentis)flowing abundantly with a thing, having in abundance, having in superfluity, abounding in, abundant, rich, copious, numerous

albicomus, albicoma, albicomumwhite-haired, having white fibres

alticomus, alticoma, alticomumhaving foliage high up, having foliage on the top

ambitiōsus, ambitiōsa, ambitiōsumgoing round, encompassing, embracing, twining round, making circuits, having many windings, that asks for a thing fawningly, that solicits the favor, that solicits the good-will, honor-loving, ambitious, courting favor

angulāris, angulārehaving corners, having angles, angular

ānsātus, ānsāta, ānsātumfurnished with a handle, having a handle

aquifolius, aquifolia, aquifoliumhaving pointed leaves

aquifuga, aquifugae cone fearful of water, one having hydrophobia

aristātus, aristāta, aristātumhaving ears of corn

baccar, baccaris na plant having a fragrant root, from which an oil was expressed

bacchar, baccharis na plant having a fragrant root, from which an oil was expressed

barbātulus, barbātula, barbātulumhaving a small beard, having a foppish beard

barbātus, barbāta, barbātumhaving a beard, bearded, woolly (of plants), downy (of plants)

beneficium liberōrumthe exemption from judicial office obtained by having a certain number of children

biceps, bicipitishaving two heads, twoheaded, with two summits, divided into two parts

bicipes, bicipitishaving two heads, twoheaded, with two summits, divided into two parts

bicōdulus, bicōdula, bicōdulumhaving two tails

bicornis, bicornehaving two horns, two-horned, two-pronged

bicorpor, bicorporishaving two bodies, double-bodied

bicorporeus, bicorporea, bicorporeumhaving two bodies, double-bodied

biforis, biforehaving two doors, having folding-doors, having two openings, having two holes, double

biforus, bifora, biforumhaving two doors, having folding-doors, having two openings, having two holes, double

bifurcus, bifurca, bifurcumhaving two prongs, having two points, two-pronged, two-forked

bifurtius, bifurtia, bifurtiumhaving two prongs, having two points, two-pronged, two-forked

bīgātus, bīgāta, bīgātumhaving the figure of a bigae (exclusively of coin), with the figure of a bigae stamped upon it

bigemmis, bigemmeset with two precious stones, having two buds

bilanx, bilancishaving two scales

bilinguis, bilinguetwotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical

bilinguus, bilingua, bilinguumtwotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical

bilychnis, bilychnehaving two lights

bimammius, bimammia, bimammiumhaving two breasts, having double clusters (vine)

bimembris, bimembrehaving double members, half man, half beast

binōminis, binōminehaving two names

bipennis, bipennehaving two edges, two-edged

bipennis, bipennehaving two wings, two-winged

bipinnis, bipinnehaving two wings, two-winged

biprōrus, biprōra, biprōrumhaving two prows

birēmis, birēmetwooared, having two oars, having two banks of oars

birēmus, birēma, birēmumtwooared, having two oars, having two banks of oars

bisolis, bisolehaving two (foot) soles

biūrus, biūra, biūrumhaving two tails

bivius, bivia, biviumhaving two ways, having two passages

būcerius, būceria, būceriumhaving the horns of a bullock, ox-horned

būcerus, būcera, būcerum (βούκερως)having the horns of a bullock, ox-horned

cacochȳmus, cacochȳma, cacochȳmumhaving bad humours

cadīvus, cadīva, cadīvumfalling of itself, having the falling sickness, having the epilepsy, epileptic

cādūceātus, cādūceāta, cādūceātumhaving the herald’s wand, bearing the herald’s wand

cadūcus, cadūca, cadūcumfalling, fallen, devoted to death, destined to die, inclined to fall, that easily falls, epileptic, frail, fleeting, perishable, transitory, vain, futile, ineffectual, vacant, having no heir

caecus, caeca, caecumhaving no light, devoid of light, not seeing, blind, mentally blind, morally blind, blinded, without buds, without eyes, that cannot be seen, invisible, concealed, hidden, secret, obscure, dark, gloomy, thick, dense, uncertain, doubtful

caesariātus, caesariāta, caesariātumcovered with hair, having long hair, ornamented with foliage or leaves

caesullae, caesullārum fhaving gray eyes

calefactōrius, calefactōria, calefactōriumhaving a warming power, having a heating power

canifōrmis, canifōrmehaving the form of a dog, dog-shaped

capillātus, capillāta, capillātumhaving hair, hairy, with a fine head of hair, consisting of slender fibres

capitātus, capitāta, capitātumhaving a head

carentia, carentiae fbeing free, not having

castoreum, castoreī nsecretion of the beaver having a strong odor

cauliculātus, cauliculāta, cauliculātumfurnished with a stalk, having a stalk

cēnātus, cēnāta, cēnātumthat has taken food, having dined

centimanus, centimana, centimanumhaving a hundred hands

cephalōtē, cephalōtēs fhaving a head

cerebrōsus, cerebrōsa, cerebrōsumhaving a madness of the brain, hare-brained, hotbrained, passionate

cerītus, cerīta, cerītumhaving a crazed brain, frantic, mad

cerrītus, cerrīta, cerrītumhaving a crazed brain, frantic, mad

chalcaspis, chalcaspidishaving a brazen shield

chrȳsococcus, chrȳsococca, chrȳsococcumhaving golden grains

cilō, cilōnis mhaving a prominent forehead pressed in upon the sides, pointed head

cincinnātus, cincinnāta, cincinnātumwith curled hair, having locks or ringlets of hair

cirrātus, cirrāta, cirrātumcurled, having ringlets, fringed

cirrītus, cirrīta, cirrītumhaving filaments

coenātus, coenāta, coenātumthat has taken food, having dined

cōgnitōafter having learned

collaterālis, collaterāleconcerning the collateral relationship, having a side position

colōrātus, colōrāta, colōrātumcolored, having color, colored red, red, imbrowned, having a healthy color, specious

comāns, comantishaving long hair, hairy, covered with hair, having a radiant hairy train, adorned with a bush of hair

comātus, comāta, comātumhaving long hair

commēnsūrābilis, commēnsūrābilehaving a common measure, commensurable

commixtus ex aliquā rēamalgamated from something, having come into being from something by mixing

cōmāre, cōmō, cōmāvī, cōmptum comātumbe furnished with hair, having long hair, be hairy, be covered with hair, clothe with hair, deck with hair, deck with something like hair

compertōafter having learned, after having experienced

compos, compotis (+ Gen. / + Abl.)having the mastery, having the control, having the power over a thing, master of, partaking of, possessing, participating in, sharing in, guilty of, sharing in, participating in, confederate in

compotēns, compotentishaving power with one

cōnsors, cōnsortissharing property with one, living in community of goods, partaking of in common, dividing something with one, having an equal share, partaking of, sharing, of the same condition, common

cōnspīrātus, cōnspīrāta, cōnspīrātumhaving conspired, having entered into a conspiracy

conterminus, contermina, conterminum bordering upon, neighboring, having a common border

cōpiōsus, cōpiōsa, cōpiōsumfurnished abundantly with a thing, well supplied, having abundance, rich, copious, plentiful, abounding, rich in language, copious in expression, eloquent, existing in rich abundance

cornifer, cornifera, corniferumbearing horns, having horns, horned

corniger, cornigera, cornigerumhaving horns, bearing horns, horned

costātus, costāta, costātumhaving ribs, ribbed

crassivēnius, crassivēnia, crassivēniumhaving thick veins

crīniger, crīnigera, crīnigerum having long hair, long-locked, longhaired

crīnītus, crīnīta, crīnītumcovered with hair, hairy, having long hair, having long locks, long-haired

crīspicapillus, crīspicapilla, crīspicapillumhaving curled hair

crīspulus, crīspula, crīspulumcurled, having curled hair, crisped, crimped, elaborate, artificial

crīspus, crīspa, crīspumcurled, crisped, crimped, having curled hair, curlyheaded, artistic, elaborate, curled, uneven, waving, wrinkled, in tremulous motion, quivering, tremulous

cucullātus, cucullāta, cucullātumhooded, having a hood

decasēmus, decasēma, decasēmumhaving ten time mores, having ten time units, ten-time

decastȳlos, decastȳlonhaving ten columns, decastyle

decemrēmis, decemrēmeten-oared, having ten banks of oars

decemscalmus, decemscalma, decemscalmumten-thowled, having ten oars

decēris, decēreten-rudder, having ten rows of oars

decēris, decēris fa ten-oared ship, a ship having ten banks of oars

dentātus, dentāta, dentātumtoothed, having teeth, dentated, spiked, pointed, polished with a tooth

diastēmaticus, diastēmatica, diastēmaticum (opp. continuus)having pauses, having intervals

digitātus, digitāta, digitātumhaving fingers, having toes

dīiūnctiō, dīiūnctiōnis fseparation, diversity, difference, an opposition of two propositions disjunctively connected, use of different words or phrases having the same import

disiūnctiō, disiūnctiōnis (dīiūnctiō, dīiūnctiōnis f)separation, diversity, difference, an opposition of two propositions disjunctively connected, use of different words or phrases having the same import

relātīvus, relātīva, relātīvumhaving reference, havingrelation, referring, relative

scalprātus, scalprāta, scalprātumhaving a sharp edge, having a cutting edge

scaurus, scaura, scaurumwith large and swollen ankles, having the ankles bunching out

scius, scia, sciumknowing, having knowledge

sēmanticus, sēmantica, sēmanticumdesignating, having an indicative force

sēmicorporālis, sēmicorporālehalf bodied, having but half its body visible

sēmicorporeus, sēmicorporea, sēmicorporeumhalf bodied, having but half its body visible

sēmicorporis, sēmicorporwhaving half a body

sēmicorpus, sēmicorporishaving half a body

septiforis, septiforehaving seven openings, seven holed

sēsquātus, sēsquāta, sēsquātumtwo numbers in the ratio of three and two

sēsqueoctāvus, sēsqueoctāva, sēsqueoctāvumcontaining nine eighths, containing one and an eighth, bearing the ratio of nine to eight

sēsquidecimus, sēsquidecima, sēsquidecimumcontaining eleven tenths, one and an tenth, bearing the ratio of eleven to ten

sēsquinōnus, sēsquinōna, sēsquinōnumcontaining ten ninths, one and an ninth, bearing the ratio of ten to nine

sēsquioctāvus decimus, sēsquioctāva decima, sēsquioctāvum decimumbearing the ratio of nineteen to eighteen

sēsquioctāvus, sēsquioctāva, sēsquioctāvumcontaining nine eighths, containing one and an eighth, bearing the ratio of nine to eight

sēsquiquartus, sēsquiquarta, sēsquiquartumcontaining five quarters, one and an quarter, bearing the ratio of five to four

sēsquiquīntus, sēsquiquīnta, sēsquiquīntumcontaining six fifths, one and a fifth, bearing the ratio of six to five

sēsquiseptimus decimus, sēsquiseptima decima, sēsquiseptimum decimumcontaining eighteen seventheents, one and a seventheent, bearing the ratio of eighteen to seventeen

sēsquiseptimus, sēsquiseptima, sēsquiseptimumcontaining eight sevenths, one and a seventh, bearing the ratio of eight to seven

sēsquisextus decimus, sēsquisexta decima, sēsquisextum decimumcontaining seventeen sixtheents, one and a sixtheent, bearing the ratio of seventeen to sixteen

sēsquisextus, sēsquisexta, sēsquisextumcontaining seven sixths, one and a sixth, bearing the ratio of seven to six

sēsquitertius, sēsquitertia, sēsquitertiumcontaining four thirds, one and a third, bearing the ratio of four to three

sēsquitrīcēsimus, sēsquitrīcēsima, sēsquitrīcēsimumcontaining thirty one thirtieths, one and a thirtieth, bearing the ratio of thirty one to thirty

sēsquivicēsimus, sēsquivicēsima, sēsquivicēsimumcontaining twenty one twentieths, one and a twentieth, bearing the ratio of twenty one to twenty

sētiger, sētigera, sētigerumbristle bearing, having coarse hair, having bristles, bristly, setaceous

silus, sila, silum (σιλλός u. σιλός) (= sīmus, sīma, sīmum)having a broad nose, having a turned up nose, pug nosed, snub nosed

sīstrātus, sīstrāta, sīstrātumhaving a sistrum, bearing a sistrum

soleātus, soleāta, soleātumwearing sandals, having sandals on

splēniātus, splēniāta, splēniātumplastered, having a plaster, having a patch on

stomachicus, stomachica, stomachicumdisordered in the stomach, having a disease of the stomach

strūmāticus, strūmātica, strūmāticumhaving a struma, scrofulous, strumous

strūmōsus, strūmōsa, strūmōsumhaving a struma, scrofulous, strumous

strūthopūs, strūthopodissparrow-footed, having small feet

subdiālis cēnōhaving a picnic, picnic

sublūstris, sublūstregiving some light, having a faint light, glimmering

suppaetulus, suppaetula, suppaetulumsquinting somewhat, having a little cast, having a little squint

suppēs, suppedishaving feet turned under, with twisted feet

synōnymon, synōnymī nword having the same meaning with another, synonym

synōnymum, synōnymī nword having the same meaning with another, synonym

tēsticulātus, tēsticulāta, tēsticulātumhaving testicles

tetrachordos, tetrachordonhaving four strings, having four notes

tetracordos, tetracordonhaving four strings, having four notes

tetrastȳlos, tetrastȳlonhaving four columns

trānsitōrius, trānsitōria, trānsitōriumadapted for passing through, having a passage-way, passing, transitory

triangulus, triangula, triangulumhaving three corners, having three angles, threecornered, triangular

tricamerātus, tricamerāta, tricamerātumhaving three chambers

triceps, tricipitishaving three heads, triple-headed, threefold

tricorniger, tricornigera, tricornigerumhaving three horns, having three points

tricornis, tricornehaving three horns, three-horned

tricorpor, tricorporishaving three bodies, three-bodied, tricorporal

tricuspis, tricuspidishaving three points, having three tines, three-pointed, tricuspid

tridēns, tridentishaving three teeth, having three tines, three-tined, threepronged, tridented, trident

triēris, triērehaving three ranges of oars

trifaux, trifaucishaving three throats, triple-throated

trifīlis, trifīlehaving three threads, having three hairs

trifōrmis, trifōrmehaving three forms, having three shapes, having three natures, threefold, triple, triform

trifurcus, trifurca, trifurcumhaving three forks, having three prongs, having three points, threeforked, three-pronged

trigemmis, trigemmehaving three buds, having three eyes

trilinguis, trilinguetriple-tongued, having three tongues, speaking three tongues or languages

trilōris, trilōrehaving three stripes, triple-striped

trimembris, trimembrehaving three sets of limbs, triple-membered

trinōdis, trinōdehaving three knots, three-knotted, of three syllables, trisyllabic

trinōminis, trinōminehaving three names, triple-named

trinōmius, trinōmia, trinōmiumhaving three names, triple-named

triōnymus, triōnyma, triōnymumhaving three names, triple-named

tripectorus, tripectora, tripectorumhaving three breasts, three-breasted, triplebreasted

tripēs, tripedishaving three feet, three-footed

triptōtos, triptōtonhaving only three case endings

triquetrus, triquetra, triquetrumhaving three corners, three-cornered, triangular, belonging to the island of Sicily, Sicilian

trirēmis, trirēmehaving three banks of oars

tunicātus, tunicāta, tunicātumhaving skins, dressed only with the tunic

tutulātus, tutulāta, tutulātumhaving a tutulus, wearing a tutulus

ūnārius, ūnāria, ūnāriumhaving only one variation

unguifer, unguifera, unguiferumhaving nails

ungulātus, ungulāta, ungulātumhaving claws, having hoofs

ūnicalamus, ūnicalama, ūnicalamumhaving a single stem, having a single straw

ūnicaulis, ūnicaulehaving a single stalk

ūnicornis, ūnicorneonehorned, having a single horn

ūnicorporeus, ūnicorporea, ūnicorporeumhaving one body, single-bodied

ūniiugus, ūniiuga, ūniiugumhaving one yoke, fastened to a single yoke, fastened to a single cross-beam, that has been married only once

ūnimanus, ūnimana, ūnimanum (nur Akk. Sgl. ūnimanum)having only one hand, one-handed

ūnipetius, ūnipetia, ūnipetiumhaving only one stalk

ūnistirpis, ūnistirpehaving only one stem, having only one trunk

urbe oppidōve ēgressusleft Rome or a country town, having left Rome or a rural town

valgus, valga, valgumhaving the calves of the legs bent outwards, bow-legged

valvātus, valvāta, valvātumhaving folding-doors

vatāx, vatācishaving crooked feet

vatrāx, vatrācishaving crooked feet

vectifer, vectifera, vectiferumhaving a bolt, well bolted

ventricōsus, ventricōsa, ventricōsumhaving a large belly, big-bellied, pot-bellied

ventriōsus, ventriōsa, ventriōsumhaving a large belly, big-bellied, pot-bellied

vērnicomus, vērnicoma, vērnicomumhaving young leaves

vērōsus, vērōsa, vērōsumfull of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul

vīcēnālis, vīcēnālecontaining the number twenty, having twenty angles

vīgintīangulus, vīgintīangula, vīgintīangulumhaving twenty angles

vīnōsus, vīnōsa, vīnōsumfull of wine, drunk with wine, fond of wine, winebibbing, drunken, having the taste of wine, having the flavor of wine

vīrōsus, vīrōsa, vīrōsumfull of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul

vīverādīx, vīverādīcis fset or cutting having a root, layer, quickset

vīvirādīx, vīvirādīcis fset or cutting having a root, layer, quickset

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