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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
anathēma, anathēmatis n. offering, gift

charisma, charismatis n (Abl. Pl. charismatīs)gift, present

congiārium, congiāriī nvessel that holds a congius, gift divided among the people of the measure of a congius, largess in money divided among the soldiers or among the people or among private friends, gift, present

corōllārium, corōllāriī nmoney paid for a garland of flowers, gift, present, douceur, gratuity, corollary, deduction

datiō, datiōnis fact of giving, allotting, distributing, giving up, surrender, the right to give or convey away property, right of alienation, gift

datum, datī ngift, present, donation

datus, datūs m (nur Abl. Sgl. datū)a giving, gift

sportula, sportulae flittle basket, gift, present

stips, stipis fgift, donation, alms, contribution

tribūtum, tribūtī nstated payment, contribution, tribute, gift, present

tribūtus, tribūtūs mstated payment, contribution, tribute, gift, present

xenium, xeniī n (ξένιον)gift made to a guest, present made to a guest, gift, present

query 1/E (max. 1000): 21 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alicuī aliquid dōnō dōadore somebody something as a gift

aliquem dōnīs accumulōgive someone a lavish gift, shower someone with gifts

aliquem librō dōnārepresent someone with a book, give someone a book as a gift

auctor dōnīadmirer of a gift

damnāsbound to make a gift or contribution, condemned to do any thing, sentenced to do any thing

datus īnsipientis nōn est ūtilis tibithe gift of an imbecile is of no use to you

dōnum accipiō, accēpī, acceptumaccept as a gift

spōnsālia, spōnsāliōrum n (spōnsālia, ûm n)betrothal, espousal, betrothal feast, betrothal gift

xeniolum, xeniolī nsmall gift, small present


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