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Suchergebnis zu
"giant son of vulcan":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of -

query 1/3E (max. 1000): 41 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
Abās, Abantis mThe twelfth king of Argos, son of Lynceus and Hypermnestra, grandson of Danaūs, father of Acrisius, and grandfather of Perseus

abnepōs, abnepōtis mson of a greatgrandchild

abnepus, abnepī mson of a greatgrandchild

adavunculus, adavunculī mson of the great-great-uncle

adnepōs, adnepōtis m son of the abnepos, son of the abneptis, grandson of a great-grandson, grandson of a greatgranddaughter, fourth-grandson

adoptātīcius, adoptātīciī madopted son

adoptīvus, adoptīvī madopted son

aethēr, aetheris m (Akk.: aethera) (αἰθήρ)the upper air, pure air, bright air, ether, heaven, the upper world, the earth, the brightness surrounding a deity, son of Chaos, father of Caelum

aliquem nātum nōn agnōscōnot to recognise one as a son at birth

ascīscere, ascīscō (adscīscō), ascīvī, ascītumreceive a thing (with knowledge and approbation), approve, receive as true, admit one in some capacity (as citizen, ally, son), take to one’s self, appropriate to one’s self, adopt, join one’s self to one, unite one’s self to one, assume something to one’s self

atnepōs, atnepōtis m son of the abnepos, son of the abneptis, grandson of a great-grandson, grandson of a greatgranddaughter, fourth-grandson

augeor fīliolōbe gifted with a little son

bacariō, bacariōnis mson of a bitch, panderer

Bacchus, Bacchī mson of Jupiter and a Theban woman, Semele, cry or invocation to Bacchus, vine, wine

boreās, boreae mnorth wind, the north, son of the river-god Strymon

borrās, borrae mnorth wind, the north, son of the river-god Strymon

Brontēs, Brontae ma Cyclops who labored in the workshop of Vulcan

bustum nātītomb of the son, son's grave

camīnum, camīnī n furnace, smelting-furnace for the working of metals, forge, forge or smithy of Vulcan and the Cyclopes, under Aetna, furnace for heating an apartment, fire

camīnus, camīnī mfurnace, smelting-furnace for the working of metals, forge, forge or smithy of Vulcan and the Cyclopes, under Aetna, furnace for heating an apartment, fire

commendō vōbīs parvum meum fīliumI entrust my little son to you

creātus, creātī mson, offspring

cūrandus, cūrandī mfoster son

Cȳcnēïus, Cȳcnēïī mpertaining to the Boeotian Cycnus, the son of Hyrie

Cȳ̆cnus, Cȳ̆cnī mking of the Ligurians, son of Sthenelus, related to Phæton, who was changed to a swan and placed among the stars, , son of Neptune and Calyce; he was father of Tenes, and was changed into a swan

Cȳgnēïus, Cȳgnēïī mpertaining to the Boeotian Cycnus, the son of Hyrie

Cȳ̆gnus, Cȳ̆gnī mking of the Ligurians, son of Sthenelus, related to Phæton, who was changed to a swan and placed among the stars, , son of Neptune and Calyce; he was father of Tenes, and was changed into a swan

Cytherēius hērōsAeneas, son of Venus

Cytisōrus, Cytisōrī mson of Phrixus, and founder of Cytorus

Dahippus, Dahippī ma sculptor, son and pupil of Lysippus

Damasichthōn, Damasichthŏnis fson of Amphion and Niobe, slain by Apollo

Danaē, Danaēs fSon of Belus and twin brother of Aegyptus, father of the 50 Danaids

Dardanus, Dardanī mson of Jupiter and Electra of Arcadia, founder of the city Dardania, in Troas, and ancestor of the royal race of Troy

Dēīonidēs, Dēīonidae mson of Deïone by Apollo, i, e, Miletus

Dēiphobus, Dēiphobī mson of Priam and Hecuba, and husband of Helen after the death of Paris

Dēmophoōn, Dēmophoontis mson of Theseus and Phaedra, a lover of Phyllis, who fought before Troy

Deucaliōn, Deucaliōnis mson of Prometheus, king of Phthia, in Thessaly, and husband of Pyrrha

dicta ā māiōribus repetunt minōrēsAs the twig is bent, so grows the tree, The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Like father, like son

Diomēdēs, Diomēdis mson of Tydeus, king of Aetolia, and Deipyle, the successor of Adrastus in Argos

ūnicum fīlium ēlūgeōmourn his only son appropriately

vīrēs vāstaegiant force, giant forces


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