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Suchergebnis zu
"general citizens":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 85 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā cīvibus reclāmantibus macrocolla tollunturposters are held up by the protesting citizens

ad summamon the whole, generally, in general, in a word, in short

adumbrātimsketched in shadow, à la silhouette, in general, in outline, as it were covered with shadows, dimly resembling

agrāria, agrāriae fagrarian laws, relating to the division of public lands among the poorer citizens

aliquid in hominum nōtitiam perferōmake something public, make the general public aware of something, promote something,

ambitiō, ambitiōnis fgoing round, going about of candidates for office in Rome, soliciting of individual citizens for their vote, canvassing, suing for office, striving for one’s favor, striving for one’s good-will

amor cīvium et cāritās the love and appreciation of the citizens

animī multōrum cīvium concalluēruntmany citizens are jaded, many citizens are numb

annōna excandefactageneral inflation

anōmalos, anōmalondeviating from the general rule, irregular, anomalous

anōmalus, anōmala, anōmalumdeviating from the general rule, irregular, anomalous

Aristīdem suī cīvēs ēiēcēruntAristides banished his own fellow citizens

assiduī, assiduōrum mcitizens of the upper and more wealthy classes

augurāle, augurālis npart of the headquarters of a Roman camp, where the general took auguries, principal tent, the augur’s wand, the augur’s staff

aurum corōnāriumpresent of gold collected in the provinces for a victorious general

baptisma mundīthe general deluge

benevolentiam cīvium colligōwin the goodwill of one's fellow citizens

bilībrīs farris lībertātem cīvium emōbuy the freedom of citizens for two pounds of spelt

bonō pūblicō serviōlook to the general good, serve the general good, put oneself at the service of the general welfare

bonum pūblicumthe general best, state welfare

capite cēnsīthe lowest class of citizens estimated by head count

caput imperātōrumChief of General Staff

cēnsus, cēnsūs mregistering and rating of Roman citizens, census, register of the census, the censor’s lists, the registered property of Roman citizens, wealth, riches, property, possessions, rich presents, gifts

cervīcēs cīvium Rōmānōrum frangēbanturRoman citizens were executed, Roman citizens had their necks broken

cīvēs ad conventiōnem vocōcall the citizens to the people's assembly

cīvēs dē nervō eximōfree the citizens from imprisonment

cives in forum conveneruntcitizens gathered at the forum

cīvēs sine suffrāgiōcitizens without voting rights

cīvēs variīs causīs excitatī reclāmitantcitizens protest agitated for various reasons

cīvibus cōnsulerecare for the fellow citizens

cīvibus persuādēreconvince the citizens, persuade the citizens

cīvibus prōspicerecare for the fellow citizens

cīvibus prōvidērecare for the fellow citizens

cīvicus, cīvica, cīvicumpertaining to citizens, civil, civic, citizens, pertaining to a town, pertaining to a city

cīvīlis, cīvīlepertaining to citizens, civil, civic, relating to public life, relating to political life, political, public, state-, courteous, polite, civil, affable, urbane

cīvitās, cīvitātis fthe privileges of a Roman citizen, citizenship, freedom of the city, the citizens united in a community, body-politic, state, city

cīvitātī aliquem ascrībōinclude someone among the citizens

cīvium estit is the duty of citizens

classicus, classicī mhe that summons the classes of citizens to the Comitia, citizen of the first class

classis, classis fclass, whole body of the citizens called to arms, army, fleet, division

coetus generālisgeneral assembly, general meeting

coetus generālis Nātiōnum ŪnitārumGeneral Assembly of the United Nations

cohortium praefectusBrigadier General

commūnī ūtilitātī serviōlook to the common good, look to the general welfare, put oneself at the service of the common good

commūnis, commūnethat is common to several or to all, common, general, universal, public, accessible, familiar, courteous, condescending, affable

commurmurātiō, commurmurātiōnis fgeneral murmuring

cōnsēnsūunanimously, with general consent, according to the general wish

cōnsilium praetōrumgeneral staff

contubernālis, contubernālis mtent-companion, tent-comrade, a young man who, in order to become familiar with military service, attended a general in war, attendant, comrade, companion, mate, husband of a slave

contubernium, contuberniī ntent-companionship, a dwelling together in a tent, a body of soldiers occupying a tent together, a mess, squad, the intercourse of a young man and the general accompanied by him in war, attendance, the accompanying

conventīcium, conventīciī nmoney paid to the poorer Greek citizens for attendance in the assemblies of the people

Conventus generālis ab vectīgālibus ac commerciō (GATT)General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

corporibus cīvium cloācās referciōfill the canals with the corpses of citizens

cūnctālis, cūnctālegeneral

Dātis, Dātidis mgeneral of the Medes

Decentius, Decentiī ma general of Magnentius

difficile propriē commūnia dīcereit is difficult to individualize the general

dīmicātiō ūniversae reīpitched battle, general engagement, decisive battle

in tōtōupon the whole, in general, generally

in tōtumwholly, entirely, altogether, totally, upon the whole, in general

magister praetōriī generālisChief of General Staff

praetōrium generāleGeneral Staff

speciālis, speciālenot general, individual, particular, special

stratēgica, stratēgicōn ndeeds of a general

stratēgicos, stratēgiconpertaining to the commander, belonging to the general

stratēgus, stratēgī mmilitary leader, general, commander, presider, president at a banquet

summa bellīgeneral management of the war

synopsis, synopsis fgeneral view, list, synopsis

ūniversēin general, generally

ūniversī, ūniversae, ūniversaall together, all taken collectively, whole, entire, collective, general, universal

ūniversī, ūniversōrum mthe whole body of citizens, all men together

ūniversus, ūniversa, ūniversumall together, all taken collectively, whole, entire, collective, general, universal

ūnivorsus, ūnivorsa, ūnivorsumall together, all taken collectively, whole, entire, collective, general, universal

ūnō cōnspectū aliquid videōhave a general overview of something

urbānī assiduī cīvēsfine urban and meddlesome citizens, fine urban and pushy citizens

urbs vāsta ā cīvibusextinct city, uninhabited city, a city deserted by citizens

urbs, urbis fwalled town, city, city of Rome, the citizens, capital city, metropolis, main point

victōria cīvīlisvictory over fellow citizens

virītānus, virītāna, virītānumdistributed to the individual citizens

volgātus, volgāta, volgātumgeneral, ordinary, usual, common, generally, known, notorious, public

vulgāris, vulgārebelonging to the great mass, belonging to the multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every-day, common, commonplace, vulgar

vulgārius, vulgāria, vulgāriumbelonging to the great mass, belonging to the multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every-day, common, commonplace, vulgar

vulgātus, vulgāta, vulgātumgeneral, ordinary, usual, common

vulgātus, vulgāta, vulgātumgeneral, ordinary, usual, common, generally, known, notorious, public

vulgāre, vulgō, vulgāvī, vulgātumspread among the multitude, make general, make common, make universal, put forth to the world, publish, let all share in


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