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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 14 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accingere, accingō, accīnxī, accīnctum, gird to, gird on, gird round, gird about, arm, equip, furnish, provide, endow,

adcingere, adcingō, adcīnxī, adcīnctumgird to, gird on, gird round, gird about, arm, equip, furnish, provide, endow

adōrnāre, adōrnō, adōrnāvī, adōrnātumprepare, get ready, furnish, provide, fit out, equip, put an ornament upon one, decorate, adorn, embellish

aptāre, aptō, aptāvi, aptātumfit, adapt, accommodate, apply, put on, adjust, prepare, get ready, furnish, put in order

comparāre, comparō, comparāvī, comparātumprepare something with zeal, care, make ready, set in order, furnish, provide, procure, get, purchase, obtain, prepare, make, collect, brought one over to one's side, gained one over to one's side

subdere, subdō, subdidī, subditumput under, place under, set under, lay under, bring under, subject, subdue, bring on, furnish, supply, yield, afford

subministrāre, subministrō, subministrāvī, subministrātumaid by giving, give, furnish, afford, supply

subōrnāre, subōrnō, subōrnāvī, subōrnātumfit out, furnish, provide, equip, adorn

substernere, substernō, substrāvī, substrātumstrew, scatter, spread, lay under, lay beneath, spread underneath, lay as a ground-color, furnish, bestrew, spread over, cover any thing, spread out, submit for examination, submit for acceptance, give up, surrender, prostitute

succingere, succingō, succīnxī, succīnctumgird below, gird from below, tuck up, gird, gird about, girdle, surround, furnish, provide, equip, fit out

sufficere, sufficiō, suffēcī, suffectumput under, put among, lay the foundation for, put into, dip in, dye, impregnate, imbue, tinge, give, affard, furnish, supply, occupy with, employ in, put in the place of, substitute for another, choose in the place of any one, elect in the place of any one

suggerere, suggerō, suggessī, suggestumcarry, bring, put under, lay under, heap up, raise, erect, build, furnish, afford, supply, excite, produce, put upon, imposed upon, suggest, advise, prompt, offer, bring to mind, assign, add, subjoin

sumministrāre, sumministrō, sumministrāvī, sumministrātumaid by giving, give, furnish, afford, supply

suppeditāre, suppeditō, suppeditāvi, suppeditātumgive, furnish, afford, supply, procure in abundance,

query 1/E (max. 1000): 46 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adstruere, adstruō, adstruxī, adstrūctumbuild near, build in addition to a thing, add to, furnish with something

aerāre, aerōfurnish with copper, cover with copper, furnish with bronze, cover with bronze, made of bronze

aestimātiō frūmentīthe determination of the prœtor, how much ready money one should pay, instead of the corn which he was to furnish

āmentāre, āmentō, āmentāvīfurnish with a strap, furnish with a thong, hurl the javelin, dart the javelin

armāre, armō, armāvi, armātumfurnish with weapons, arm, equip, furnish with something needful, furnish with the munitions of war, fit out

asperāre, asperō, asperāvī, asperātummake rough, make uneven, throw into commotion, furnish with a rough, wounding exterior, point, whet, sharpen, make fierce, rouse up, excite, exasperate, make more severe, aggravate, heighten

astruere, astruō (adstruō), astruxī, astrūctumbuild near, build in addition to a thing, add to, furnish with something

augēre, augeō, auxī, auctumincrease, enlarge, augment, strengthen, advance something, raise, multiply, magnify, exalt, extol, embellish, praise, furnish abundantly with, heap upon, give to, enrich, endow, bless, load with

calceāre, calceō, calceāvī, calceātumfurnish with shoes, put on shoes, shoe

calciāre, calciō, calciāvī, calciātumfurnish with shoes, put on shoes, shoe

clāthrāre, clāthrōfurnish with a grate, furnish with a lattice, set with bars

clātrāre, clātrōfurnish with a grate, furnish with a lattice, set with bars

clāvāre, clāvō, clāvāvī, clāvātumfurnish with nails, fasten with nails, nail, furnish with prickles, furnish with a purple stripe

clipeāre, clipeō (clupeō), clipeāvi, clipeātumarm with a shield, furnish with a shield

clupeāre, clupeō, clupeāvi, clupeātumarm with a shield, furnish with a shield

clypeāre, clypeō, clypeāvi, clypeātumarm with a shield, furnish with a shield

cōgnōmināre, cōgnōminō, cōgnōmināvī, cōgnōminātumfurnish with a surname, surname, denominate

commargināre, commarginōfurnish with a parapet, furnish with a railing

complēre, compleō, complēvī, complētumcover, overwhelm, supply fully, furnish abundantly, fill with any notion (story, desire, humor, passion), make complete, make perfect, finish, perfect

cōnsīgnāre, cōnsīgnō, cōnsīgnāvī, cōnsīgnātumfurnish with a seal, affix, put one’s seal to, seal, sign, subscribe, attest, certify, establish, vouch for, note, write down, to register, record

contabulāre, contabulō, contabulāvī, contabulātumfurnish with boards, cover with boards, built, bridge over

contumulāre, contumulō, contumulāvī, contumulātumheap up like a mound, furnish with a mound, to inter, bury

cōpiārī, cōpiorfurnish or provide one’s self abundantly with something

corōnāre, corōnō, corōnāvī, corōnātumfurnish with a garland, furnish with a crown, to crown, wreathe, receive as the prize of victory, surround, encompass, enclose something in a circular form

corporāre, corporō, corporāvī, corporātummake into a body, fashion into a body, furnish with a body, make a body, make a corpse, kill, defecate

saturāre, saturō, saturāvī, saturātumto fill, furnish abundantly, saturate

spīcāre, spīcō, spīcāvī, spīcātumfurnish with spikes, furnish with ears

striāre, striō, striāvi, striātumfurnish with furrows, furnish with channels, hollow out, groove, flute, striate

sufficere, sufficiō, suffēcī, suffectumcause to take the place of, supply instead of, furnish as a substitute, be sufficient, suffice, avail for, meet the need of, satisfy

supplēre, suppleō, supplēvī, supplētumfill up, make full or whole, make good, complete, supply, make complete, make full in number, furnish with a complement, recruit

tingere, tingō, tīnxī, tīnctum wet, moisten, bathe with, bathe in any liquid, soak in color, dye, color, tinge, produce a color, bring out a color, baptize, imbue, well furnish with

tinguere, tinguō, tīnxī, tīnctumwet, moisten, bathe with, bathe in any liquid, soak in color, dye, color, tinge, produce a color, bring out a color, baptize, imbue, well furnish with


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