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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
condere, condō, condidī, conditumbring together, lay together, put together, join together into a whole, to form, fashion, produce, make by joining together, settle, make, construct, build, compose, write, celebrate, write of, treat of, describe, establish, found, be the author of

cōnstituere, cōnstituō, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtumset up, erect, establish, found, build, construct, prepare, make, create, constitute, bring about, effect, establish, appoint, designate, appoint, select, put forward

dēpālāre, dēpālōmark off with palings, bound with palings, found, establish

serere, serō, sēvī, satumsow, plant, beget, bring forth, produce, sow the seeds of any thing, found, establish, scatter, disseminate, propagate, cause, occasion, excite

statuere, statuō, statuī, statūtumcause to stand, set up, set, station, fix in an upright position, set in the ground, erect, plant, place, set forth, construct and place, set up after constructing, make, establish, found, build, cause to stand still, cause to stop, cause to stand firm

query 1/E (max. 1000): 52 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
achātēs, achātae magate, so called from Achates, a river in Sicily, where it was first found

aegyptilla, aegyptillae fprecious stone once found in Egypt, kind of onyx

aëtītēs, ae mstone found in the nest of the eagle, eagle-stone

aëtītis, aëtītidis fstone found in the nest of the eagle, eagle-stone

alabastrītēs, ae m (Akk. Sgl. alabastrītēn)alabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron

alabastrītis, alabastrītae malabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron

alabēta, alabētae mfish found in the Nile

alabētēs, alabētae mfish found in the Nile

alectoria, alectoriae fgem found in the maw of a cock

aliquid nōn sub oculōs caditsomething is not found in reality

amīcitiam cōnstituōfound friendship, establish friendship

aquāticus, aquātica, aquāticumowing by the water, found in the water, aquatic, full of water, watery, moist, humid, resembling water

aquātilis, aquātileliving near water, growing in water, found near water, aquatic

asbestos, asbestī mstone of an iron-gray color, found in Arcadia, differing from the common asbestos

astrion, astriī ncrystalline precious stone, found in India, kind of sapphire, adularia

astrios, astriī fcrystalline precious stone, found in India, kind of sapphire, adularia

attilus, attilī mkind of large fish found in the Po

bacciballum, bacciballī nword of uncertain meaning, found only in Petron 61, big noodle

biūrus, biūrī mname of a rodent animal found in Campania

caelestis, caeleste (coelestis, coeleste)pertaining to heaven, pertaining to the heavens, found in heaven, coming from heaven, heavenly, celestial, divine, god-like, magnificent, preeminent

camacum, camacī nkind of cinnamon found in Syria

caper, caprī m (κάπρος)he-goat, goat, odor of the armpits, star in the left shoulder of the constellation Auriga, name of a kind of fish found in the river Achelous

catochītēs, catochītae m (Akk. Sgl. catochītēn)unknown precious stone found in Corsica

catoptrītis, catoptrītis fprecious stone found in Cappadocia

causa repetenda est ab aliquā rēthe reason is to be found in something

cinaedia, cinaediae ma precious stone, said to be found in the brain of the fish cinaedus

cinaediās, cinaediae ma precious stone, said to be found in the brain of the fish cinaedus

cīvitātem condōfound a city

coelestis, coelestepertaining to heaven, pertaining to the heavens, found in heaven, coming from heaven, heavenly, celestial, divine, god-like, magnificent, preeminent

collīnus, collīna, collīnumpertaining to a hill, found on a hill, growing on a hill, hilly, hill-

colōniam cōnstituōfound a colony, establish a planting town

colōnicus, colōnica, colōnicumpertaining to agriculture, pertaining to husbandry, found upon any farm, common, pertaining to a colony

cōmacum, cōmacī nkind of cinnamon found in Syria

dēpositōrium repertīciōrumlost and found office

dēpositōrium rērum inventārumlost and found office

dēpositōrium rērum repertīciārumlost and found office

dialutēnsis, dialutēnsehalf living in the mud, found half in the mud

dīcī vix potestYou can hardly find words for it, for what hardly can be found words

spagas (indecl.)kind of pitch found in Asia

subterfundāre, subterfundōfound beneath, establish beneath

synodontītis, synodontītidis fprecious stone found in the brain of the fish synodus

sȳrītēs, sȳrītae mstone found in the bladder of the wolf

trivenēfica, trivenēficae fthat may be found everywhere, common, commonplace, vulgar, ordinary, trivial

triviālis, triviālethat may be found everywhere, common, commonplace , vulgar, ordinary, trivial

urbem auspicātō condōfound the city after perform auspices

vāsta dēsertaque omnia invēnithe found everything as extinct

vīlis, vīleof small price, of small value, purchased at a low rate, cheap, poor, paltry, common, mean, worthles, base, vile, found in great quantities, abundant, common


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