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Suchergebnis zu
"fortified settlement":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 14 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aeris aliēnī solūtiōdebt payment, debt settlement, debt redemption

castella aliquantō altiōra ac mūnitiōraconsiderably higher and more fortified places

castra communiōset up a fortified camp

castra mūniōset up a fortified camp

castra nāvāliafortified landing place of ships, ship gathering

castra pōnōtake up a fortified position

castra vallārī placuitit was decided to set up a fortified camp

castra vallōmake a fortified camp, set up a fortified camp

castrum, castrī n (selten Sgl.)any fortified place, castle, fort, fortress

colōnia, colōniae fpossession in land, landed estate, farm, abode, dwelling, colony, colonial town, settlement, the persons sent for the establishment of such a town, a colony, colonists, planters, colony of bees

commercium bellīnegotiation on the settlement of the war

Daedala, Daedalōrum na fortified place in Caria

dēcīsiō, dēcīsiōnis fdecision, settlement, agreement

Derbē, Derbēs ffortified city of Lycaonia, residence of the tyrant Antipater; place of refuge for Christians under persecution


Wortform von: fortified

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