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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accītus, accīta, accītumimported, foreign

advectīcius, advectīcia, advectīciumbrought to a place from a distance, foreign

advena, advenae cone who comes to a place, foreigner, stranger, alien, strange, foreign, a stranger to a thing, ignorant, unskilled, inexperienced

adventīcius, adventīcia, adventīciumthat is present by coming, coming from abroad, foreign, strange, proceeding from the senses, that happens out of course, unusual, extraordinary, that is acquired without one’s own effort, obtained by presents, that pertains to arrival

aliēnigena, aliēnigenaeforeign, alien, produced from different materials, heterogeneous

aliēnigenus, aliēnigena, aliēnigenumforeign, alien, produced from different materials, heterogeneous

arvena, arvenae mone who comes to a place, foreigner, stranger, alien, strange, foreign, a stranger to a thing, ignorant, unskilled, inexperienced

ascītus, ascīta, ascītumderived, assumed, foreign

barbaricus, barbarica, barbaricum (βαρβαρικός)foreign, strange, outlandish, barbarous, rough, rude, unpolished

barbarus, barbara, barbarumforeign, strange, barbarous, uncultivated, ignorant, rude, unpolished, wild, savage, cruel

brācātus, brācāta, brācātum (braccātus)wearing trowsers or breeches, foreign, barbarian, effeminate, of the land beyond the Alps, transalpin, wearing broad garments

braccātus, braccāta, braccātumwearing trowsers or breeches, foreign, barbarian, effeminate, of the land beyond the Alps, transalpin, wearing broad garments

query 1/E (max. 1000): 44 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adulterīnus, adulterīna, adulterīnumadulterous, not full-blooded, that has assumed the nature of something foreign, not genuine, false, counterfeit, impure

adulterāre, adulterō, adulterāvī, adulterātumcommit adultery, pollute, defile, falsify, adulterate, give a foreign nature to a thing, counterfeit

adulterārī, adulterorcommit adultery, pollute, defile, falsify, adulterate, give a foreign nature to a thing, counterfeit

adventus aliēnārum gentiumthe immigration of foreign tribes

aliēnae terrulaeother men’s fields, foreign fields

aliēnīs colōribus mē adōrnōdecorate me with foreign feathers, adorn oneself with borrowed plumes

aliēnīs cōnsiliīs abdūcorlet yourself be seduced by the advice of others, be seduced by foreign advice

aliēnitās, aliēnitātis fforeign bodies causing diseases

aliēnāre, aliēnō, aliēnāvī, aliēnātummake one person or thing another, make something the property of another, alienate, transfer by sale, remove, separate, make foreign, cast off, estrange, set at variance, render averse, make enemies, deprive of reason, make crazy, insane, drive ma

aliēnō arbitriōbased on a foreign decision

aliēnārī, aliēnot, aliēnātus sumfall into foreign hands

aliēnārī, aliēnot, aliēnātus sumfall under a foreign power

aliēnum, aliēnī nthe property of a stranger, the affairs of strangers, the interests of strangers, things strange, things foreign, things not belonging to the matter in hand

aliēnus, aliēna, aliēnumforeign to, not suited to, unsuitable, incongruous, inadequate, inconsistent, unseasonable, inapposite, different from, averse, hostile, unfriendly, unfavorable to, dangerous, perilous, hurtful

amor advenalove for a foreign maiden

apud exterōsabroad, in a foreign country

apud extrāriōsabroad, in a foreign country

barbarēas a foreigner would, in a foreign tongue, rudely, ignorantly, in an uncultivated way, roughly, barbarously, cruelly

barbaria, barbariae f (barbariēs)foreign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners

barbaricum, barbaricī nforeign land, barbarian land

barbariēs, barbariēī fforeign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners

barbarolexis, barbarolexeōs f (Akk. Sgl. barbarolexin)mispronunciation of a foreign word, perversion of the form of a word

bellum circummūrānumforeign war, external warfare, war with the neighboring nations

bellum externumforeign war, external warfare

commercium monētāriumforeign exchange transaction, foreign exchange, currency transaction

commercium nummāriumforeign exchange transaction, foreign exchange, currency transaction

commercium pecūniae permūtandaeforeign exchange transaction, foreign exchange, currency transaction

commūnia cōnsilia exterōrum ac sēcūritātis (CCES)Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

dautia, dautiōrum nthe entertainment furnished in Rome to foreign ambassadors or distinguished guests at the expense of the state

mercēs adventīciaeforeign goods, import goods

nummum externōrum mercātusforeign exchange market

ūsus et frūctususufruct (of foreign property)


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