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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
caenōsus, caenōsa, caenōsumcovered with mud, muddy, filthy

sordidus, sordida, sordidumdirty, unclean, foul, filthy, squalid, sordid, low, base, mean, poor, humble, small, paltry, abject, vile, despicable, disgraceful, niggardly, penurious

squālidus, squālida, squālidumiff, rough, dirty, foul, filthy, neglected, squalid, uncultivated, gloomy, obscure, rude, unadorned, wretched, incurable

squālus, squāla, squālumdirty, filthy, squalid

turpis, turpeugly, unsightly, unseemly, foul, filthy, deformed, disfigured, befouled, disagreeable, cacophonous, unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, base, infamous, scandalous, dishonorable

query 1/E (max. 1000): 15 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
sentīna, sentīnae ffilthy water that collects in the bottom of a ship, bilgewater, bottom of a ship where the bilgewater is, the hold, the lowest of the people, the dregs, refuse, rabble of a state, hangerson of an army, camp followers

sordēre, sordeō, sorduībe dirty, be filthy, be foul, be mean, be base, be low, be sordid, seem base, seem paltry, seem despised, seem slighted, held of no account, seem paltry, seem of small account

sordēscere, sordēscō, sorduībecome dirty, grow filthy, become wild, lie untilled, be mean, be vile

spurcidicus, spurcidica, spurcidicumusing filthy language, smutty, obscene

spurcificus, spurcifica, spurcificummaking filthy, making smutty, making obscene

spurciloquium, ispurciloquiī nfilthy language, smutty language, obscenity

spurcāre, spurcō, spurcāvī, spurcātummake filthy, befoul, defile

spurcuficus, spurcufica, spurcuficummaking filthy, making smutty, making obscene

turpificātus, turpificāta, turpificātummade foul, made filthy, debased, deformed, corrupted

verbōrum foeditātēsfoul language, filthy language


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