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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accūsātrīx, accūsātrīcis fshe who makes accusation against any one, female accuser

āctrīx, āctrīcis ffemale plaintiff, stewardess

administra, administrae ffemale servant, assistant, helper, handmaid

admissiō, admissiōnis fadmitting of the male to the female, admission to a prince, audience, entrance upon an inheritance

admissūra, admissūae fadmitting of a male to a female

admittere, admittō, admīsī, admissumsend to, suffer to come to a place, suffer to go to a place, admit, allow one admittance, allow one access, grant an audience, put the male to the female, admit one to counsel, admit one to consultation

admonitrīx, admonitrīcis fshe that reminds, she that admonishes, female monitor

adsūmptrīx, adsūmptrīcis ffemale acceptor

adūlātrīx, adūlātrīcis ffemale flatterer

adversātrīx, adversātrīcis ffemale antagonist, female adversary

advorsātrīx, advorsātrīcis ffemale antagonist, female adversary

aeditua, aedituae ffemale overseer of a temple

aegrota, aegrotae fpatient, female patient

aemulātrīx, aemulātrīīcis ffemale emulator

altera sorsthe female sex, the female gender,

altrix, altrīcis ffemale nourisher, female cherisher, female sustainer, wet-nurse

amātrīx, amātrīcis ffemale lover, mistress, sweetheart

ambestrīx, ambestrīcis ffemale consumer, waster

ambulātrīx, ambulātrīcis fshe that walks about, female lounger

amēca, amēcae ffemale friend, concubine, mistress, courtesan

amīca, amīcae ffemale friend, concubine, mistress, courtesan

amīcula, amīculae fa dear (female) friend

amputātrīx, amputātrīcis ffemale circumciser, female shortener, female abbreviator

ancilla, ancillae fmaidservant, handmaid, female slave

ancillātus, ancillātūs mservice of a female slave, service of a slave

ancillula, ancillulae flittle serving-maid, young female slave

angela, angelae ffemale angel

annūntiātrīx, annūntiātrīcis ffemale announcer

antīquāria, antīquāriae fshe that is fond of antiquity, female antiquarian

antistes, antistitis coverseer, president, high-priest, bishop, female overseer, chief priestess

antistita, antistitae ffemale overseer, female president, chief priestess

anus, anūs fold woman, matron, old wife, old maid, female soothsayer, sibyl

apostola, apostolae fshe who is sent off, female apostle

arbitra, arbitrae ffemale witness

arbitrātrīx, arbitrātrīcis fmistress, female ruler

arbitrīx, arbitrīcis fmistress, female ruler

architecta, architectae fa female architect

argūmentātrīx, argūmentātrīcis fshe that adduces proof, female arguer

argūtātrīx, argūtātrīcis fprattling female

armigera, armigerae ffemale armorbearer

aruspica, aruspicae ffemale haruspex, soothsayer

ascētriae, ascētriārum fwomen that have taken vows, female ascetics

assentātrīx aulicafemale courtier, yes-woman at the court

assentātrīx, assentātrīcis ffemale flatterer

assertrīx, assertrīcis ffemale defender, protector, deliverer, advocate, she who claims or declares one to be a slave

assestrīx, assestrīcis fshe that sits by, female assistant

assistrīx, īcis fshe that sits by, female assistant

assūmptrīx, assūmptrīcis ffemale acceptor

auctrīx, auctrīcis fshe that originates a thing, an author, female seller, female surety

audītrīx, audītrīcis ffemale listener, student, pupil, investigator

augurātrīx, augurātrīcis ffemale soothsayer, female diviner

aurāria, aurāriae fgold-mine, female worker in gold, golddealer

Baccha, Bacchae fBacchanet, female attendant of Bacchus

vāgīna, vāgīnae fscabbard, sheath, covering, holder, female vagina, sheath of a claw

ballātrīx, ballātrīcis ffemale dancer

barathrum fēmineumvagina, female pubis

bellātrīx, bellātrīcis ffemale warrior

blasphēmātrīx, blasphēmātrīcis ffemale blasphemer

camēla, camēlae ffemale camel, mother camel

camella, camellae ffemale camel, mother camel

cantātrīx, cantātrīcismusical, singing, female singer, using enchantments

cantrīx, cantrīcis ffemale singer, songstress

carīsula, carīsulae flittle slut, sneaky female, shrewd female

caupōna (cōpōna), caupōnae ffemale shopkeeper, huckster, landlady, hostess, retail shop, inn, tavern

caupōnāria, caupōnāriae ffemale shopkeeper

cessō muliebrī audāciālack female courage

choraulē, choraulēs ffemale flute-player, who accompanied with the flute the chorus dance

circulātrīx, circulātrīcis ffemale mountebank, female stroller

clienta, clientae f (cluenta)female client

cluenta, cluentae ffemale client

cōgnitrïx, cōgnitrīcis ffemale recognizer, female examiner

cohabitātrīx, cohabitātrīcis ffemale flatmate, cohabitant

colōniāria, colōniāriae ffemale settler, female colonist

colubra, colubrae ffemale serpent, serpent, snake

competītrīx, competītrīcis ffemale competitor

compōtrīx, compōtrīcis ffemale drinking-companion

conca, concae fa bivalve shell-fish, mussel, pearl-oyster, pearl, purple-fish, mussel-shell, snail-shell, Triton’s trumpet, in form like a snail-shell, object in the form of a mussel-shell, vessel for holding oil, unguents, salt, the female pudenda

concha, conchae f (κόγχη)a bivalve shell-fish, mussel, pearl-oyster, pearl, purple-fish, mussel-shell, snail-shell, Triton’s trumpet, in form like a snail-shell, object in the form of a mussel-shell, vessel for holding oil, unguents, salt, the female pudenda

concolōna, concolōnae fshe who inhabits the same town or house with one, a female fellow-citizen, a female fellow-inhabitant

condīscipula, condīscipulae fa female school-fellow

conditrīx, conditrīcis fshe who lays to rest, female builder, female founder

coniuga, coniugae fone who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave

coniūnx, coniugis c (coniūx)one who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave

coniūx, coniugis cone who is united in marriage, consort, spouse, wife, husband, the female, betrothed, bride, concubine, comrade, companion, attendant, fellow-slave

connus, connī mfemale pudenda, unchaste female

cōnserva, cōnservae fa (female) fellow-slave

cōnservula, cōnservulaefa small (female) fellow-slave

cōnsultrīx, cōnsultrīcis fshe who has a care for, she who provides, female counselor, female caretaker

cōnsummātrīx, cōnsummātrīcis ffemale perfector, female completer

cōpa, cōpae fa female tavern-keeper and castanet-dancer, who exhibited her arts in her ale-house

cōpōna, cōpōnae ffemale shopkeeper, huckster, landlady, hostess, retail shop, inn, tavern

coqua, coquae ffemale cook

corōllāria, corōllāriae fa female merchant of flower-garlands, title of a drama of Nævius

crēditrīx, crēditrīcis fa female creditor, lender, creditor

crīminātrīx, crīminātrīcis ffemale accuser, female calumniator

crotalistria, crotalistriae fa female castanet dancer, a (rattling) stork

cultrīx, cultrīcis fshe who cares for a thing, a female inhabitant, a female worshipper

cunnus, cunnī mfemale pudenda, unchaste female

cunnus, cunnī mthe female pudenda, an unchaste female

cunus, cunī mfemale pudenda, unchaste female

cūpa, cūpae ftub, cask, tun, vat, a female vintner, niche

cūrātrīx, cūrātrīcis fa female guardian, supervisor, caregiver, superintendent

cursrīx, cursrīcis ffemale runner

curstrīx, curstrīcis ffemale runner

cymbalistria, cymbalistriae fa female cymbal-player

cysthos, cysthī mthe female pudenda

dēbitrīx, dēbitrīcis fa female debtor

dēprecātrīx, dēprecātrīcis ffemale intercessor

Dinaea, Dinaeae fa Roman female name

Dinea, Dineae fa Roman female name

disceptātrīx, disceptātrīcis ffemale umpire, female arbitrator, female judge

sciaena, sciaenae fa female sea fish, grayling, ombre

sellisternium, sellisterniī nreligious banquets offered to female deities

senātrīx, senātrīcis ffemale senator

serva, servae fslave, servant, serf, female slave, maid servant

servātrīx, servātrīcis fshe that keeps, she that preserves, female savior, female deliverer

sexus muliebristhe female sex

Sibylla, Sibyllae ffemale soothsayer, prophetess, Sibyl

simulātrīx, simulātrīcis ffemale transformer

soror, sorōris fsister, cousin, daughter of a father’s brother, female friend, playmate, companion, female Christians

speciāria, speciāriae fa female spice-dealer

speciāria, speciāriae ffemale spice-dealer

speclāria, speclāriae fa female spice-dealer

spurium, spuriī nfemale genital, marine animal of a similar shape

statūlībera, statūlīberae fa female slave to whom liberty is granted by testament

stephanūsa, stephanūsae ffemale Chaplet-wreather

stola, stolae flong female upper garment, noble woman, lady, dame, matron

subrēctrīx, subrēctrīcis ffemale erector

suffrāgātrīx, suffrāgātrīcīs ffemale favorer, female supporter

tentrīx, tentrīcis ffemale stretcher

tēstātrīx, tēstātrīcis fshe that makes a will or testament, testatrix, female witness, female testifier

textrīcula, textrīculae flittle female weaver

textrīx, textrīcis ffemale weaver

thēlypteris, thēlypteridis f (Akk. Sgl. thēlypterim)female plant of the filix

tībīcina, tībīcinae ffemale fluteplayer

tīruncula, tīrunculae ffemale beginner, female pupil, novice

tīruncula, tīrunculae ffemale beginner, female pupil, novice

tōnstrīcula, tōnstrīculae flittle female hair-cutter, little female barber

tōnstrīx, tōnstrīcis ffemale hair-cutter, female barber

torāria, torāriae ffemale waiter, female attendant

tractātrīx, tractātrīcis ffemal slave among the Romans, who manipulated his master’s limbs, female shampooer

trineptis, trineptis ffemale descendant in the fifth degree

tūtrīx, tūtrīcis ffemale guardian, tutrix

tympanistria, tympanistriae ffemale drummer, female player on the tambourine

tyranna, tyrannae fprincess, female tyrant

tyrannis, tyrannidis f (Akk. Sgl. auch tyrannida)tyrant, arbitrary rule, despotic rule, tyranny, region ruled by a tyrant, female tyrant

undae mulierum verbālēsfemale verbal effusion

unguentāria, unguentāriae ffemale perfumer, art of making unguents, art of making perfumes

ūstrīcula, ūstrīculae ffemale hair-curler

vāgīna, vāgīnae fscabbard, sheath, covering, sheath, holder, hull, husk, female vagina, sheath of a claw

vāstātrīx, vāstātrīcis ffemale waster, female ravager, female devastater

vāticinātrīx, vāticinātrīcis fprophetess, female fortune-teller

vernācula, ae ffemale household slave

viātrīx, viātricis fa female traveller

vicāria, vicāriae ffemale under-slave, substitute, post of deputy

vīcīna, vīcīnae ffemale neighbor

vīlica, vīlicae f (vīllica, vīllicae f)female overseer, wife of an overseer

vīllica, vīllicae ffemale overseer, the wife of an overseer

vīnibua, vīnibuae ffemale wine-bibber

virāgō, virāginis fman-like maiden, vigorous maiden, heroic maiden, female warrior, heroine, virago

vīrologa, vīrologae ffemale virologist


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