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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
anxia, anxiae ffear, anxiety

anxietās, anxietātis fanxiety, temporary anguish, fear, trouble, anxious care, carefulness in regard to a thing

dēpressus, dēpressūs manxiety, tightness, fear, pinch

timēre, timeō, timuīfear, be afraid of, to dread, be afraid, be in fear, be fearful, be apprehensive, be anxious

timor, timōris mfear, dread, apprehension, alarm, anxiety, awe, reverence, veneration

timōs, timōris mfear, dread, apprehension, alarm, anxiety, awe, reverence, veneration

verērī, vereor, veritus sumfeel awe of, reverence, revere, respect, fear, be afraid of any thing, await with fear, dread

query 1/E (max. 1000): 64 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā metū respīrōbreathe again from the fear

afformīdāre, afformīdōbe afraid, tend to be afraid, be prone to fear

agōnia, agōniōrum nvictim, fear of death, agony

agoraphobia, agoraphobiae fagoraphobia, fear of crowded places

aliquid sub metū subiectum estsomething falls under the concept of fear

āmēns formīdinebeside himself with fear

angī, angor, anctus sum (anxus sum)be very afraid, be in great fear

angōre cōnficiorbe very afraid, be in great fear, have great anxiety

angōre et metū cōnficiorbe worn down by anxiety and fear

angōribus premorbe oppressed by fear

anxietās hominibus nātūrā īnsitaprimal fear, innate fear

anxiō et sollicitō animō sumhover in fear and grief

blandīmentum sublevat metumflattery diminishes fear

capillī metū rigēscuntthe hairs stand up out of fear

cohorrēscere, cohorrēscō, cohorruīshudder with cold, shudder with fear, shake with fear, shake with cold, shiver with fear, shiver with cold

concutere, concutiō, concussī, concussumimpair, disturb, distract, shake in feeling, agitate violently, put in fear, put in terror, put in anxiety, terrify, terrify in order to extort money, alarm, trouble, urge, excite, rouse to activity

cōnscientia, cōnscientiae fconsciousness, knowledge, feeling, sense, self-consciousness, a conscientious fear, guilty fea, consciousness of right or wrong, the moral sense, conscience

contemnere, contemnō, contempsī, contemptumconsider as unimportant, consider as of small value, value little, esteem lightly, contemn, despise, disdain, defy, not to fear, be safe from, make light of, slight, speak contemptuously of, disparage

contempnere, contempnō, contempsī, contemptumconsider as unimportant, consider as of small value, value little, esteem lightly, contemn, despise, disdain, defy, not to fear, be safe from, make light of, slight, speak contemptuously of, disparage

dentēs mihi prūriuntfear beating

diēs mihi hic ut sit satis, vereorthis day is hardly enough for me, I fear that this day is not enough for me

malum metuō ab aliquōsuspect evil of someone, fear bad things from someone

sollicitāre, sollicitō, sollicitāvī, sollicitātumcause anxiety, cause uneasiness, distress, fill with apprehension, cause fear, cause suspense of the mind, cause anxiety for the future, grieve, afflict, make wretched, arouse, excite, incite, urge to wrong-doing, inveigle, seduce, incite, stimulate, provoke, tempt, abet,

subtimēre, subtimeōbe somewhat afraid, fear a little

superstitiō, superstitiōnis fexcessive fear of the goas, unreasonable religious belief, superstition, excessive regard, scrupulous observance, object that inspires dread

terrēre, terreō, terrui, territumfrighten, affright, put in fear, put in dread, alarm, terrify, drive away by terror, frighten away, scare away, deter by terror, scare, frighten from

terror servīlisfear of the slaves

terror, terrōris mgreat fear, affright, dread, alarm, terror, object of fear, object of dread, terror

timor ālās addit fear gives you wings

timor aliquem occupatfear befalls someone

timor caecusblind fear

timor cuique futūrae inopiae abiiteveryone has lost the fear of future misery

timor externī hostisfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy

timor externusfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy

timor maestussad fear

timor mortisfear of death

timor peregrīnusfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy

timor poenaefear of punishment

timōre adductusfor fear

timōre perculsusfearsome, awestruck with fear, fearsaken

timōre perterritusfor sheer fear

timōrem abiciōunseat one's fear

timōrem alicuī augeōput someone's fear up

timōrem omittōgive up fear, quit fearing, abandon fear

timōrī magis quam religiōnī cōnsulōthink more of fear than of the oath of service

timōrī malum continēns estfear is followed by misfortune

tremebundus, tremebunda, tremebundumtrembling, quivering, shaking, trembling with fear

tremēscere, tremēscōbegin to shake, begin to tremble, begin to shake, quake for fear, tremble for fear, quake at, tremble at

tremibundus, tremibunda, tremibundumtrembling, quivering, shaking, trembling with fear

tremidus, tremida, tremidumtrembling, quivering, shaking, trembling with fear

tremīscere, tremīscōbegin to shake, begin to tremble, begin to shake, quake for fear, tremble for fear, quake at, tremble at

ultiōnem timeōfear the revenge

umbram meam metuōfearing even its shadow, being afraid without reason, fear without cause

umbrās timeōfearing even its shadow, being afraid without reason, fear without cause

verēcundor nēminemhave no fear of anyone

vereor, nē nōn licueritfear that it is not possible, unfortunately it will not work

vix adstō prae formīdinecan hardly stand on the feet because of fear


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