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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aecus, aeca, aecumplain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring

aequus, aequa, aequumplain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring

aiquus, aiqua, aiquumplain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, fair, equitable, patient, enduring

albus, alba, albumwhite, pale, shining, clear, favorable, fortunate, propitious

alvus, alva, alvumwhite, pale, shining, clear, favorable, fortunate, propitious

amīcus, amīca, amīcumfriendly, kind, amicable, favorable, inclined to, liking, kindly, pleasing

auspex, auspicisfortunate, favorable, auspicious, lucky

benevolēgenerous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable

benevolēns, benevolentiswishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging

benevolus, benevola, benevolumwell-wishing, benevolent, kind, friendly, favorable, devoted, yielding willing service

benificus, benifica, benificum (benificentior, benificentissimus)generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable

benīgnus, benīgna, benīgnumof a good kind, of a good nature, beneficent, kind, good, friendly, pleasing, favorable, benignant, favorable, pleasant, mild, lucky, propitious

benivolēns, benivolentiswishing well, benevolent, favorable, propitious, kind, obliging

benivolus, benivola, benivolumgenerous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable

bonus, bona, bonum [melior, optimus]good, morally good, honest, comfortable, fine, beautiful, honorable, valuable, favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate, considerable, kind, fair, faithful, costly, laudable, well-disposed, serene

commodus, commoda, commodumthat has a due or proper measure, complete, perfect, of full weight or measure, fit, suitable, due, proper, convenient, opportune, commodious, easy, appropriate, favorable, friendly to

complacitus, complacita, complacitumpleased, favorable

dexter, dextra, dextrum (dexter, dextera, dexterum) (comp. dexterior, dexterius, superl. dextimus)to the right, on the right side, right, handy, dexterous, skilful, opportune, proper, suitable, fitting, favorable, propitious, fortunate

secundus, secunda, secundumthe following, the next to the first, favorable, fair, the second, propitious, fortunate

query 1/E (max. 1000): 47 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adnuere, adnuō, adnuīnod to, nod, ask by a wink, ask by a nod, give assent by nodding, give approval by nodding, nod assent to, approve, favor, allow, grant, promise to do, be favorable to, promise something to one, grant something to one, designate something by a nod

adrīdēre, adrīdeō, adrīsī, adrīsumlaugh at, laugh with, smile at, smile upon, be favorable to one, be kindly disposed to one, be pleasing to, please

adspīrāre, adspīrō, adspīrāvī, adspīrātumbreathe upon, blow upon, exhale, be favorable to, favor, assist, aspire to, desire to reach, desire to obtain, approach, come near, arrive at, attain to, give the h sound, aspirate, infuse, instil, wash

afflāre, afflō, afflāvī, afflātumbe favorable to, be friendly to, be propitious to

arrīdēre, arrīdeō (adrīdeō), arrīsī, arrīsumlaugh at, laugh with, smile at, smile upon, be favorable to one, be kindly disposed to one, be pleasing to, please

aspīrāre, aspīrō (adspīrō), aspīrāvī, aspīrātumbreathe upon, blow upon, exhale, be favorable to, favor, assist, aspire to, desire to reach, desire to obtain, approach, come near, arrive at, attain to, give the h sound, aspirate, infuse, instil, be washed

auspicābilis, auspicābileof favorable omen, auspicious

blandīrī, blandior, blandītus sumcling caressingly to one, fawn upon, flatter, soothe, caress, fondle, coax, flatter, make flattering, make courteous speeches, be complaisant to, be agreeable, be favorable to, allure by pleasure, attract, entice, invite

commodum, commodī nconvenient opportunity, favorable condition, convenience, advantage, profit, reward, pay, stipend, salary, wages for public service, favor, privilege, immunity, useful thing, a good, that which is lent, a loan

conciliātus, conciliāta, conciliātumfriendly, beloved, favorably inclined, devoted, favorable to something

flāvit velīs aura secunda meīsa favorable breeze breathed on my sails, I was in prosperity

secundāre, secundō, secundāvīadjust, adapt, accommodate, favor, further, second, to be favorable

solistimum tripudiumthe most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground

günstiges Vorzeichen (Augurensprache)the most favorable omen, when the chickens ate so greedily that the corn fell from their bills to the ground

sollistimus, sollistima, sollistimum most perfect, most favorable

spīrāre, spīrō, spīrāvī, spīrātumbreathe, blow, draw breath, respire, be favorable, favor, live, be alive, be poetically inspired, have the lyric spirit, be puffed up, be proud, be arrogant, breathe out, exhale, emit, breathe feebly, breathe forth, exhale, breathe into, be full of, show, express, manifest

studēre, studeō, studuī (+ Dat.)be zealous for any one, be friendly, be attached to one, be favorable to one, be favor, be apply one’s self to learning, be apply one’s self to study, be diligent in study

suffrāgium, suffrāgiī nvotingtablet, ballot, vote, voice, suffrage, right of voting, right of suffrage, decision, judgment, opinion, favorable decision, assent, approbation, applause

sufrāgium, sufrāgiī nvotingtablet, ballot, vote, voice, suffrage, right of voting, right of suffrage, decision, judgment, opinion, favorable decision, assent, approbation, applause

terripavium, terripaviī nfavorable omen

tua occāsiōthe best opportunity for you, the for you most favorable opportunity

tuus, tua, tuumthy, thine, your, yours, your own, favorable for you, auspicious for you, proper for you, suitable for you, right for you

urbs opportūnō locō sita estthe city has a favorable location

ventī secundīfavorable skills, luck

ventum nānctī idōneum ex portū exeuntthey run out with favorable wind

ventus ferēnsfavorable airstream

ventus secundusfavorable wind

volentia alicuīthings someone pleasing, things someone acceptable, news favorable for someone, events favorable for someone


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