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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
suprēmus, suprēma, suprēmumhighest, loftiest, topmost, last, latest, extreme, final, closing, dying

ultimus, ultima, ultimumthe farthest, most distant, most remote, the uttermost, extreme, last, the farthest, the most distant part of any thing

query 1/E (max. 1000): 25 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acrōtērium, acrōtēriī nthe projecting or extreme part of a thing, the projecting part of a pediment

ad extrēmumat the end, finally, at last, at the extremity, at the extreme point, at the top, to the last degree, quite

ad postrēmumat the end, finally, at last, at the extremity, at the extreme point, at the top, to the last degree, quite

ad ultimumat the end, finally, at last, at the extremity, at the extreme point, at the top, to the last degree, quite

aliquem ad incitās (calcēs) redigōput someone in extreme embarrassment, checkmate someone

angustiae summaeutmost distress, extreme distress

apex, apicis mextreme end of a thing, point, summit, top, small rod at the top of the flamen’s cap, wound round with wool, conical cap of the flamen, ornamented with the rod, priesthood, any hat, any helmet, crown

cacūmen, cacūminis nextreme end, extremity, point of a thing, peak, top, utmost point, summit, end, limit, height of perfection, mark of accent placed over a letter

caelī extrēmī cāsūsextraordinary weather phenomena, extreme weather events

caelum extrēmumextreme weather

cāsūs ultimusextreme case

dēscendō ad extrēma cōnsiliatake extreme measures, resort to the extreme measures

dextimus, dextima, dextimumfurthest to the right, extreme right

dextumus, dextuma, dextumumfurthest to the right, extreme right

diēs extrēmae condiciōnis (praestitūta / praestituenda)extreme deadline

praeceps, praecipitis nsteep place, precipice, great danger, extremity, extreme danger, critical circumstances, highest part, summit, sublimity

senecta, senectae fold age, extreme age, senility, old skin, slough of a serpent, cast off annually

senectūs, senectūtis fold age, extreme age, senility, gray hairs, old skin, slough, cast off yearly by serpents

sub cultrōunder the knife, in extreme peril, in extreme distress

tempora extrēmaextreme distress

ultima audeōrisk everything, put everything on one card, dare the extreme, dare the utmost

ultimēextremely, to the last degree, to the extreme, on the outermost

ultimum, ultimī nthe extreme, the worst, the last, the end, lowest degree


Wortform von: extreme
[12] Vok. Sgl. m. von extrēmus, extrēma, extrēmum
äußerster; letzter; niedrigsterr; schlechtester; innerster; ärgster; gefährlichster; bedenklichster; schlimmster; größter;
[16] Vok. Sgl. m. unregelm. Sup. von extrā + Akk.
außerhalb; außer; ausgenommen; draußen vor; über... hinaus; mit Ausnahme von; unter Ausschluss von; ohne Beziehung auf; ohne; frei von;
[16] Adv. des unregelm. Sup. von extrā + Akk.
außerhalb; außer; ausgenommen; draußen vor; über... hinaus; mit Ausnahme von; unter Ausschluss von; ohne Beziehung auf; ohne; frei von;
[80] Adv. von extrēmus, extrēma, extrēmum
äußerster; letzter; niedrigsterr; schlechtester; innerster; ärgster; gefährlichster; bedenklichster; schlimmster; größter;

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