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"extorting money by threats":

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concussūra, concussūrae fextorting of money by threats, , money extortion

concussor, concussōris mone who extorts money by threats

accūdere, accūdō (adcūdō), accūdī, accūsumstrike upon, stamp upon, coin, coin further, add to a sum of money

acquīrere, acquīrō (adquīrō), acquīsīvī, acquīsītumadd to, get, acquire, obtain, procure, secure, acquire, amass riches, amass money

adaerāre, adaerō, adaerāvī, adaerātumestimate by money, rate, appraise, value

adcūdere, adcūdō, adcūdī, adcūsumstrike upon, stamp upon, coin, coin further, add to a sum of money

admutilāre, admutilō, admutilāvīcrop, clip close, shave, defraud, cheat, fleece one of his money, shear to the skin

adtribūtum, adtribūtī nmoney assigned from the public treasury, predicate, attribute

aerārius, aerāria, aerāriumthat pertains to copper, that is made of copper, that is made of bronze, pertaining to money

aeruscō, aeruscāre (ἀγείρειν)get money by going about and exhibiting tricks of legerdemain, play the juggler

aes, aeris nany crude metal dug out of the earth, copper, alloy (for the most part of copper and tin), bronze, everything made from copper or bronze, weapons, armor, utensils of husbandry, money, reward, payment

aesculāri, aesculorcollect copper money

aestimātiō frūmentīthe determination of the prœtor, how much ready money one should pay, instead of the corn which he was to furnish

affluere (circumfluere) pecūniāhave money in abundance

aliēnigerāre, aliēnigerōdispose of, sell off, convert into hard cash, knock off, turn into money

aliquanta pecūnia a tidy sum of money

aliquantum pecūniaea tidy sum of money

aliquem argentō spoliōrob someone of one's money

amīca tua facta est argenteayour girlfriend has been made into money, your girlfriend has been sold

angustiae aerāriīstate shortage of money

angustiae pecūniaelack of money

angustiae reī familiārisshortage of money, cash shortage, money shortage

apochāre, apochōcollect money against receipt

arca, arcae fplace for keeping any thing, chest, box, box for money, safe, coffer, purse, porte-monnaie, coffin, Noah’s ark, small close prison, cell, water-box of a hydraulic machine, watercistern, reservoir

arcārius, arcāria, arcāriumpertaining to a money-box, pertaining to ready money, belonging to the cash

archa, archae fplace for keeping any thing, chest, box, box for money, safe, coffer, purse, porte-monnaie, coffin, Noah’s ark, small close prison, cell, water-box of a hydraulic machine, watercistern, reservoir

archārius, archāria, archāriumpertaining to a money-box, pertaining to ready money, belonging to the cash

argentārius, argentāria, argentāriumpertaining to silver, pertaining to money

argentātus, argentāta, argentātumplated with silver, ornamented with silver, furnished with money

argenteus, argentea, argenteumfrom silver, made of silver, adorned with silver, of a silver color, silvery, of the silver age, from money

argentiolī, argentiolōrum msmall money, small silver coins

argentius, argentia, argentiumfrom silver, made of silver, adorned with silver, of a silver color, silvery, of the silver age, from money

argentō post omnia pōnōmoney is more important to me than anything else

argentum āvertōembezzle money

argentum lēctumfull value money

argentum οἴχεταιthe money is gone

argentum, argentī n (cf. ἀργής)silver, wrought silver, things made of silver, silver-plate, silver-work, silver as weighed out for money, money coined from silver, silver money

argyranchē, argyranchēs fmoney squeeze, money shortage

armārium, armāriī ncloset, chest, safe, (for food, clothing, money)

arra, arrae fthe money given to ratify a contract, earnest-money, purchase-money, pledge, earnest

arrhabō, arrhabōnis mthe money given to ratify a contract, earnest-money, purchase-money, pledge, earnest

arrhabō, arrhabōnis mthe money given to ratify a contract, earnest-money, purchase-money, pledge, earnest

attribūtum, attribūtī nmoney assigned from the public treasury, predicate, attribute

āversor pecūniae pūblicaeembezzler of public money

aviditās, aviditātis feagerness for something, avidity, longing, vehement desire, eagerness for money, covetousness, avarice, eagerness in eating, appetite

avidus, avida, avidumlonging eagerly for, desirous, eager, earnest, greedy, eager for gain, avaricious, covetous, greedy of money, eager for food, hungry, greedy, voracious, gluttonous, insatiable, wide, large, vast

balneāre, balneāris nbathing money

balneāticum, balneāticī npiece of money to be paid for a bath, bath-money

calceārium, calceāriī nmoney for shoes, shoemoney

calciārium, calciāriī nmoney for shoes, shoemoney

capsella nummāriamoney box

captīvōs pecūniā redimōredeem prisoners for money

cāritās nummōrumlack of money, shortage of money

cēnārius, cēnāriī mmoney given instead of food, commutation money

charta argentāriabanknote, money card, bank bill, credit card

chartāticum, chartāticī nmoney for paper

chartināticum, chartināticī nmoney for paper

chrēmatista, chrēmatistae mbanker, brooker, foreign exchange dealer, money acquirer, businessman, trader

cingula, cingulae fgirdle encircling the hips, belt, money belt, sword-belt, the bride’s girdle, girdle of the earth, zone

cingulum, cingulī ngirdle encircling the hips, belt, money belt, sword-belt, the bride’s girdle, girdle of the earth, zone

cingulus, cingulī mgirdle encircling the hips, belt, money belt, sword-belt, the bride’s girdle, girdle of the earth, zone

circumscrībere, circumscrībō, circumscrīpsi, circumscrīptumdeceive, cheat, circumvent, entrap, insnare, deprive of money, overreach, defraud, defeat the purpose of a law, cancel, declare invalid, annul, invalidate, void, set aside,

cīvitātēs obsidibus dē pecūniā caventthe tribes provide security by holding hostages for the money

clāvārium, clāvāriī nmoney given to soldiers for the purchase of shoe-nails

collātīs nummīsby raising sums of money

collatīvum, collatīvī ncontribution in money

collēcta, collēctae fcontribution in money

collibista, collibistae mmoney changer, money broker

collocāre, collocō, collocāvī, collocātumplace together, arrange, station, lay, put, place, set, set up, erect, give in marriage, give, lay out, invest, advance, place money, place a dowry, place wealth, employ, invest, dispose of, occupy, employ, put, set in order

commeātus argentāriusprofit from money transactions

compulsor, compulsōris mdriver (of cattle), one who asks or forces to a payment, exacter of money

concussiō, concussiōnis fshaking, concussion, money extortion,

concutere, concutiō, concussī, concussumimpair, disturb, distract, shake in feeling, agitate violently, put in fear, put in terror, put in anxiety, terrify, terrify in order to extort money, alarm, trouble, urge, excite, rouse to activity

cōnferre, cōnferō, contulī, collātumbring together, bear together, carry together, collect, gather, collect money, collect treasures, bring offerings, contribute, be useful, be profitable, to profit, serve, be of use to, bring into connection, unite, join, connect, consult together, confer, consider togeth

congiārium, congiāriī nvessel that holds a congius, gift divided among the people of the measure of a congius, largess in money divided among the soldiers or among the people or among private friends, gift, present

conventīcium, conventīciī nmoney paid to the poorer Greek citizens for attendance in the assemblies of the people

corōllārium, corōllāriī nmoney paid for a garland of flowers, gift, present, douceur, gratuity, corollary, deduction

corrotundāre, corrotundō, corrotundāvī, corrotundātummake round, round off, make up a sum of money

crumēna, crumēnae fsmall money-purse, small money-bag, money

crumīna, crumīnae (crumēna, crumēnae f)small money-purse, small money-bag, money

cum argentō domum permūtōrun away with the money, make off with the money

cupidus, cupida, cupidumlonging from love, pining, languishing for, loving, desirous of money, avaricious, covetous, devoted to a party, favoring any one, partial

cūsiō, cūsiōnis fstamping of money

cūsor, cūsōris ma coiner of money

dē pecūniā labōrōto be in money embarrassment, to be in money trouble, have payment difficulties

deargentāre, deargentō, deargentāvī, deargentātumdeprive of money, silver over, plate with silver

dēbēre, dēbeō, dēbuī, dēbitumhave (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay, be in duty to do something, be bound to do something, I ought, I must

dehibēre, dehibeō, dehibuī, dehibitumhave (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay

dēnarius, dēnāriī m (Gen. Pl.: dēnāriûm; dēnāriōrum)Roman silver coin, which originally contained ten, and afterwards eighteen asses, in value equivalent to an Attic drachma, an apothecary’s weight, = drachma, gold coin of the value of 25 silver denarii, copper coin, money

dianomē, dianomēs fdistribution of money in canvassing for office

difficultās nummāriacash crunch, shortage of money

difficultās reī nummāriaecash crunch, shortage of money

difficultāte nummāriā premorbe in financial distress, suffer from a lack of money

nummōrum mercātusmoney market

sīgnātor, sīgnātōris msealer, signer, one who attests a will by sealing it, witness to a will, one who affixes his seal as witness to a marriage contract, a witness to a marriage, one who stamps money, a coiner

sinus, sinūs mbent surface, curve, fold, hollow, purse, money, bosom, bay, bight, gulf, basin, hollow, valley, the interior part, the inmost part of a thing

spōnsiō, spōnsiōnis fsolemn promise, solemn engagement, promise, guarantee, security, sponsion, bet, betting, sum of money deposited according to agreement, stake

succōsus, succōsa, succōsumfull of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money

sūcōsus, sūcōsa, sūcōsumfull of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money

superērogāre, superērogō, superērogāvī, superērogātumin addition spend money

suppressiō, suppressiōnis fpressing down, pressing under, suppression, keeping back, retaining of money, embezzlement, sense of oppression

symbola, symbolae fcontribution of money to a feast, share of a reckoning

talentum, talentī ntalent, weight or sum of money

tēmō, tēmōnis msum of money paid instead of furnishing recruits, commutationmoney

tenācitās, tenācitātis fholding fast, tenacity, holding fast to money, niggardliness, parsimony

thēca nummāriamoney box

tinnīre, tinniō, tinnīvī (tinniī), tinnītumring, chink, clink, jingle, tinkle, tingle, clink money, pay, have a sharp voice, have a shrill voice, cry, scream, sing

triumvirī mēnsāriīthree commissioners to regulate money

unguentārium unguentāriī nmoney for buying perfumes

ūsūra, ūsūrae fusing of a thing, use of a thing, enjoyment of a thing, use of money lent, interest, usury

ūsūrāriī, ūsūrāriōrum minterest recipient, lender, money lender

vāsārium, vāsāriī nfurniture-money, equipage-money, money given for the hire of an oil-mill, furniture, movables in a bath, archives, records

vectīgal ex scrīptūrāincome from pasture money, drift money, drift interest

vēndere, vēndō, vēndidī, vēnditumsell, vend, sell up for money, give up for money, betray, cry up, trumpet, blazon, praise for sale

verba reīs vēndōmake defense speeches for money, defend against money

viāticulum, viāticulī nsmall sum of money for a journey

viāticum, viāticī ntravellingmoney, provision for a journey, journey, resources, means, money made by a soldier in the wars, savings, prize-money, money to pay the expenses of one studying abroad

violenta exāctiō pecūniārumblackmail, money extortion

vīvōrum ūsusmoney transfer


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