Suchergebnis zu "extorting money by threats":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;
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query 1/3Dal (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
| | Geldwechsler | pecūniae permūtātor | pecuniae permutator | | |
query 1/4E (max. 1000): 119 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortconcussūra, concussūrae f | extorting of money by threats, , money extortion |
| concussor, concussōris m | one who extorts money by threats |
| accūdere, accūdō (adcūdō), accūdī, accūsum | strike upon, stamp upon, coin, coin further, add to a sum of money |
| acquīrere, acquīrō (adquīrō), acquīsīvī, acquīsītum | add to, get, acquire, obtain, procure, secure, acquire, amass riches, amass money |
| adaerāre, adaerō, adaerāvī, adaerātum | estimate by money, rate, appraise, value |
| adcūdere, adcūdō, adcūdī, adcūsum | strike upon, stamp upon, coin, coin further, add to a sum of money |
| admutilāre, admutilō, admutilāvī | crop, clip close, shave, defraud, cheat, fleece one of his money, shear to the skin |
| adtribūtum, adtribūtī n | money assigned from the public treasury, predicate, attribute |
| aerārius, aerāria, aerārium | that pertains to copper, that is made of copper, that is made of bronze, pertaining to money |
| aeruscō, aeruscāre (ἀγείρειν) | get money by going about and exhibiting tricks of legerdemain, play the juggler |
| aes, aeris n | any crude metal dug out of the earth, copper, alloy (for the most part of copper and tin), bronze, everything made from copper or bronze, weapons, armor, utensils of husbandry, money, reward, payment |
| aesculāri, aesculor | collect copper money |
| aestimātiō frūmentī | the determination of the prœtor, how much ready money one should pay, instead of the corn which he was to furnish |
| affluere (circumfluere) pecūniā | have money in abundance |
| aliēnigerāre, aliēnigerō | dispose of, sell off, convert into hard cash, knock off, turn into money |
| aliquanta pecūnia | a tidy sum of money |
| aliquantum pecūniae | a tidy sum of money |
| aliquem argentō spoliō | rob someone of one's money |
| amīca tua facta est argentea | your girlfriend has been made into money, your girlfriend has been sold |
| angustiae aerāriī | state shortage of money |
| angustiae pecūniae | lack of money |
| angustiae reī familiāris | shortage of money, cash shortage, money shortage |
| apochāre, apochō | collect money against receipt |
| arca, arcae f | place for keeping any thing, chest, box, box for money, safe, coffer, purse, porte-monnaie, coffin, Noah’s ark, small close prison, cell, water-box of a hydraulic machine, watercistern, reservoir |
| arcārius, arcāria, arcārium | pertaining to a money-box, pertaining to ready money, belonging to the cash |
| archa, archae f | place for keeping any thing, chest, box, box for money, safe, coffer, purse, porte-monnaie, coffin, Noah’s ark, small close prison, cell, water-box of a hydraulic machine, watercistern, reservoir |
| archārius, archāria, archārium | pertaining to a money-box, pertaining to ready money, belonging to the cash |
| argentārius, argentāria, argentārium | pertaining to silver, pertaining to money |
| argentātus, argentāta, argentātum | plated with silver, ornamented with silver, furnished with money |
| argenteus, argentea, argenteum | from silver, made of silver, adorned with silver, of a silver color, silvery, of the silver age, from money |
| argentiolī, argentiolōrum m | small money, small silver coins |
| argentius, argentia, argentium | from silver, made of silver, adorned with silver, of a silver color, silvery, of the silver age, from money |
| argentō post omnia pōnō | money is more important to me than anything else |
| argentum āvertō | embezzle money |
| argentum lēctum | full value money |
| argentum οἴχεται | the money is gone |
| argentum, argentī n (cf. ἀργής) | silver, wrought silver, things made of silver, silver-plate, silver-work, silver as weighed out for money, money coined from silver, silver money |
| argyranchē, argyranchēs f | money squeeze, money shortage |
| armārium, armāriī n | closet, chest, safe, (for food, clothing, money) |
| arra, arrae f | the money given to ratify a contract, earnest-money, purchase-money, pledge, earnest |
| arrhabō, arrhabōnis m | the money given to ratify a contract, earnest-money, purchase-money, pledge, earnest |
| arrhabō, arrhabōnis m | the money given to ratify a contract, earnest-money, purchase-money, pledge, earnest |
| attribūtum, attribūtī n | money assigned from the public treasury, predicate, attribute |
| āversor pecūniae pūblicae | embezzler of public money |
| aviditās, aviditātis f | eagerness for something, avidity, longing, vehement desire, eagerness for money, covetousness, avarice, eagerness in eating, appetite |
| avidus, avida, avidum | longing eagerly for, desirous, eager, earnest, greedy, eager for gain, avaricious, covetous, greedy of money, eager for food, hungry, greedy, voracious, gluttonous, insatiable, wide, large, vast |
| balneāre, balneāris n | bathing money |
| balneāticum, balneāticī n | piece of money to be paid for a bath, bath-money |
| calceārium, calceāriī n | money for shoes, shoemoney |
| calciārium, calciāriī n | money for shoes, shoemoney |
| capsella nummāria | money box |
| captīvōs pecūniā redimō | redeem prisoners for money |
| cāritās nummōrum | lack of money, shortage of money |
| cēnārius, cēnāriī m | money given instead of food, commutation money |
| charta argentāria | banknote, money card, bank bill, credit card |
| chartāticum, chartāticī n | money for paper |
| chartināticum, chartināticī n | money for paper |
| chrēmatista, chrēmatistae m | banker, brooker, foreign exchange dealer, money acquirer, businessman, trader |
| cingula, cingulae f | girdle encircling the hips, belt, money belt, sword-belt, the bride’s girdle, girdle of the earth, zone |
| cingulum, cingulī n | girdle encircling the hips, belt, money belt, sword-belt, the bride’s girdle, girdle of the earth, zone |
| cingulus, cingulī m | girdle encircling the hips, belt, money belt, sword-belt, the bride’s girdle, girdle of the earth, zone |
| circumscrībere, circumscrībō, circumscrīpsi, circumscrīptum | deceive, cheat, circumvent, entrap, insnare, deprive of money, overreach, defraud, defeat the purpose of a law, cancel, declare invalid, annul, invalidate, void, set aside, |
| cīvitātēs obsidibus dē pecūniā cavent | the tribes provide security by holding hostages for the money |
| clāvārium, clāvāriī n | money given to soldiers for the purchase of shoe-nails |
| collātīs nummīs | by raising sums of money |
| collatīvum, collatīvī n | contribution in money |
| collēcta, collēctae f | contribution in money |
| collibista, collibistae m | money changer, money broker |
| collocāre, collocō, collocāvī, collocātum | place together, arrange, station, lay, put, place, set, set up, erect, give in marriage, give, lay out, invest, advance, place money, place a dowry, place wealth, employ, invest, dispose of, occupy, employ, put, set in order |
| commeātus argentārius | profit from money transactions |
| compulsor, compulsōris m | driver (of cattle), one who asks or forces to a payment, exacter of money |
| concussiō, concussiōnis f | shaking, concussion, money extortion, |
| concutere, concutiō, concussī, concussum | impair, disturb, distract, shake in feeling, agitate violently, put in fear, put in terror, put in anxiety, terrify, terrify in order to extort money, alarm, trouble, urge, excite, rouse to activity |
| cōnferre, cōnferō, contulī, collātum | bring together, bear together, carry together, collect, gather, collect money, collect treasures, bring offerings, contribute, be useful, be profitable, to profit, serve, be of use to, bring into connection, unite, join, connect, consult together, confer, consider togeth |
| congiārium, congiāriī n | vessel that holds a congius, gift divided among the people of the measure of a congius, largess in money divided among the soldiers or among the people or among private friends, gift, present |
| conventīcium, conventīciī n | money paid to the poorer Greek citizens for attendance in the assemblies of the people |
| corōllārium, corōllāriī n | money paid for a garland of flowers, gift, present, douceur, gratuity, corollary, deduction |
| corrotundāre, corrotundō, corrotundāvī, corrotundātum | make round, round off, make up a sum of money |
| crumēna, crumēnae f | small money-purse, small money-bag, money |
| crumīna, crumīnae (crumēna, crumēnae f) | small money-purse, small money-bag, money |
| cum argentō domum permūtō | run away with the money, make off with the money |
| cupidus, cupida, cupidum | longing from love, pining, languishing for, loving, desirous of money, avaricious, covetous, devoted to a party, favoring any one, partial |
| cūsiō, cūsiōnis f | stamping of money |
| cūsor, cūsōris m | a coiner of money |
| dē pecūniā labōrō | to be in money embarrassment, to be in money trouble, have payment difficulties |
| deargentāre, deargentō, deargentāvī, deargentātum | deprive of money, silver over, plate with silver |
| dēbēre, dēbeō, dēbuī, dēbitum | have (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay, be in duty to do something, be bound to do something, I ought, I must |
| dehibēre, dehibeō, dehibuī, dehibitum | have (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay |
| dēnarius, dēnāriī m (Gen. Pl.: dēnāriûm; dēnāriōrum) | Roman silver coin, which originally contained ten, and afterwards eighteen asses, in value equivalent to an Attic drachma, an apothecary’s weight, = drachma, gold coin of the value of 25 silver denarii, copper coin, money |
| dianomē, dianomēs f | distribution of money in canvassing for office |
| difficultās nummāria | cash crunch, shortage of money |
| difficultās reī nummāriae | cash crunch, shortage of money |
| difficultāte nummāriā premor | be in financial distress, suffer from a lack of money |
| nummōrum mercātus | money market |
| sīgnātor, sīgnātōris m | sealer, signer, one who attests a will by sealing it, witness to a will, one who affixes his seal as witness to a marriage contract, a witness to a marriage, one who stamps money, a coiner |
| sinus, sinūs m | bent surface, curve, fold, hollow, purse, money, bosom, bay, bight, gulf, basin, hollow, valley, the interior part, the inmost part of a thing |
| spōnsiō, spōnsiōnis f | solemn promise, solemn engagement, promise, guarantee, security, sponsion, bet, betting, sum of money deposited according to agreement, stake |
| succōsus, succōsa, succōsum | full of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money |
| sūcōsus, sūcōsa, sūcōsum | full of juice, full of moisture, juicy, sappy, succulent, rich in money |
| superērogāre, superērogō, superērogāvī, superērogātum | in addition spend money |
| suppressiō, suppressiōnis f | pressing down, pressing under, suppression, keeping back, retaining of money, embezzlement, sense of oppression |
| symbola, symbolae f | contribution of money to a feast, share of a reckoning |
| talentum, talentī n | talent, weight or sum of money |
| tēmō, tēmōnis m | sum of money paid instead of furnishing recruits, commutationmoney |
| tenācitās, tenācitātis f | holding fast, tenacity, holding fast to money, niggardliness, parsimony |
| thēca nummāria | money box |
| tinnīre, tinniō, tinnīvī (tinniī), tinnītum | ring, chink, clink, jingle, tinkle, tingle, clink money, pay, have a sharp voice, have a shrill voice, cry, scream, sing |
| triumvirī mēnsāriī | three commissioners to regulate money |
| unguentārium unguentāriī n | money for buying perfumes |
| ūsūra, ūsūrae f | using of a thing, use of a thing, enjoyment of a thing, use of money lent, interest, usury |
| ūsūrāriī, ūsūrāriōrum m | interest recipient, lender, money lender |
| vāsārium, vāsāriī n | furniture-money, equipage-money, money given for the hire of an oil-mill, furniture, movables in a bath, archives, records |
| vectīgal ex scrīptūrā | income from pasture money, drift money, drift interest |
| vēndere, vēndō, vēndidī, vēnditum | sell, vend, sell up for money, give up for money, betray, cry up, trumpet, blazon, praise for sale |
| verba reīs vēndō | make defense speeches for money, defend against money |
| viāticulum, viāticulī n | small sum of money for a journey |
| viāticum, viāticī n | travellingmoney, provision for a journey, journey, resources, means, money made by a soldier in the wars, savings, prize-money, money to pay the expenses of one studying abroad |
| violenta exāctiō pecūniārum | blackmail, money extortion |
| vīvōrum ūsus | money transfer |
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