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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 20 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adprehere, adprehend, adprehendī, adprehēnsumlay hold upon, seize, take hold of, bring forward, allege, grasp with the mind, understand, comprehend, embrace, include, apprehend, take possession

amplectere, amplectōembrace

amplectī, amplector, amplexus sumwind round something, twine round something, surround, encompass, encircle, embrace, comprehend, understand, reflect upon, consider, discuss, handle, treat, include, embrace in heart, love, favor, cherish

amplexātiō, amplexātiōnis fembrace

amplexiō, amplexiōnis flinkage, enclosure, embrace

amplexārī, amplexor, amplexātus sumembrace, encircle, keep fast, love, honor, cherish, esteem

amploctere, amploctōencircle, embrace, comprehend, understand

amploctī, amploctorencircle, embrace, comprehend, understand

apprehere, apprehendō (adprehendō), apprehendī, apprehēnsum, [apprēndere, apprēndō (adprēndō), apprēndī, apprēnsumlay hold upon, seize, take hold of, bring forward, allege, grasp with the mind, understand, comprehend, embrace, include, apprehend, take possession

apprēndere, apprēndō, apprēndī, apprēnsumlay hold upon, seize, take hold of, bring forward, allege, grasp with the mind, understand, comprehend, embrace, include, apprehend, take possession,

bracchia collō dōembrace, fall around the neck, wrap the neck around

capere, capiō, cēpī, captumpossess, embrace, entertain, conceive, be subjected to, suffer, experience, contain, be large enough for, swallow up, ingulf, take in, contain, hold, be strong enough for, bear, be capable of, undergo, be susceptible of, be of a nature to, comprehend

circumiectus, circumiectūs mclothed wrap, clothe, put around, embrace, environment

circumplectere, circumplectō, circumplexumembrace, clasp around

circumplectī, circumplector, circumplexus sumclasp around, embrace, surround, encompass

cohibēre, cohibeō, cohibuī, cohibitumhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

coibēre, coibeōhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

complectī, complector, complexus sumentwine around a person or thing, clasp, embrace, grasp, seize, encircle, surround, compass, enclose, seize upon, enfold

complexus, complexūs msurrounding, encompassing, encircling, embracing, embrace, the reach, connection in discourse, friendly embracing, love, affectionate relation

comprehēnsāre, comprehēnsōembrace

query 1/E (max. 1000): 33 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
amplexābundus, amplexābunda, amplexābundumgiving oneself to the embrace, eager for embraces

amplexūs petō et dōlike to be hugged and like to embrace

amplexus, amplexūs membracing, encircling, surrounding, loving embrace, caress,

circumfundere, circumfundō, circumfūdī, circumfūsumpour out around, press upon, crowd around, embrace closely, cling to, closely embrace, enclose, environ, surround, overwhelm

compāgēs, compāgis fa joining together, connection, joint, structure, a embrace

compāgō, compāginis fa joining together, connection, joint, structure, a embrace

complectī, complector, complexus sumembrace from love, love, value, honor, be addicted to, care for, include, take into possession, seize, lay hold of, make one’s self master of

complector aliquem amīcitiā et cāritāteembrace someone in friendly love

complexāre, complexōencompass, embrace closely, clasp around

complexārī, complexorembrace closely

comprehendere, comprehendō, comprehendī, comprehēnsumapprehend someone in any crime, discover, detect, take root, conceive, become pregnant, contain, include, perceive, observe, see, comprehend intellectually, receive into one’s mind, grasp, put under obligation, embrace with kindness, shut in, include

comprēndere, comprēndō, comprēndī, comprēnsumapprehend someone in any crime, discover, detect, take root, conceive, become pregnant, contain, include, perceive, observe, see, comprehend intellectually, receive into one’s mind, grasp, put under obligation, embrace with kindness, shut in, include

Veneris compāgēsVenus embrace


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