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Suchergebnis zu
"egyptian christian":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 36 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acacia, acaciae fEgyptian pod-thorn, juice of the Egyptian pod-thorn, gum of the Egyptian pod-thorn

agapē, agapēs fChristian love, Christian charity, love-feast of the early Christians

alabastrītēs, ae m (Akk. Sgl. alabastrītēn)alabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron

alabastrītis, alabastrītae malabaster-stone, precious stone found in the region of the Egyptian town Alabastron

apostolicī, apostolicōrum mpupils and friends of the Apostles, name of a Christian sect

artaba, artabae fan Egyptian dry measure = 3 1/3 Rom, modii

baptisma, baptismatis ndipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism

baptismum, baptismī ndipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism

baptismus, baptismī mdipping in, dipping under, washing, ablution, Christian baptism

bāris, bāridos f (βᾶρις)small Egyptian row-boat

carta, cartae fleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

catēchismus, catēchismī mbook of elementary Christian instruction, catechism

cēroferārius, cēroferāriī mwaxlight bearer, an attendant at Christian ceremonial worship

charta, chartae fleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, the papyrus plant itself, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

charta, chartae f (χάρτης)leaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

chartina, chartinae fleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

chartus, chartī mleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, the papyrus plant itself, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

Chrīstiānae lēgis studiōsīChristian religious party


Chrīstiānēin a Christian manner, in a Christian spirit

Chrīstiānitās, Chrīstiānitātis fChristianity, Christian religion, Christian clergy

chrīstiānizāre, chrīstiānizōprofessing Christianity, professing to be a Christian

chrīstiānus dēmocraticuschristian democratic

Chrīstiānus, Chrīstiāna, Chrīstiānum (Χριστιανός)christian

Chrīstiānus, Chrīstiānī ma Christian, a Christian clergyman

cibōria, cibōriae fthe Egyptian bean

cici n (indecl.)an Egyptian tree, castor-oil tree, also called croton

colocāsia, colocāsiae f (κολοκασία)Egyptian bean

colocāsium, colocāsiī n (κολοκάσιον)Egyptian bean

cyamos, cyamī ma plant, called also colocasia, Egyptian bean

cyamus, cyamī ma plant, called also colocasia, Egyptian bean

cȳphi, cȳphis nan Egyptian perfuming powder

dēmocrata chrīstiānusChristian Democrat

dēmocratia chrīstiānaChristian Democracy

dēmocraticus chrīstiānusChristian Democrat

sēmichristiānus, sēmichristiānī ma half Christian


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