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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
āctiō, āctiōnis fdoing, performing, acting, action, act, public performance, public function, civil act, proceeding, duty, negotiation, deliberation, suit, process, pleading of a case

dēbitum, dēbitī nwhat is owing, a debt, what is due, debt, duty, obligation

sollicitūdō, sollicitūdinis funeasiness of mind, care, disquiet, anxiety, solicitude, forethought, duty, responsibility

vicis f (Gen.; weitere Kasus: vicem, vice, vicēs, vicibus)change, interchange, alternation, alternate succession, reciprocal succession, vicissitude, return, requital, reciprocal service, recompense, remuneration, retaliation, position, place, room, stead, post, office, duty

vigilia, vigiliae fwakefulness, sleeplessness, lying awake, keeping awake for security, watching, watch, guard, time of keeping watch by night, watchmen, sentinels, watching at religious festivals, nightly vigils, vigilance, post, office, duty

vigilium, vigiliī nwakefulness, sleeplessness, lying awake, keeping awake for security, watching, watch, guard, time of keeping watch by night, watchmen, sentinels, watching at religious festivals, nightly vigils, vigilance, post, office, duty

query 1/E (max. 1000): 33 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
administrāre, administrō, administrāvī, administrātumbe near as an aid, attend upon, assist, serve, take charge of, manage, guide, administer, execute, accomplish, do, perform, govern, guide, steer, put the hand to, render service, do one’s duty, employ

aliquem ad officium redūcōbring someone back to his duty, lead someone back to obedience

aliquem officium suum commoneōremind someone of one's duty

appōnere, appōnō (adpōnō), apposuī, appositumplace at, put at, lay at, place by the side of a thing, apply to, add, unite, serve up, et before one, appoint or designate one to any service or duty, place in any station, join to as an aid

atelīa, atelīae ftax and duty exemption

auctōrāmentum, auctōrāmentī nthat which binds or obliges to the performance of certain services, contract, stipulation, that for which one binds himself to some service or duty, wages, pay, hire, reward

cessō in officiō meōdefault in the performance of one's duty

cīvium estit is the duty of citizens

clēmentiam violōviolate the duty to be lenient

clītellās bovī impōnōput a pack-saddle upon an ox, assign one a duty for which he is not qualified

cloācārium, cloācāriī n, duty paid for conducting the private sewers into the public ones or for maintaining and cleansing the sewers,

cūstōdia alicuī caditthe guard duty falls to someone

dēbēre, dēbeō, dēbuī, dēbitumhave (money) from someone, keep (money) from someone, owe something, be under obligation to something, be under obligation for something, be bound to render, be under obligation to pay, be in duty to do something, be bound to do something, I ought, I must

dēpōscere, dēpōscō, dēpopōscīdemand, require, request earnestly, request for one’s self the performance of any duty or business

dēsīgnātor, dēsīgnātōris mone who regulates, one who arranges, regulator, officer whose duty it was to assign seats in the theatre, umpire at public spectacles

dēesse, dēsum, dēfuībe away, be absent, fail, be wanting, be wanting in one’s duty, not to assist, not to serve, desert one, neglect a person or thing, fall short of, miss, fail to obtain

officiō fungorcarry out one's duty, perform one's duty

officiō satisfaciōcarry out one's duty, perform one's duty

officiō satisfaciōcarry out one's duty, perform one's duty

officium servōcarry out one's duty, perform one's duty

officium servōcarry out one's duty, perform one's duty

officium servōcarry out one's duty, perform one's duty

solvere, solvō, solvī, solūtumrelease, loose, remove, set free, emancipate, disengage, dissolve, take apart, break up, part, dissolve, disperse, divide, scatter, separate, dismiss, relax, make effeminate, weaken, pay, fulfil the duty, fulfil a vow

sors, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

sortis, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

tuum estit is thy part, it is thy duty, it is thy custom

vectīgal pendōpay customs, pay duty


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