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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aegritās, aegritātis fdisease, illness, sickness

aegror, aegrōris millness, sickness, disease

aegrōtātiō, aegrōtātiōnis fillness, sickness, disease, infirmity, morbid state, morbid condition

query 1/E (max. 1000): 66 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adversā valētūdine arreptusgripped by disease

adversā valētūdine corripiorget sick, get gripped by illness, be seized by a disease

aegilōpium, aegilōpiī ndisease of the eyes, lacrimal fistula, ulcer in the inner corner of the eye

aegilōps, aegilōpis m (Akk. Sgl. aegilōpa, Akk.Plur. aegilōpas)disease of the eyes, lacrimal fistula, ulcer in the inner corner of the eye, kind of oak with edible acorns, weed among barley, tare among barley, kind of bulbous plant

aegritūdō oculāriaeye disease

albūgō, albūginis fwhite spot, disease of the eye, film, albugo

alicuius morbī notasymptom of a disease, symptom of an illness

alicuius morbī propria notasymptom of a disease, symptom of an illness

ānas, ānatis fold wives' disease

angina mentisdistress of mind, produced by physical disease

aquātilia, aquātilium naquatic animals, disease of cattle, watery vesicles

articulātiō, articulātiōnis fputting forth of new joints or knots, disease of the vine at the joints of the tendrils

boa, boae fa large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po

bova, bovae fa large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po

cacoēthes, cacoēthis nan obstinate, malignant disease, an incurable passion

caepāria, caepāriaedisease in the privy members

capillātiō, capillātiōnis fthe being hairy, hair, a disease of the urinary organs

carbunculātiō, carbunculātiōnis fdisease of trees

carbunculus, carbunculī msmall coal, burning sorrow, devouring sorrow, kind of sandstone, red toph-stone, reddish, bright kind of precious stone, kind of tumor, carbuncle, disease of plants caused by hoar-frost

carcinōdes, carcinōdis ncancerous disease

cardiacus, cardiaca, cardiacumpertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

causātiō, causātiōnis fpretext, excuse, apology, plea, a disease

cēpāria, cēpāriae fdisease in the pubic limbs

chordapsus, chordapsī mdisease of the intestines, Dármverschlingung 17 / 5, 000 Übersetzungsergebnisse intestinal entanglement, intestinal obstruction

cīliacus, cīliaca, cīliacumrelating to the abdomen, relating to the stomach, afflicted with a disease of the bowels

circuitus, circuitūs mgoing round, circling, revolving, revolution, periodical return of a disease, circuit, compass, way around, open space left around a building, speaking period, circumlocution, periphrasis, roundabout way, indirect procedure

circumitus, circumitūs mgoing round, circling, revolving, revolution, periodical return of a disease, circuit, compass, way around, open space left around a building, speaking period, circumlocution, periphrasis, roundabout way, indirect procedure

clāvus, clāvī mnail, rudder, tiller, helm, painful tumor, painful excrescence, wart, corn, disease of the olive-tree, kind of abortion of bees, purple stripe on the tunica, tunic, either wide or narrow striped

coeliacus, coeliaca, coeliacumrelating to the abdomen, relating to the stomach, afflicted with a disease of the bowels

cōla, cōlae fdisease of the colon, the colic

cōlon (cōlum), cōlī n (κῶλον)colon or great gut, disease of the colon, colic, member of a verse, member of a poem

colostrātiō, colostrātiōnis fdisease of the young caused by the first milk of the mother

cōlum, cōlī ncolon or great gut, disease of the colon, colic, member of a verse, member of a poem

cōlus, cōlī mcolon or great gut, disease of the colon, colic, member of a verse, member of a poem

commōtiuncula, commōtiunculae fslight excitation of disease, indisposition

convalēscere, convalēscō, convaluīrecover from a disease, regain health, grow strong, gain strength, thrive, grow, grow better, become cheaper, receive value, possess value, become valid

corcus, corcī ma disease of the chest

cordiacus, cordiaca, cordiacum (καρδιακός)pertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

cordialus, cordiala, cordialum (καρδιακός)pertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

cordiatus, cordiata, cordiatum (καρδιακός)pertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

coriāgō, coriāginis fdisease of the skin of animals

critica morbī accessiōcrisis of disease

cuferion, cuferiī nthe nose-bleed, a disease of horses

īnfāntium morbuschildren's disease, Childhood illness, paediatric disease

puerōrum morbuschildren's disease, Childhood illness, paediatric disease

sīderātiō, sīderātiōnis fdisease produced by a constellation, sideration, blight, numbness, palsy

sīriāsis, sīriāsis fan inflammatory disease of children, siriasis

stomacacē, stomacacēs fdisease of the gums, scurvy of the mouth

stomachicus, stomachica, stomachicumdisordered in the stomach, having a disease of the stomach

subluviēs, subluviēī ffilth, dirt, a disease in the feet of sheep, foul

subluvium, subluviī nfilth, dirt, a disease in the feet of sheep, foul

subvenīre, subveniō, subvēnī, subventumcome up, advance to one’s assistance, come to one’s assistance, aid, assist, relieve, succor, obviate, remedy, heal, cure a disease, come up, come, come to one’s mind, occur to him

superpositiō, superpositiōnis fparoxysm in disease

suprāpositiō, suprāpositiōnis fexacerbation of the disease, aggravation of the disease

tābēs, tābis fwasting away, melting, dwindling, consumption, corruption, putrefaction, wasting disease, consumption, decline, plague, pestilence, moisture of a melting or decaying substance, corruption

tābum, tābī ncorrupt moisture, matter, corruption, putrid gore, infectious disease, plague, pest, pestilence

trichiāsis, trichiāsis fdisease of the eyelids, when the lashes grow inside

valētūdine premorbe attacked by a disease

valētūdō atroxserious illness, severe disease

valētūdō oculōrumsea weakness, eye disease

vermiculus, vermiculī mlittle worm, grub, disease of dogs which drives them mad, scarlet worm

verminātiō, verminātiōnis fthe worms (a disease of animals), the bots, crawling pain, itching pain

vīrōsis, vīrōsis fviral disease, virus disease, virosis


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