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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 14 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
agere, agō, ēgī, āctumlead, drive, conduct, impel, drive off, carry off, steal, rob, plunder, chase, pursue, press, move, impel, push forwards, advance, carry to, steer, direct, stir up, throw out, excite, cause

aurīgāre, aurīgō, aurīgāvī, aurīgātumbe a charioteer, be a contender in the chariot-race, drive a chariot, contend in the chariot-race, rule, direct

aurīgārī, aurīgor, aurīgātus sumbe a charioteer, be a contender in the chariot-race, drive a chariot, contend in the chariot-race, rule, direct

cōicere, cōiciō, cōiēcī, cōiectumthrow together, bring together, unite, dispute, contend, discuss, manage judicially, put together logically, connect, prophesy, foretell, divine from signs, interpret an oracle, throw, cast, urge, drive, hurl, put, place, direct, turn, force something eagerly, press, treat

cōnferre, cōnferō, contulī, collātumbear a thing somewhere, carry a thing somewhere, convey a thing somewhere, direct a thing somewhere, devote something to a certain purpose, apply something to a certain purpose, employ, direct, confer, bestow upon, give, lend, grant, transfer to

conicere, coniciō (cōicio), coniēcī, coniectumthrow together, bring together, unite, dispute, contend, discuss, manage judicially, put together logically, connect, prophesy, foretell, divine from signs, interpret an oracle, throw, cast, urge, drive, hurl, put, place, direct, turn, force something eagerly, press, treat

dērēctus, dērēcta, dērēctummade straight, straight, direct, level, upright, steep

dērigere, dērigō, dērēxī, dērēctumgive a particular direction to, arrange in distinct lines, set different ways, move different ways, lay straight, set in a straight line, arrange, draw up, send in a straight line, direct to a place, set in order, direct, arrange, guide

dīrēctus, dīrēcta, dīrēctummade straight, straight, direct, level, upright, steep

dīrigere, dīrigō, dīrēxī, dīrēctumgive a particular direction to, arrange in distinct lines, set different ways, move different ways, lay straight, set in a straight line, arrange, draw up, send in a straight line, direct to a place, set in order, direct, arrange, guide

nāvem applicōdrive, direct, steer, bring a ship anywhere, land, bring to land

simplex, simplicissimple, plain, uncompounded, unmixed, without, dissimulation, open, frank, straightforward, direct, guileless, artless, honest, sincere, ingenuous

torquēre, torqueō, torsī, tortummisplace, turn aside, distort, wrench the limbs upon the rack, put to the rack, put to the torture, rack, torture, wrest, turn, bend, direct, torment

trānsferre, trānsferō (trāferō), trānstulī (trātulī), trānslātum (trālātum)bear across, carry over, bring over, convey over, transport, transfer, transplant, transfer by grafting, transfer by writing, carry along, carry in public, bear in triumph, convey, direct, put off, postpone, defer, translate, apply, make use of, change, transform

query 1/E (max. 1000): 52 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adicere, adiciō, adiēcī, adiectumthrow a thing to, cast a thing to, put at, place at, put near, place near, throw, hurl, (mentem) direct the mind to, (oculos) direct the eye to, apply to a thing by way of increase, increase, add to what has already been said, add to a bid, out-bid

adiungere, adiungō, adiūnxī, adiūnctumadd to, join to, annex to, bind to, yoke, harness, enter into friendship with, make one a friend, apply to, direct to, annex, subjoin, let follow, let attend, add it to the preceding

adrigere, adrigō, adrēxī, adrēctumset up, raise, erect, encourage, animate, rouse, excite, incite, rouse the mind, rouse the courage to something, direct the mind to something, direct the courage to something

advertere, advertō, advertī, adversumturn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to

advortere, advortō, advortī, advorsumturn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to

afflectere, afflectō, afflexī, afflexumturn to, incline to, direct to, turn toward, incline toward, direct toward

aliō trādūcō animī mōtūsturn one's emotions elsewhere, direct one's impulses elsewhere

aliquem respiciōpay attention to someone, take notice of someone, direct one's attention to someone

animadvertere, animadvertō, animadvertī, animadversumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

animadvortere, animadvortō, animadvortī, animadvorsumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

animō intendōintend something, be bent on something, be intent on something, plan something, direct one's attention to something

animum in aliquid intendōpay attention to something, direct one's attention to something

animum intendō ad aliquiddirect one's attention to something, pay attention to something

animum oculōsque coniciōfocus on, bring into focus, direct one's main attention to

aquaeductus, aquaeductūs mright to direct water where

arrigere, arrigō, arrēxī, arrēctumset up, raise, erect, encourage, animate, rouse, excite, incite, rouse the mind, rouse the courage to something, direct the mind to something, direct the courage to something

arvertere, arvertō, arvertī, arversumturn a thing to, turn a thing toward a place, direct the mind, direct the thoughts, direct the attention to a thing, advert to, give attention to, attend to, heed, observe, remark, call the attention of one to a definite act, admonish of, urge to

attendere, attendō (adtendō), attendī, attentumstretch something, direct toward, turn toward, stretch toward, extend toward, direct the attention, apply the mind to something, attend to, consider, mind, give heed to, strive eagerly for something, long for

aurem admoveōdirect the ear, listen, listen attentively

clāvum imperiī teneōbe in government, be at the helm of the state, direct the state

cōgitātiōnem in aliquid intendōfocus mentally on something, concentrate on something, direct one's thoughts towards something

collīneātēin a direct line, skilfully, artistically

collīneāre, collīneō, collīneāvī, collīneātum (collīniō)direct something in a straight line, aim, take a right aim

collīniātēin a direct line, skilfully, artistically

cōnficere, cōnficiō, cōnfēcī, cōnfectumbe efficient, accomplish a direct result, be an active cause, complete, finish, end, spend, pass, bring forward as proved, show, deduce

conicere, coniciō (cōicio), coniēcī, coniectumthrow with force towards, cast quickly towards, urge with force towards, drive quickly towards, hurl with force towards, put quickly towards, direct quickly towards, bring eagerly towards, place with force towards, bearing down, prostrating

cōnsīderātiōnem in aliquid intendōto direct one's consideration on something, consider something

cōnspectum convertōto catch one's eye, direct one's gaze at something, cast a glance

contendere, contendō, contendī, contentumexert one’s self vigorously to do something, apply one’s self with zeal to, go to, direct one’s course eagerly somewhere, bend one’s course eagerly somewhere, strive to get to a place, to seek to arrive at, go hastily to, march hastily to, journey hastily to

contendere, contendō, contendī, contentumretch, stretch out vigorously, draw tight, strain, shoot, hurl, dart, throw, reach, extend, strain eagerly, exert, direct one’s mental powers to something, pursue earnestly, strive for earnestly, exert one’s self, strive zealously for something

convertere, convertō, convertī, conversumturn round, whirl round, wheel about, cause to turn, turn back, reverse, turn somewhere, direct somewhere, direct to, direct towards, move to, turn to, bring into disorder, translate

hūc aditum ferōdirect the steps here

sēnsūs ad aliquid intendōdirect one's senses to something

subcontinuātiō, subcontinuātiōnis fdirect extension, direct continuation, direct follow-up

tendere, tendō, tetendī, tēnsum (tentum)stretch, stretch out, distend, extend, direct one’s self or one’s course, aim, strive, go, travel, march, tend, bend one’s course, be directed, be inclined, exert one’s self in opposition, strive, try, endeavor, contend, set up tents, be under tents, be encamped, encamp

trānsmissiō dīrēctadirect transmission, live transmission

volātus dīrēctusdirect flight, non-stop flight

vortere, vortō, vortī, vorsumturn, turn round, turn about, change, alter, transform, be engaged in, turn one’s self, direct one’s way


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