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Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 17 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
āvium, āviī nby-way, desert, wilderness

dēficere, dēficiō, dēfēcī, dēfectumloosen, set free, remove from, loosen from one’s self, remove one’s self, break loose from, leave, desert, depart from something, depart, cease, fail, separate one’s self, withdraw, forsake, desert, abandon, revolt

dērelinquere, dērelinquō, dērelīquī, dērelictumforsake wholly, abandon, desert, leave behind, bequeath

dēserere, dēserō, dēseruī, dēsertumundo one’s connection with another, leave, forsake, abandon, desert, give up,

dēsertitūdō, dēsertitūdinis fwasteland, desert

dēsertum, dēsertī nwasteland, desert

dēsertus, dēserta, dēsertumdeserted, desert, solitary, waste,

dēsōlātiō, dēsōlātiōnis fdesolating, desolation, desert

dēsōlāre, dēsōlō, dēsōlāvī, dēsōlātumleave alone, forsake, abandon, desert

dēstituere, dēstituō, dēstituī, dēstitūtumset down, set, place anywhere, leave alone, forsake, abandon, desert, desist from

dignitās, dignitātis fbeing worthy, worth, worthiness, merit, desert, dignity, greatness, grandeur, authority, rank, official dignity, honorable employment, office, men holding high office, men in honorable employment, value, excellence

dīmittere, dīmittō, dīmīsī, dīmissumsend away, let go, release, put away, repudiate, forgive, free, relieve, abandon, desert, renounce, give up, abandon, forego, forsake, remit

discēdere, discēdō, discessī, discessumpart asunder, divide, separate, leave, forsake, desert, go away from, go away to, march off, march away, decamp, get away, come away, come off, depart, deviate, swerve from, forsake, give up, pass away, to vanish, cease, pass over to, go over to

sōlitūdō, sōlitūdinis fbeing alone, being solitary, loneliness, solitariness, solitude, lonely place, desert, wilderness

sōlus, sōla, sōlum (Gen. sōlīus, Dat. sōlī)alone, only, single, sole, lonely, solitary, forsaken, deserted, unfrequented, desert

vāstāre, vāstō, vāstāvī, vāstātummake empty, make vacant, leave untenanted, leave uninhabited, desert, empty of inhabitants, deprive of inhabitants, lay waste, lay desolate, ravage, devastate, ruin, destroy

vāstus, vāsta, vāstumempty, unoccupied, waste, desert, uncultivated, unpolished, rude, rough, harsh, harsh-sounding, desolate, deserted, laid waste, ravaged, devastated, destroyed, vast, immense, enormous, huge, monstrous, prodigious, insatiable, bulky, unwieldy

query 1/E (max. 1000): 26 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquōs ad dēfectiōnem compellōsome force to fall away, some force to defect, some force to become renegades, some force to desert

arēna, arēnae f (harēna, harēnae f)sand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

asēna, asēnae f (hasēna, hasēnae f)sand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

dēscīscere, dēscīscō, dēscīvī (dēsciī), dēscītumfree one’s self from a connection, withdraw, leave, revolt from, desert to, go over to any one, depart, deviate, withdraw from, fall off from, be unfaithful to, fall off to, decline to, degenerate into, degenerate, be transformed

dēserta, dēsertōrum ndesert places, deserts, wastes

dēesse, dēsum, dēfuībe away, be absent, fail, be wanting, be wanting in one’s duty, not to assist, not to serve, desert one, neglect a person or thing, fall short of, miss, fail to obtain

harēna, harēnae fsand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

squālēre, squāleōbe stiff, be rough, be desert, be untilled, be waste, mourn in squalid garments

trānsfugere, trānsfugiō, trānsfūgī, trānsfugitumflee over to the other side, go over to the enemy, desert


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