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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
apocrisis, apocrisis fresponse, notice, decision

arbitrātus, arbitrātūs mjudgment, freewill, inclination, pleasure, wish, choice, decision, direction, guidance

arbitrium, arbitriī ncoming near, a being present, presence, judgment, decision of an arbitrator, opinion, decision, mastery, dominion, authority, power, will, free-will

auctōritās, auctōritātis fproducing, production, invention, cause, view, opinion, judgment, counsel, advice, persuasion, encouragement, influence, will, pleasure, decision, bidding, command, precept, decree, liberty, ability, power, authority, might, power

authōritās, authōritātis fproducing, production, invention, cause, view, opinion, judgment, counsel, advice, persuasion, encouragement, influence, will, pleasure, decision, bidding, command, precept, decree, liberty, ability, power, authority, might, power

calculus, calculī msmall stone, pebble, stone in the bladder or kidneys, gravel, stone, stone or counter used in playing draughts, stone used in reckoning on the counting-board, reckoning, computing, calculating, stone used in voting, vote, sentence, decision, suffrage

cauculus, cauculī msmall stone, pebble, stone in the bladder or kidneys, gravel, stone, stone or counter used in playing draughts, stone used in reckoning on the counting-board, reckoning, computing, calculating, stone used in voting, vote, sentence, decision, suffrage

cōnsultum, cōnsultī nconsultation, inquiry of a deity, decree, decision, resolution, plan, response, oracle, divination

cōnsultus, cōnsultus mconsultation, inquiry of a deity, decree, decision, resolution, plan, response, oracle, divination

crisis, crisis f (κρίσις) (Akk. -im)decision, crisis

dēcīsiō, dēcīsiōnis fdecision, settlement, agreement

dēcrētiō, dēcrētiōnis fdecision, decree

disceptātiō, disceptātiōnis fdispute, disputation, debate, discussion, disquisition, decision, judicial award, judgment

sententia, sententiae fway of thinking, opinion, judgment, sentiment, purpose, determination, decision, will

statūtum, statūtī nlaw, decision, determination, statute

stilus, stilī mstake, pale, style, setting down in writing, composing, composition, practice of composing, manner of writing, mode of composition, manner of speaking, mode of expression, style in speaking, decision, verdict, opinion

suffrāgium, suffrāgiī nvotingtablet, ballot, vote, voice, suffrage, right of voting, right of suffrage, decision, judgment, opinion, favorable decision, assent, approbation, applause

sufrāgium, sufrāgiī nvotingtablet, ballot, vote, voice, suffrage, right of voting, right of suffrage, decision, judgment, opinion, favorable decision, assent, approbation, applause

terminātiō, terminātiōnis fbounding, fixing of bounds, fixing of limits, fixing, determining, determination, decision

query 1/E (max. 1000): 53 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
album calculum alicuī reī adiciōagree to a decision

aliēnō arbitriōbased on a foreign decision

ampliātiō, ampliātiōnis fextending, enlarging, deferring of the decision of the judge

ampliāre, ampliō, ampliāvīmake wider, extend, enlarge, increase, amplify, render glorious, ennoble, delay judgment, delay decision, adjourn, defer his business

amplius prōnūntiōpostpone the court decision, adjourn the judicial decision

animum sūmōtake the decision

arbitrātū tuōat your judgment, at your freewill, at your inclination, at your pleasure, at your wish, at your choice, at your decision, at your direction, at your guidance

arbitrārī, arbitror, arbitrātus sumbe a hearer, be a beholder, observe, perceive, hear, examine, consider, weigh, make a decision, give judgment, give sentence, adjudge, put faith in, testify, declare or announce, give evidence, be of the opinion, believe, consider as, think, suppose

armīs certōseek the decision with the weapons

auctōritās collēgiīdecision of the Pontifices

causae dēcīsiōfinal decision, final judgement

certāmen suprēmumdecision fight

certum est mihiit is determined, it is my decision, it is my resolution, it is my will, I am resolved, I mean

competītor certāmine īnferior discēditthe competitor loses the decision

comprōmittere, comprōmittō, comprōmīsī, comprōmissumpromise mutually to abide by the decision of an arbiter, promise at the same time

cōnsilium capiōdecide, resolve, make a plan, take a decision, project, form a purpose, form a plan

cōnsilium certumfirm resolution, firm decision

cōnsilium mihi captum esta decision was made by me

cōnsultātiō, cōnsultātiōnis fa mature deliberation, consideration, consultation, subject of consultation, case proposed for decision, an inquiry concerning a case in law, , general inquiry upon a subject, a consideration of a principle, an asking for instructions,

contra decretum suffragorvote against the resolution, vote against the decision

crīmen, crīminis njudicial decision, verdict, judgment, charge, accusation, reproach, calumny, slander, object of reproach, object of invective, fault complained of, crime, fault, offence, defect, object representing a crime, cause of a crime, a criminal

dēcernere, dēcernō, dēcrēvī, dēcrētumdecide, determine, pronounce a decision, judge, decree, vote for any thing, decide by combat, fight, combat, contend, resolve on something

dēcertātiō, dēcertātiōnis fthe decision of a dispute, a decisive conflict or contest

dēcīsiōnī reclāmāturthe decision is being protested

dēcrētōrius, dēcrētōria, dēcrētōriumbelonging to a decision, decisiv

dēcrētum ad parsimōnia pertinēnssavings decision

sors, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

sortis, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

statuere, statuō, statuī, statūtumstrengthen, support, constitute, appoint, create, fix, decide, determine, settle, bring about, choose, make a decision, conclude, determine, be convinced, judge, declare as a judgment, be of opinion, hold

summōrum cōnsultumdecision of the summit

tribūnōs plēbis in aliquā rē ā praetōre appellōappeal in one case against the decision of the

ultima dīmicātiōdecision battle, decisive fight

venit rēs ad ultimum dīmicātiōnisit comes to the decisive fight, it comes to the decision fight

voluntāteof one's own free will, by one's own decision, voluntarily, gladly


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