| | commodum ..., cum ... | commodum ..., cum ... | gerade..., als...just - when | | | |
| | commodum discesserat, cum ... | commodum discesserat, cum ... | gerade war er weggegangen, als ...he had just left when | | | |
| | accipitrina haec nunc erit | accipitrīna haec nunc erit | das wird nun der Geier holenthe vulture will get that now | | | |
| | accubo cum aliquo | accubō cum aliquō | habe jdn. zum Tischnachbarnsomebody to have a table neighbor | | | |
| | accumbo cum aliquo | accumbō cum aliquō | habe jdn. zum Tischnachbarnsomebody to have a table neighbor | | | |
| | ad eandem mensam cum servo accedo | ad eandem mēnsam cum servō accēdō | setze mich mit meinem Sklaven an denselben Tisch | | | |
| | ad pactionem adeo cum aliquo | ad pactiōnem adeō cum aliquō | schließe einen Vergleich mit jdm. | | | |
| | adventum tuum extimesco | adventum tuum extimēscō | deine Ankunft macht mir Angst | | | |
| | | | habe Angst vor deiner AnkunftI'm afraid of your arrival, your arrival scares me | | | |
| | aequo iure vivo cum aliquo | aequō iūre vīvō cum aliquō | lebe in Rechtsgleicheit mit jdm.live in legal equality with someone | | | |
| | aerarium si exhauserimus, supplemendum erit | aerārium si exhauserimus, supplemendum erit | wenn wir die Staatskasse geleert haben, wird man sie wieder füllen müssenwhen we have emptied the treasury, it will have to be filled again | | | |
| | agitur bene cum aliquo | agitur bene cum aliquō | es steht gut um jdn.things are good for someone | | | |
| | agitur praeclare cum aliquo | agitur praeclārē cum aliquō | es steht vortrefflich um jdn.it is excellent for someone | | | |
| | ago cum aliquo | agō cum aliquō | habe einen Rechtsstreit mit jdm.have a lawsuit with somebody | | | |
| | | | verfahre mit jdm.deal with someone | | | |
| | ago cum legato | agō cum lēgātō | verhandele mit dem Gesandtennegotiate with the envoy | | | |
| | aliquid mihi commodum accidit | aliquid mihi commodum accidit | etwas kommt mir gelegen | | | |
| | | | etwas kommt mir gerade rechtsomething comes in handy, something comes just in time, something comes my way | | | |
| | | | etwas kommt mir zupass | | | |
| | altercor cum aliquo | altercor cum aliquō | streite mit jdm. mit Wortenargue with someone with words, fight a battle of words with someone | | | |
| | alterna loquor cum aliquo | alterna loquor cum aliquō | halte Zwiesprache mit jdm.communicate with someone | | | |
| | alterum cum altero compenso | alterum cum alterō compēnsō | bringe beides in die Balancebring both into balance (aliquid cum aliquā rē - etw. durch etw.) | | | |
| | | | bringe beides ins Gleichgewichtbalance the two (aliquid cum aliquā rē - etw. durch etw.) | | | |
| | amicitiam contraho cum aliquo | amīcitiam contrahō cum aliquō | schließe Freundschaft mit jdm.make friends with someone | | | |
| | amicitiam facio cum aliquo | amīcitiam faciō cum aliquō | schließe Freundschaft mit jdm.make friends with someone | | | |
| | amicitiam gero cum aliquo | amīcitiam gerō cum aliquō | hege Freundschaft zu jdm.be friends with someone, cherish friendship with someone | | | |
| | amicitiam ineo cum aliquo | amīcitiam ineō cum aliquō | schließe Freundschaft mit jdm.make friends with someone | | | |
| | amicitiam iungo cum aliquo | amīcitiam iungō cum aliquō | schließe Freundschaft mit jdm.make friends with someone | | | |
| | amicitiam pango cum aliquo | amīcitiam pangō cum aliquō | schließe Freundschaft mit jdm.make friends with someone | | | |
| | animam cum sanguine effundo | animam cum sanguine effundō | verblutebleed to death | | | |
| | arma cum aliquo iungo | arma cum aliquō iungō | vereinige mich militärisch mit jdm.join forces with someone | | | |
| | artissimo amicitiae vinculo coniunctus sum cum aliquo | artissimō amīcitiae vinculō coniūnctus sum cum aliquō | bin jdm. in engster Freundschaft verbundenbe close friend with someone | | | |
| | assiduus sum cum aliquo | assiduus sum cum aliquō | bin immer in jds. Gesellschaftalways be in someone's company | | | |
| | beateque vivere nihil aliud est nisi cum voluptate vivere | beātē vīvere nihil aliud est nisi cum voluptāte vīvere | glückseliges Leben bedeutet nichts anderes als mit Lust lebenblissful living means nothing other than lustful living | | | |
| | bellum coniungo cum aliquo | bellum coniungō cum aliquō | führe den Krieg mit jdm. gemeinschaftlichwage war together with someone | | | |
| | bellum cum aliquo ineo | bellum cum aliquō ineō | fange mit jdm. Krieg anstart a war with someone, go to war with someone | | | |
| | bene (optime) ago cum aliquo | bene (optimē) agō cum aliquō | verfahre (sehr) gut mit jdm.deal (very) well with someone | | | |
| | bene agitur cum aliquo | bene agitur cum aliquō | es geht jdm. gut | | | |
| | | | es steht mit jdm. gutit is well with someone | | | |
| | bene ago cum aliquo | bene agō cum aliquō | behandele jdn. freundlichtreat someone kindly, deal well with someone | | | |
| | | | gehe gut mit jdm. um | | | |
| | bene convenit alicui cum aliquo | bene convenit alicuī cum aliquō | jd. steht auf gutem Fuß mit jdm.be on good terms with someone | | | |
| | | | jd. steht in einem guten Verhältnis zu jdm.be in a good relationship with someone | | | |
| | beneficium cum usuris reddo | beneficium cum ūsūrīs reddō | gebe eine Wohltat mit Zinsen zurückrepay a benefit with interest | | | |
| | | | vergelte eine Wohltat mit Zinsen | | | |
| | bona cum vitiis compenso | bona cum vitiis compēnsō | stelle das Gute und die Fehler ausgleichend gegenüberbalance the good and the mistakes | | | |
| | bona venia (bona cum venia) | bonā veniā (bonā cum veniā) | mit freundlicher Erlaubnis | | | |
| | | | mit gütiger Erlaubnis | | | |
| | | | mit gütiger Nachsichtwith kind permission, with kind indulgence | | | |
| | Cappadocia cum Cilicia continens est | Cappadocia cum Ciliciā continēns est | Kappadokien grenzt unmittelbar an Kilikien | | | |
| | carpento sedeo cum uxore | carpentō sedeō cum uxōre | sitze mit meiner Gattin im Wagenbe in the car | | | |
| | causam amicitiae habeo cum aliquo | causam amīcitiae habeō cum aliquō | stehe in freundschaftlicher Beziehung zu jdm.be on friendly terms with someone | | | |
| | cavillor cum aliquo | cavillor cum aliquō | necke jdn.tease someone, ridicule someone | | | |
| | | | ziehe jdn. auf | | | |
| | cedo istuc tuum consilium | cedo istuc tuum cōnsilium | heraus mit diesem deinem Plan!out with this plan of yours! | | | |
| | ceu cum | ceu cum | wie wennas when | | | |
| | clandestina colloquia cum hostibus | clandestīna colloquia cum hostibus | Geheimgespräche mit den Feindensecret talks with the enemies | | | |
| | clipeum argenteum cum imagine Hasdrubalis | clipeum argenteum cum imāgine Hasdrubalis | ein silbernes Medaillon mit Hasdrubals Bildnisa silver medallion with Hasdrubal's portrait | | | |
| | coeo cum aliquo de aliqua re | coeō cum aliquō dē aliquā rē | komme mit jdm in etw. überein | | | |
| | cohaereo cum aliqua re | cohaereō cum aliquā rē | stehe im Zusammenhang mit etw. | | | |
| | collaboro solide cum aliquo | collabōrō solidē cum aliquō | arbeite eng mit jdm. zusammenwork closely with someone | | | |
| | colloquium cum diurnario habitum | colloquium cum diurnāriō habitum | Pressegesprächpress briefing, press conference | | | |
| | | | Zeitungsinterviewnewspaper interview | | | |
| | colloquuntur cum aliquo | colloquuntur cum aliquō | sie besprechen sich mit jdm.they confer with someone, they are talking to someone | | | |
| | commercium habeo cum aliquo | commercium habeō cum aliquō | stehe im Verkehr mit jdm.be in contact with someone | | | |
| | | | stehe in Berührung mit jdm. | | | |
| | | | stehe in Verbindung mit jdm. | | | |
| | commercium non habeo cum aliquo | commercium nōn habeō cum aliquō | pflege keinen Verkehr mit jdm.not to have intercourse with anyone, not to be in contact with someone | | | |
| | | | stehe nicht in Verbindung mit jdm. | | | |
| | commodum | commodum | eben | | | |
| | | | gerade | | | |
| | | | gerade rechtat a fit time, just in time, at the very nick, at the very moment, opportunely, seasonably | | | |
| | | | soeben | | | |
| | commodum ... et ... | commodum ... et ... | eben gerade... und ... | | | |
| | commodum alicuius exspecto | commodum alicuius exspectō | warte, bis es jdm. genehm istwait until it is convenient for someone | | | |
| | commodum aperitur foris | commodum aperītur foris | gerade eben wird die Tür geöffnetjust now the door is opened | | | |
| | commodum est | commodum est | es gefällt | | | |
| | | | es ist genehmit is approved, it likes, it pleases | | | |
| | commodum ipse exit | commodum ipse exit | soeben kommt er selbst herausjust now he comes out himself | | | |
| | commodum, commodi n | commodum, commodī n | Bequemlichkeit | | | |
| | | | gelegene Zeit | | | |
| | | | geliehenes Gut | | | |
| | | | Glück | | | |
| | | | günstige Lage | | | |
| | | | günstiger Zeitpunkt | | | |
| | | | Interesse | | | |
| | | | Nutzen | | | |
| | | | Vorteilconvenient opportunity, favorable condition, convenience, advantage, profit, reward, pay, stipend, salary, wages for public service, favor, privilege, immunity, useful thing, a good, that which is lent, a loan | | | |
| | | | Wohl | | | |
| | | | Zuträglichkeit | | | |
| | commodus, commoda, commodum | commodus, commoda, commodum | angemessenthat has a due or proper measure, complete, perfect, of full weight or measure, fit, suitable, due, proper, convenient, opportune, commodious, easy, appropriate, favorable, friendly to | | | |
| | | | artig | | | |
| | | | bequem | | | |
| | | | bereitwillig | | | |
| | | | bescheiden | | | |
| | | | entsprechend | | | |
| | | | freundlichserving a neighbor or accommodating one’s self to his wishes, useful, serviceable, pleasant, agreeable, obliging, neighborly, friendly, polite, affable, gentle | | | |
| | | | geeignet | | | |
| | | | gefällig | | | |